33 min

Sunday Gathering – Genesis – Covenant – Nick Lugg – Sermon Only Sermons | Meadowhead Christian Fellowship

    • Kristendom

Summary of Sermon: Covenant by Nick

This sermon explores the story of Abraham and Sarah from Genesis 17, focusing on the concept of God's covenant and its enduring promises.

Key Points:

God's timing: The passage highlights the vast amount of time that can pass between God's promises and their fulfillment. We can get discouraged by waiting, but God's faithfulness endures. (Genesis 16 & 17)

Resilient Faith: The long wait for a child teaches us about the importance of holding onto faith and God's promises even when there seems to be no progress. (Romans 4:17-21)

God initiates the relationship: God is the one who pursues a relationship with us, revealing Himself and offering His blessings. (Genesis 17:1)

God's Sovereignty: We are not God. There's a healthy reverence and humility required in our relationship with Him. (Genesis 17:3)

The Power of Names: Names and labels can influence our perception. God changes Abram's name to Abraham signifying a shift in his identity and future. (Genesis 17:5)

Transformation: God desires to transform us from the inside out. We can hold ourselves back by clinging to past limitations. (Gideon - Judges 6:11-16)

Promises vs. Feelings: God's promises are not contingent on our emotions. We can rely on His faithfulness even when we doubt or feel discouraged. (Genesis 17:1-8)

Signs of the Covenant: Circumcision served as a physical reminder of God's covenant with Abraham. God gives us various signs to bolster our faith. (Genesis 17:11)


The author uses contemporary examples like service awards and long-term friendships to illustrate God's faithfulness despite the passage of time.

The story of Zacchaeus from the Gospels demonstrates how God takes the initiative in relationships.


We are encouraged to develop a resilient faith that trusts in God's promises even when facing challenges.

We should acknowledge God's sovereignty and majesty in our worship.

The sermon challenges us to examine the labels we place on ourselves and be open to God's transformative work.

We can rely on God's enduring promises regardless of our emotional state.

Verses Referenced:

Genesis 16:1-16

Genesis 17:1-27

Romans 4:17-21

Judges 6:11-16


Thank you very much and excellent foundation this morning to what I want to say from the

team so thank you Stephen team as well for leading us in worship that way we've already

we've raced to Genesis chapter 17. So right into the heart of the story of Abram and

Sarah I and remember Karen spoke very challenging last week about the birth of Ishmael and

how that came about. And so if you do have a Bible or a phone or iPad or whatever it

is figured up to Genesis 17 and we'll read it so we get some context into what I want

to say this morning. So Genesis 17 from verse 1. When Abram was 99 years old the Lord appeared

to him and said I am El Shaddai God almighty serve me faithfully and live a blameless life.

I will make a covenant with you by which I will guarantee to give you countless descendants.

At this Abram fell face down on the ground then God said to him this is my covenant with you

I will make you the father of a multitude of nations what's more I am changing your name

it will no longer be Abram instead you will be called Abraham for you will be the father of

many nations I will make you extremely fruitful your descendants will become many nations and kings

will be among them I will confirm my covenant with you and your descendants after you from

generation to generation this is the everlasting covenant I will always be your God and the God

of your descendants after you and I will give the entire land of Canaan where you now live as a

foreigner to you and your descendants it will be their possession forever and I will be their God

then God said to Abraham your responsibility is to obey the terms of the covenant

you and all your descendants have this continual responsibility thi

Summary of Sermon: Covenant by Nick

This sermon explores the story of Abraham and Sarah from Genesis 17, focusing on the concept of God's covenant and its enduring promises.

Key Points:

God's timing: The passage highlights the vast amount of time that can pass between God's promises and their fulfillment. We can get discouraged by waiting, but God's faithfulness endures. (Genesis 16 & 17)

Resilient Faith: The long wait for a child teaches us about the importance of holding onto faith and God's promises even when there seems to be no progress. (Romans 4:17-21)

God initiates the relationship: God is the one who pursues a relationship with us, revealing Himself and offering His blessings. (Genesis 17:1)

God's Sovereignty: We are not God. There's a healthy reverence and humility required in our relationship with Him. (Genesis 17:3)

The Power of Names: Names and labels can influence our perception. God changes Abram's name to Abraham signifying a shift in his identity and future. (Genesis 17:5)

Transformation: God desires to transform us from the inside out. We can hold ourselves back by clinging to past limitations. (Gideon - Judges 6:11-16)

Promises vs. Feelings: God's promises are not contingent on our emotions. We can rely on His faithfulness even when we doubt or feel discouraged. (Genesis 17:1-8)

Signs of the Covenant: Circumcision served as a physical reminder of God's covenant with Abraham. God gives us various signs to bolster our faith. (Genesis 17:11)


The author uses contemporary examples like service awards and long-term friendships to illustrate God's faithfulness despite the passage of time.

The story of Zacchaeus from the Gospels demonstrates how God takes the initiative in relationships.


We are encouraged to develop a resilient faith that trusts in God's promises even when facing challenges.

We should acknowledge God's sovereignty and majesty in our worship.

The sermon challenges us to examine the labels we place on ourselves and be open to God's transformative work.

We can rely on God's enduring promises regardless of our emotional state.

Verses Referenced:

Genesis 16:1-16

Genesis 17:1-27

Romans 4:17-21

Judges 6:11-16


Thank you very much and excellent foundation this morning to what I want to say from the

team so thank you Stephen team as well for leading us in worship that way we've already

we've raced to Genesis chapter 17. So right into the heart of the story of Abram and

Sarah I and remember Karen spoke very challenging last week about the birth of Ishmael and

how that came about. And so if you do have a Bible or a phone or iPad or whatever it

is figured up to Genesis 17 and we'll read it so we get some context into what I want

to say this morning. So Genesis 17 from verse 1. When Abram was 99 years old the Lord appeared

to him and said I am El Shaddai God almighty serve me faithfully and live a blameless life.

I will make a covenant with you by which I will guarantee to give you countless descendants.

At this Abram fell face down on the ground then God said to him this is my covenant with you

I will make you the father of a multitude of nations what's more I am changing your name

it will no longer be Abram instead you will be called Abraham for you will be the father of

many nations I will make you extremely fruitful your descendants will become many nations and kings

will be among them I will confirm my covenant with you and your descendants after you from

generation to generation this is the everlasting covenant I will always be your God and the God

of your descendants after you and I will give the entire land of Canaan where you now live as a

foreigner to you and your descendants it will be their possession forever and I will be their God

then God said to Abraham your responsibility is to obey the terms of the covenant

you and all your descendants have this continual responsibility thi

33 min