1 tim. 11 min

Still Dope Talks Diddy and Spacey Still Dope Podcast

    • TV-recensioner

This week we are minus one with Chris at Yankee Stadium enjoying a baseball game, so the its an all ladies show!

Tanya and Shahidah discuss the Sean Combs aka Diddy video and apology and the Max Kevin Spacey documentary.

Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233

#Diddy #Videotape #Cassie #Kevin Spacey #abuse #sexualabuse #men #women #relationships

This week we are minus one with Chris at Yankee Stadium enjoying a baseball game, so the its an all ladies show!

Tanya and Shahidah discuss the Sean Combs aka Diddy video and apology and the Max Kevin Spacey documentary.

Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233

#Diddy #Videotape #Cassie #Kevin Spacey #abuse #sexualabuse #men #women #relationships

1 tim. 11 min