55 min

PSALM 8 (part 2): The Messiah in Psalm 8 (Psalm 8:3-6‪)‬ Oxford Bible Church - Living in the Last Days

    • Kristendom

In Psalm 8:3-4, David declares that even though man seems small compared to the vastness of the universe, man is important to God. In the remaining verses, he expounds this further by declaring God's purpose for man, to be the crown of His creation, as revealed in Genesis 1-2, especially Genesis 1:26-28, where man is (1) created in God's image and (2) given dominion over the whole earth and all its creatures. In v5, he even says: "For You have made him a little lower than ELOHIM." The primary translation of Elohim is God, although it sometimes can be translated 'angels' or 'heavenly beings.' The fact David is declaring the truth of Genesis 1 strongly supports the translation of 'God.' But since this is such a strong statement, the Septuagint and any translations translate it as 'angels'. Previously in the Psalm, David had established the infinite gap between God above and man below, so in v5 he was emphasising the balancing truth that God has created man to be the highest of His creatures, who, being in His image was made to be as close to God as it is possible for a creature to be to His infinite Creator. Moreover, God crowned man with glory and gave him the honour (authority) of ruling under God over all his creation (v6).

Psalm 8 was written 3,000 years after the Fall of Man, when man submitted himself to God's enemy, and lost much of his glory and honour. Yet amazingly Psalm 8 speaks as if the Fall never happened! This can only mean that God still intends to fulfil His original plan and purpose for man, to crown him with glory and honour and give him dominion over all His Creation. This requires the Coming of the God-man Messiah to save man from sin and the kingdom of darkness, and restore him to his high position as ruler in His Kingdom over His Creation - crowning him with glory and honour (v4, Genesis 3:15). Thus David is declaring that God's ultimate purpose for man will be fulfilled through the Messiah. We see that the New Testament confirms this Messianic interpretation in Hebrews 2:5-11, which quotes Psalm 8, and declares that it has been initially fulfilled in the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ, who was crowned with glory and honour in His resurrection and ascension, and who will also bring Psalm 8 into complete fulfilment by bringing many sons to glory (Hebrews 2:10) - even God's New Creation of redeemed humanity in Christ.

In Psalm 8:3-4, David declares that even though man seems small compared to the vastness of the universe, man is important to God. In the remaining verses, he expounds this further by declaring God's purpose for man, to be the crown of His creation, as revealed in Genesis 1-2, especially Genesis 1:26-28, where man is (1) created in God's image and (2) given dominion over the whole earth and all its creatures. In v5, he even says: "For You have made him a little lower than ELOHIM." The primary translation of Elohim is God, although it sometimes can be translated 'angels' or 'heavenly beings.' The fact David is declaring the truth of Genesis 1 strongly supports the translation of 'God.' But since this is such a strong statement, the Septuagint and any translations translate it as 'angels'. Previously in the Psalm, David had established the infinite gap between God above and man below, so in v5 he was emphasising the balancing truth that God has created man to be the highest of His creatures, who, being in His image was made to be as close to God as it is possible for a creature to be to His infinite Creator. Moreover, God crowned man with glory and gave him the honour (authority) of ruling under God over all his creation (v6).

Psalm 8 was written 3,000 years after the Fall of Man, when man submitted himself to God's enemy, and lost much of his glory and honour. Yet amazingly Psalm 8 speaks as if the Fall never happened! This can only mean that God still intends to fulfil His original plan and purpose for man, to crown him with glory and honour and give him dominion over all His Creation. This requires the Coming of the God-man Messiah to save man from sin and the kingdom of darkness, and restore him to his high position as ruler in His Kingdom over His Creation - crowning him with glory and honour (v4, Genesis 3:15). Thus David is declaring that God's ultimate purpose for man will be fulfilled through the Messiah. We see that the New Testament confirms this Messianic interpretation in Hebrews 2:5-11, which quotes Psalm 8, and declares that it has been initially fulfilled in the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ, who was crowned with glory and honour in His resurrection and ascension, and who will also bring Psalm 8 into complete fulfilment by bringing many sons to glory (Hebrews 2:10) - even God's New Creation of redeemed humanity in Christ.

55 min