27 min

Rozhovor s Annou Mašátovou riaditeľkou festivalu a konferencie Nouvelle Prague 2021 MusicPress PODCAST

    • Musikintervjuer

Ako to funguje na konferencií a showcase Nouvelle Prague. Kde robia umelci chybu v komunikácií a mnoho ďalšieho sa dozvieš v rozhovore s Annou Mašátovou.

Nouvelle Prague is the first international showcase festival in the Czech Republic associated with a professional music conference focused on current topics of live music production, that takes place since 2013. The two-day indoor music festival is for both professionals and the general public. The goal of Nouvelle Prague is to create a unique platform for connecting the activities of musicians with professionals in the music industry, to support networking, sharing experiences between professionals from around the world, and showcasing new talents from home and abroad.

pýtal sa: Daniel Hevier ml.

odpovedal: Anna Mašátová

produkcia: David MJRSK

výroba: Music Press Production s.r.o. / Musicpress.sk Magazín

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Ako to funguje na konferencií a showcase Nouvelle Prague. Kde robia umelci chybu v komunikácií a mnoho ďalšieho sa dozvieš v rozhovore s Annou Mašátovou.

Nouvelle Prague is the first international showcase festival in the Czech Republic associated with a professional music conference focused on current topics of live music production, that takes place since 2013. The two-day indoor music festival is for both professionals and the general public. The goal of Nouvelle Prague is to create a unique platform for connecting the activities of musicians with professionals in the music industry, to support networking, sharing experiences between professionals from around the world, and showcasing new talents from home and abroad.

pýtal sa: Daniel Hevier ml.

odpovedal: Anna Mašátová

produkcia: David MJRSK

výroba: Music Press Production s.r.o. / Musicpress.sk Magazín

Podporiť nás môžeš cez PATREON alebo kúpou tričiek a merch na




27 min