1 tim. 3 min

Panel Perfect #14: Flashpoint (w/ Paul Naegle Panel Perfect

    • Filmintervjuer

Welcome back, folks! Panel Perfect has returned with your weekly dose of insights and excitement related to positively talking about the printed page! This week comedian and literature junkie Paul Naegle joins our hosts to talk about either the greatest or worst story to happen to the DCU: Flashpoint, the modern Flash classic/trainwreck from Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert. 

Contained in this mighty episode: 

- Alex literally can't contain his excitement that this is a Flash episode.

- Paul wonders if superhero stories have now devolved into simply packaging franchise elements together

- Max wonders why the ending of Flashpoint soured so many people on the book.

- How and Why did Batman get left in the care of his Butler? The panel discusses.

- Alex maintains he'll believe in a Flash movie when he sees it.

That's all for now, true believers! We'll be back next week with more comic-infused excitement!







Welcome back, folks! Panel Perfect has returned with your weekly dose of insights and excitement related to positively talking about the printed page! This week comedian and literature junkie Paul Naegle joins our hosts to talk about either the greatest or worst story to happen to the DCU: Flashpoint, the modern Flash classic/trainwreck from Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert. 

Contained in this mighty episode: 

- Alex literally can't contain his excitement that this is a Flash episode.

- Paul wonders if superhero stories have now devolved into simply packaging franchise elements together

- Max wonders why the ending of Flashpoint soured so many people on the book.

- How and Why did Batman get left in the care of his Butler? The panel discusses.

- Alex maintains he'll believe in a Flash movie when he sees it.

That's all for now, true believers! We'll be back next week with more comic-infused excitement!







1 tim. 3 min