50 min

Scuffed Deep Dive: Pokemon Ep. III LDRSHP

    • Spel

In our final Episode for the Pokemon Scuffed Deep dive we dove into breeding and how wild it really is as a competitive part of Pokemon. After that read a nice little excerpt about the Mythology and almost religion of the creation of the Pokemon universe. From there we decided to touch on a couple other games within the Pokemon series that didn't really fit into the traditional pokemon game series, those two were Pokemon Go, a true cultural phenomenon, as well as Pokemon Stadium, a pure Nostalgic game for us all.

In our final Episode for the Pokemon Scuffed Deep dive we dove into breeding and how wild it really is as a competitive part of Pokemon. After that read a nice little excerpt about the Mythology and almost religion of the creation of the Pokemon universe. From there we decided to touch on a couple other games within the Pokemon series that didn't really fit into the traditional pokemon game series, those two were Pokemon Go, a true cultural phenomenon, as well as Pokemon Stadium, a pure Nostalgic game for us all.

50 min