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Welcome to Success Unscrambled where I help women who want to live a life of time and freedom become wildly successful using proven organic marketing strategies. Grab business ideas like how to start a business without a degree, 50+ ideas to market your business. Learn to get paid by blogging, monetise your blog, get your blog noticed and how to blog consistently. Also, check out things that rich people do differently as well as SEO for beginners.

Success Unscrambled Podcast Alvern Bullard

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Welcome to Success Unscrambled where I help women who want to live a life of time and freedom become wildly successful using proven organic marketing strategies. Grab business ideas like how to start a business without a degree, 50+ ideas to market your business. Learn to get paid by blogging, monetise your blog, get your blog noticed and how to blog consistently. Also, check out things that rich people do differently as well as SEO for beginners.

    5 Genuine Goal-Setting Exercises for Entrepreneurs

    5 Genuine Goal-Setting Exercises for Entrepreneurs

    Stacy wanted this year to be different but she needed help with her goal-setting exercises.

    After looking at what she managed to accomplish over the last 12 months she knew that something needed to change.

    Some weeks over the last financial year were downright hairy because of the limited amount of cash flow.

    Plus her dream of living on a tropical island for 6 months of the year hasn't materialised just yet.

    If you can relate to Stacy let me know if these points sound familiar.

    * Setting goals and achieving them can be quite daunting

    * You've rarely ever accomplished the goals that you set in the specific timeframe

    * Others seem to be better at setting goals but it doesn't work for you

    * You have a goal but you are clueless about the steps needed to take action

    Wouldn't it be lovely if there was a realistic way to set achievable goals with action steps as well?

    In this resource, you'll discover a few key secrets that separate the winners from the others.

    Join me as we look at a few goal-setting exercises for complete beginners.

    The Goal-Setting Process

    Before looking at the various goal-setting exercises available for you to use.

    It is important to understand the various aspects of the goal-setting process.

    Many people make the mistake of looking at the ultimate goal while ignoring the reasons behind that goal.

    For example, if you have professional goals like getting a 6-figure deal or having an income of $10k/month why do you need that money?

    I'll tell you why...

    It's because you have a number of personal goals behind those specific goals.

    This could range from larger goals like buying a mansion or a sports car to smaller goals like hiring a fitness coach.

    At the end of the day, the goal-setting process should start with the realistic goals of improving the quality of your life and the lives of your loved ones.

    It's important that you have a process that walks through the stages by adopting the 7 whys principle. At each stage of the process ask yourself why you want that thing.

    Here's what that looks like...

    * I want to make $100K a year so that I can

    * Pay for living expenses so that I can

    * Buy a beautiful home so that I can

    * Provide a secure life for me and my family so that I can

    * Not have to worry about emergencies so I can

    * Live my perfect day so that I can

    * Do the things I enjoy

    Of course, you can also do this powerful exercise in reverse order.

    The most important step is that your focus is on accomplishing the right goal to create a life worth living.

    Also, these must be meaningful goals for your future self so that you'll be motivated sufficiently to accomplish them.

    1. Your Perfect Day

    A number of years ago I was encouraged to write out in detail what my perfect day will look like.

    At the time, I was not a digital nomad or even a virtual assistant.

    In fact, I thought that it was a lot of wishful thinking.

    With a bit of hesitation,

    • 39 min
    The Ultimate Guide to Freelance Marketing Consultant Rates

    The Ultimate Guide to Freelance Marketing Consultant Rates

    Siobhan needed help promoting her small business but she didn't know what are the current freelance marketing consultant rates.

    This is important for her because she didn't want to pay too much for digital marketing services.

    Yes, leads and sales are important to the survival of any business.

    Like many entrepreneurs and small business owners, Siobhan prefers spending time doing what she enjoys.

    She just was not interested in learning to become a digital marketer herself.

    Let me know if you face these struggles like Siobhan.

    * You need more leads and sales in your business this year

    * Setting up a 12-month marketing plan is outside your comfort zone

    * You like showing up on social media but you don't have a marketing strategy in place

    * Terms like ROAS, abandon cart emails, CTR, conversion rate, LTV and MRR are way outside your wheelhouse

    If only there was a way to figure out the cost of a marketing consultant so that you can include them in your marketing budget.

    In this resource, you'll discover simple strategies to plan, budget and hire your digital marketing strategist to significantly increase your business revenue.

    What or Who is a Marketing Consultant?

    For the purposes of this resource, a marketing consultant is someone who works alongside a business at a strategic level to lead their marketing plan.

    In many cases, a business will hire a marketing consultant to fix issues like underperforming campaigns.

    Sometimes they are brought in to help an organisation adopt a more cohesive approach to their marketing strategy.

    Ideally, there would need to be a budget set aside for marketing spend and your marketing consultant can oversee how to spend it effectively.

    Your marketing consultant should help you get a good return on your marketing spend.

    A marketing consultant can look at the historical data from your marketing spend vs results over the last 3-12 months and give you wise insights.

    It is important to note that even the best marketing consultants are not magicians.

    They don't have control over external forces, economic factors, market trends or making things go viral.

    Social Media Manager vs Marketing Assistant vs Marketing Manager vs Marketing Consultant

    Before we look at rates it's important to understand all the different roles that promote a business.

    Let's spend some time understanding who these people are and what they do.

    1. Social Media Manager

    Depending on the size of your business you may already have someone who looks after your social media accounts.

    Their role would be to develop a plan for the social media channels, write the copy, create the graphics and schedule out the content.

    They would also look at the performance of the content and suggest ways to improve the results of their social media efforts.

    Another vital role would be to keep up with the latest trends and grow the social media community for the business.

    2. Marketing Assistant or Marketing Coordinator

    So how does the social media manager differ from a marketing assistant or marketing specialist?

    Well, a marketing assistant also known as a marketing co-ordinator does just th...

    • 21 min
    How to Get Potential Clients Through Cold Email

    How to Get Potential Clients Through Cold Email

    Shelley started her business recently and she had a burning question, how to get potential clients through cold email?

    As an entrepreneur, you know that it's important to constantly have cash flow in your business.

    Without any consistent income, your business is just an expensive hobby.

    The one skill every entrepreneur needs to master is getting sales or clients into their business.

    Shelley was keenly aware of this which is why she needed to find a way to master this skill.

    Here are three things to consider when you decide to use cold emails as your way of generating leads.

    * You'll need a fresh list of people to email every week

    * Sending out emails that get responses is crucial

    * Doing this 100% manually can be a daunting task

    * Nobody likes to be sold to but everyone likes to buy

    If only there was a way for Shelley to get proven strategies and resources that work every single time.

    In this resource, you'll discover a number of key elements and insider secrets that you can use to get the results that you need.

    Email Marketing Statistics

    So, you're probably wondering why Shelley decided to use cold email as her lead generation strategy.

    Well, according to Oberlo, there are 4.3 billion users of email globally and this is set to increase to 4.6 billion in the next few years.

    Another surprising statistic from the same source reveals that over 3 billion emails are sent every day.

    To put that into perspective, there are 2 billion active users of Facebook daily.

    In terms of return on investment, the figures show that you can expect to generate $40 for every $1 spent on emails.

    81% of business owners continue to use email as their source of customer acquisition.

    Also, welcome emails have the highest open rates at 68.6% when compared to the average email open rate of 19.7%.

    Did you know that 49% of consumers said that they like to get promotional emails from their favourite brands weekly?

    Based on what you know now about email marketing do you think that Shelley has made a good decision?

    List of Potential Clients

    One of the toughest things Shelley needs to do before sending out cold emails is to develop a list of her prospective clients.

    Have you ever wondered where people find a list of ideal clients?

    If you have no idea who your potential client or buyer persona is then it will be more difficult to find them.

    So, spend some time developing an avatar of your prospective client before moving to the stage of getting a list.

    One of the things to figure out when profiling your ideal client avatar is where you can find them quickly and easily.

    When you know who they are and where they spend most of their time then it becomes easier to find them as well as their email addresses.

    A number of places where you can find them could include:

    * LinkedIn

    * Business website

    * Instagram

    * Facebook

    * 3rd Party Publications

    Let's look at ways in which you can develop a solid list of prospect...

    • 23 min
    How to Get Clients Through Facebook Ads – The Guide

    How to Get Clients Through Facebook Ads – The Guide

    Nellie sighed, her business has experienced a great level of success over the last 3 years but now she wondered how to get clients through Facebook Ads.

    She knows that in order to take her business to the next level and generate the revenue needed to fulfil her dreams.

    It was imperative for her to scale her cash flow.

    Nellie had about 110 clients on a monthly retainer or subscription.

    What would be nice is if she had two new groups of clients.

    * Project-based clients for VIP day engagements

    * Consulting clients who needed more high-end services

    Have you experienced something similar to these points in your business as well?

    * You're making 2-3 sales a week on your signature offer

    * You are making between $12k and $15k per month consistently

    * It is your dream to get to $20k and then $50k per month but you're not sure how

    Just recently, I was listening to one of my peers say that they were unsure what to do next to get the results they needed in their business.

    In this resource, you'll learn a simple step-by-step process about how to get clients through Facebook Ads.

    Why Facebook Ads?

    Before looking at that process, it's important to understand why Nellie is interested in learning about Facebook marketing.

    So, let's spend some time looking at the latest Facebook advertising statistics.

    Facebook currently has over 3 billion monthly active users based on an article from Demand Sage.

    According to Hubspot, Facebook Ads reach 62.2% of all Americans from age 13+.

    In that same resource, we can see that there are over 10 million active advertisers on the Facebook platform compared to an audience of 2.25 billion in terms of advertising audience size.

    That means, only 0.45% of active advertisers compared to the audience size. I'll let that sink in for a second.

    During 2022, Meta generated $113 billion in ad revenue. This means they make $51/person in their advertising audience.

    Most users in the US are aged between 25-34.

    Facebook is used by 67% of social media advertisers and 25% of marketers say that Facebook has the highest return on investment.

    Now that you know this essential information do you think Nellie's interest in using Facebook Ads for her business is justified?

    Ideal Client

    No matter how good the Facebook ads statistics appear to be.

    It is really important that you answer this question.

    Is your target audience hanging out on Facebook? If yes, then it means that Facebook is a great platform to get clients.

    Having a clear understanding of who your ideal client is will help you to succeed with Facebook ads.

    The reason for this is that one of the most intriguing aspects of Facebook Ads Manager is the ability to choose the right audience.

    This is accomplished using a process called audience mining.

    A few good examples of this are knowing who your target market follows, what they listen to, where they spend their time online and what apps they use to stay informed.

    • 34 min
    How to Attract New Clients in 5 Incredible Ways

    How to Attract New Clients in 5 Incredible Ways

    Melia felt tired and frustrated from working 50-hour weeks, something needed to change fast.

    She would do anything to start her own business but didn't know how to attract clients.

    Melia knew that if she didn't figure this out in the next 6 weeks, she would need to quit her job of 14 years.

    Yes, there's a lot of information available on YouTube and blogs across the Internet.

    However, what would be nice is if she could find a resource that would lead her through the client attraction process successfully, step by step.

    Let me know if you struggle with any of these.

    * You know that client acquisition is very important for your small business

    * No clients means no cashflow, revenue or income

    * It would be best if you generated a lot of income to become profitable

    * Getting your business to 5-figure months consistently is the ultimate dream

    If only there was a way to get this process automated or at least have multiple streams of consistent high-quality leads.

    In this resource, you'll discover how implementing a few simple systems can generate leads that'll help you generate the income and profits needed to go laughing all the way to the bank.

    5 Things You're Probably Doing Wrong

    Before looking at those 5 incredible ways to attract clients let's spend some time looking at the things that don't work.

    At least when you know what not to do you'll understand the reason why you're not generating leads for your business.

    You'll also have a better idea of how easy it is to settle for these default or vanilla options in your business.

    1. Talking to Everyone

    Several years ago when I was brand new to business I didn't understand the concept of target marketing.

    When asked by my business advisor who is my target market, I responded with, "Anyone who needs my services".

    There's a common phrase in marketing which says, when you talk to everyone, you're talking to no one and this is so true.

    2. Not Digging Deep Enough

    Another common mistake is when you are addressing a specific target audience you are not digging deep enough.

    What I mean by this is that you are solving a core problem for your potential customers and this core problem has symptoms.

    For example, when someone is constantly late for all their appointments, what is the real problem? Please don't say that they need a watch. Lol!!

    3. Wrong Platform

    You might not be someone who has difficulty with talking to everyone or digging deep but what about the platform you are using to promote your business?

    Are you using the right platform where your ideal client is hanging out?

    Business is so weird, sometimes I find certain types of audiences hanging out in the strangest places.

    4. Suffering From Analysis Paralysis

    This may not be you but there are some people who spend a lot of time analysing everything before taking action.

    They'll choose 2-3 platforms and go on each one to spend time observing conversations and results others get.

    However, spending 6-24 months lurking and observing will definitely not bring you leads.

    5. Stuck in the Content Creation Phase

    • 21 min
    How to Get Clients From Facebook Groups [Bank $1,000]

    How to Get Clients From Facebook Groups [Bank $1,000]

    Are you wondering how to get clients from Facebook groups without feeling icky? You've come to the right place because I've made at least $10,000 using this method.

    In fact, let me tell you the story of Ethney...

    Like many people getting started in business Ethney had big plans of how well her business would do during its first year.

    Ethney was a planner so she wanted to prepare everything before finding her first client.

    She developed a solid business plan, put all her software and systems in place, and got her branding and website ready.

    She also hired an accountant and even consulted with a lawyer for her contracts.

    So, when you look at her business from the outside it was perfect.

    However, there was only one problem...

    Ethney didn't have a single client.

    It means that she really needed to get clients fast otherwise she'd end up with one expensive hobby.

    So, what can she do to resolve this problem?

    In this resource, you'll learn 5 ways to find clients using Facebook groups as well as what you need to do to be ready to get paid.

    5 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Clients in Facebook Groups

    Before diving into how to quickly and easily find clients using Facebook groups, let's first at 5 ways that don't work.

    A little background about me...

    I started my digital business just before 2020 when we had that major global event.

    My first client as well as my first $5,000 online came from me finding a client using a Facebook group.

    I'm telling you this so you'll realise that I'm not just talking about theory but something that worked for me in real life.

    So, here are 5 ways to repel potential clients inside Facebook groups.

    1. Ignoring a Potential Client's Request to Not Send a DM

    I see this quite often inside Facebook groups where a potential client would say something like "no DMs".

    Quite a number of freelancers or VAs would ignore this and send a direct message anyway.

    I remember there was a time when I advertised a role for one of my clients and I asked potential freelancers to send me a DM.

    It was so overwhelming that I swore never to do it again.

    2. Not Paying Close Attention to Their Requirements

    One of the most annoying things anyone can do when offering a service is not 'listening' to your potential client's needs.

    When a prospective customer publishes a post inside a Facebook group giving an overview of their needs and pain points.

    In many instances, they are looking for a specific solution or result.

    For example, the person may say, "I'm not looking for a program or training but a done-for-you service".

    A freelancer may write in the comments, "___________has a really amazing program that would be a great fit for your needs".

    What does the client want? These potential customers are normally cash-rich and time-poor so they have no interest in yet another training program.

    3. Using Vanilla Responses When Commenting

    When trying to get the attention of new clients one of the best ways to get lost in the crowd is to reply like everyone else.

    Responses like "I sent you a DM",

    • 23 min

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