12 min

The AI ‘revolution’ will not take place English language Visionary Marketing Podcasts

    • Affärsnyheter

Just like the Trojan war, the AI “revolution” will not take place*. Today’s topic is the inevitable generative AI. This is the perfect opportunity for us to discuss what a technological revolution is or isn’t. Here are our thoughts, and we might as well warn you that we are putting our trotters in the trough in a very counter-intuitive way. Admittedly, we’re taking a bit of a risk here, but keeping up with the Joneses isn’t a valid option for Visionary Marketers. As we know the subject well from having trained and certified a thousand students, we are also well aware of the limitations of GenAI tools.

The AI “Revolution” Will Not Take Place

* this is a literary reference to Jean Giraudoux

“Generative AI” has been buzzword of the year in 2023 for better or worse. I have wanted to dig somewhat deeper, though. So, what is and isn’t a technological ‘revolution,’ and is AI one of them? That is the question. A few days ago, I came across a LinkedIn post that argued, through a widely shared video, that “nothing was like ever before.” It showed a large crowd filming the 2023 fireworks on the Champs-Élysées with their mobile phones.

A technological “revolution”… really?

In addition to the ubiquitous mobile screens, there were giant LCD displays on the sides and the Arc de Triomphe itself was turned into a mammoth screen. Similar pictures could have been taken in London, New York or Ulan Bator. In a nutshell, what’s new in 2024 is that everyone owns a screen.

It’s laughable in more than many ways. It reminds me of my 2013 presentations on social media. I was already showing the same photo (above, taken from an NBC broadcast), which was supposed to prove a change in society.

Enough of that, let’s get back to our main topic, i.e., generative AI. The 2023 obligatory buzzword has undoubtedly been “revolution” as in “GenAI is a technological revolution.”

This term is ambiguous, though. As Merriam Webster state, a revolution’s first meaning is that of a planet turning on itself, a kind of standstill in fact. A revolution’s first meaning is “back to square zero.” In other words, as Alphonse Karr would have it, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” On the other hand, it’s a term so widely used in innovation that it’s almost embarrassing.

1 (a) 1 Revolution the action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course. also: apparent movement of such a body round the earth [Merriam-Webster]

Try to play down this ‘revolution’ business and people will mock you. It has happened to me. However, one should wonder what, in our daily lives, is bound to change so radically in the coming years.

Fear Is Irrational

Firstly, fear is everywhere, but is it justified? Should we consider AI is a ‘revolution’ merely because we fear we might l...

Just like the Trojan war, the AI “revolution” will not take place*. Today’s topic is the inevitable generative AI. This is the perfect opportunity for us to discuss what a technological revolution is or isn’t. Here are our thoughts, and we might as well warn you that we are putting our trotters in the trough in a very counter-intuitive way. Admittedly, we’re taking a bit of a risk here, but keeping up with the Joneses isn’t a valid option for Visionary Marketers. As we know the subject well from having trained and certified a thousand students, we are also well aware of the limitations of GenAI tools.

The AI “Revolution” Will Not Take Place

* this is a literary reference to Jean Giraudoux

“Generative AI” has been buzzword of the year in 2023 for better or worse. I have wanted to dig somewhat deeper, though. So, what is and isn’t a technological ‘revolution,’ and is AI one of them? That is the question. A few days ago, I came across a LinkedIn post that argued, through a widely shared video, that “nothing was like ever before.” It showed a large crowd filming the 2023 fireworks on the Champs-Élysées with their mobile phones.

A technological “revolution”… really?

In addition to the ubiquitous mobile screens, there were giant LCD displays on the sides and the Arc de Triomphe itself was turned into a mammoth screen. Similar pictures could have been taken in London, New York or Ulan Bator. In a nutshell, what’s new in 2024 is that everyone owns a screen.

It’s laughable in more than many ways. It reminds me of my 2013 presentations on social media. I was already showing the same photo (above, taken from an NBC broadcast), which was supposed to prove a change in society.

Enough of that, let’s get back to our main topic, i.e., generative AI. The 2023 obligatory buzzword has undoubtedly been “revolution” as in “GenAI is a technological revolution.”

This term is ambiguous, though. As Merriam Webster state, a revolution’s first meaning is that of a planet turning on itself, a kind of standstill in fact. A revolution’s first meaning is “back to square zero.” In other words, as Alphonse Karr would have it, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” On the other hand, it’s a term so widely used in innovation that it’s almost embarrassing.

1 (a) 1 Revolution the action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course. also: apparent movement of such a body round the earth [Merriam-Webster]

Try to play down this ‘revolution’ business and people will mock you. It has happened to me. However, one should wonder what, in our daily lives, is bound to change so radically in the coming years.

Fear Is Irrational

Firstly, fear is everywhere, but is it justified? Should we consider AI is a ‘revolution’ merely because we fear we might l...

12 min