6 min

S3-14 Preparation for Medical Appointments Abroad Sunshine Japanese Yasashii Nihon-go radio

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Navigating a doctor's visit in a foreign country can be daunting. How do you prepare for such an experience? Join me in this episode as I introduce my simple strategy for overcoming this challenge.

This episode's vocab list:

初めて for the first time

眼医者 eye doctor; ophthalmologist

ドライアイが気になりました。 I worried about dry eyes

緊張する to feel nervous

それに moreover; also

聞きなれない言葉 unfamiliar words

たまたまpurely by chance

主人もその時間空いていました。My husband also had that time period free

検査の結果 the result of the examination

意識的に瞬きをする to blink consciously

目薬をさす to apply eye drops

瞼を暖める to warm eyelids

目が潤う the eyes become moist or hydrated

前もって beforehand

気持ちが楽になります。I will feel better.

心の準備 mental preparation

Navigating a doctor's visit in a foreign country can be daunting. How do you prepare for such an experience? Join me in this episode as I introduce my simple strategy for overcoming this challenge.

This episode's vocab list:

初めて for the first time

眼医者 eye doctor; ophthalmologist

ドライアイが気になりました。 I worried about dry eyes

緊張する to feel nervous

それに moreover; also

聞きなれない言葉 unfamiliar words

たまたまpurely by chance

主人もその時間空いていました。My husband also had that time period free

検査の結果 the result of the examination

意識的に瞬きをする to blink consciously

目薬をさす to apply eye drops

瞼を暖める to warm eyelids

目が潤う the eyes become moist or hydrated

前もって beforehand

気持ちが楽になります。I will feel better.

心の準備 mental preparation

6 min