367 avsnitt

Betsy is a Trainer of NLP, author, speaker and Founder of The Navigate Method. The Art of Living Big is a weekly podcast designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life, using brain science and the flow of spirit.

The Art of Living Big | Subconscious | NLP | Mindset Betsy Pake

    • Utbildning

Betsy is a Trainer of NLP, author, speaker and Founder of The Navigate Method. The Art of Living Big is a weekly podcast designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life, using brain science and the flow of spirit.

    372: The patterns that control your life

    372: The patterns that control your life

    In this podcast episode, Betsy Pake gets real about how our childhood experiences can seriously shape our adult lives. She opens up about her own story and shares how the patterns and expectations from her younger years influenced her behavior and emotional regulation way into adulthood. Betsy dives deep into the major role our nervous system plays in setting our comfort zones and how we react to life’s curveballs. She dishes out a game-changing roadmap for busting through limiting beliefs and rewiring our nervous system to match what we truly want. By the end, you’ll feel empowered to break free from those sneaky subconscious patterns and live a life that’s more authentic and fulfilling


    Betsy [00:00:05]:Welcome to the art of Living big podcast. My name’s Betsy Paik. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big. Welcome to the art of Living big to this week’s episode. So, what are we going to talk about today? What are we going to talk about today? I don’t know, but it’s going to come to me, and it will be perfection when it does.

    Betsy [00:00:45]:So I’ve got a couple things. I’m just going to start sharing a few things, and we’ll kind of see where it leads. The beautiful thing is, I can just erase it if it’s not what I want. So here we are. I’m still suffering from my birds, so if you’ve been here for a little while, I had these birds nest on my porch, which I thought was going to be so great. And the birds finally flew away. The babies have gone and are living their best life, but they left behind bugs. They left behind bugs.

    Betsy [00:01:20]:And I honestly haven’t even been able to go out on my porch in a week. I’m so next year, when the birds come, I’m gonna be so mean. I’m gonna. I’m gonna put some birdhouses out so they have another place to go. But I’m gonna be aggressive in protecting my space because it. We got mites. Bird mites. I’m gonna completely gross you out.

    Betsy [00:01:44]:But we got these mites, and they’re microscopic. I’m gonna tell you some facts about mites, because I have researched. But bird mites, like, the kind of mites that are in bird nests and all of that, they’re so tiny, I can’t even begin to tell you how tiny. You can feel them on your hand, but you can’t see them. You have to, like, look so close. And they have legs that really. Only they’re really geared towards grabbing onto feathers and not skin. Even saying the word skin grossed me out, and they need bird blood, so they’re like vampires, only for birds, so they won’t live, but they’ll get on you and they’ll bite you.

    Betsy [00:02:32]:I can’t even tell you how disgusting. I would feel them. I’d feel them and I would be like, once I saw them and I knew they were there, then when I would go out, I sprayed everything. I mean, I’m talking. I just want you to know, as you’re thinking, like, why didn’t you clean it? I’m telling you, I have cleaned, I have sprayed, I have done dish soap. I have, like, all the things, okay? All the things. I’m itching just telling you about this, so. But I would.

    Betsy [00:03:00]:I would do all these things, and then a couple days would go by, and I would sit out there, and then I would be like, oh, my God. I can feel them. Like, I can feel them, like, all over my body. And I’d have to go take a shower,

    371: Taking Back Your Power

    371: Taking Back Your Power

    Are you ready to redefine success on your own terms and reclaim your personal power?

    In this episode, Betsy shares her revelations about embracing a more expansive view of success that aligns with your values and experiences. She also dives into the crucial importance of taking responsibility for your own emotions and reactions, rather than giving that power away to others. Through a poignant real-life example, Betsy illustrates how we unconsciously learn to make others responsible for our feelings, and how we can break free from that disempowering pattern. She offers eye-opening insights on how to communicate more effectively, set stronger boundaries, and heal the underlying triggers that keep us stuck. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on success and learn practical strategies to step into your power in relationships and beyond.


    Betsy [00:00:05]:Welcome to the art of living big podcast. My name’s Betsy Paik. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you.

    Betsy [00:00:22]:Think differently about what could be possible for your life.

    Betsy [00:00:26]:Now, let’s go live big.

    Betsy [00:00:32]:Hello, everyone. Welcome to the art of living big. It has been, I think it’s been a month since we’ve had a show. It had. May was such a busy, crazy month. I’m going to tell you all kinds of things, but I didn’t record because it was so busy and crazy. But we’ve hired somebody new. We hired someone new in May, will be hiring two new people this month, in the month of June.

    Betsy [00:00:58]:And so my big goal for the rest of the month, for the rest of the year is to be really consistent with the podcast. It’s like the fun thing I get to do. I mean, all of the things I get to do are fun, but I really like doing the podcast. And so I have missed being here. So one thing that I have noticed really slows me down was my, my goal to record live.

    Betsy [00:01:24]:And here’s the thing. There are so many times when I.

    Betsy [00:01:27]:Record this podcast when I’m inspired, and I’m not always inspired when I’m, like, camera ready. Honestly, I almost laugh when I say that. Am I ever really camera ready? It’s not like I’m like a beauty queen. But regardless, I just decided today I was inspired and I’m gonna just record. And that’s okay. We’re not gonna have a video that.

    Betsy [00:01:49]:Goes along with it. And probably most of you are listening.

    Betsy [00:01:52]:To this on iTunes anyway, so. All right, so I’ve got baby birds. Did I tell you guys before that I had these baby birds? So probably a month ago, maybe five weeks ago, I started to notice that these birds were putting pieces of grass, right, starting their nest on my front porch. Now, if you follow along on Instagram, you know that I am really obsessed with my front porch. Like, I spend a lot of time out there. I have a day bed out there. I have a couch out there, a couple chairs. Like, I mean, it’s like a living room.

    Betsy [00:02:27]:It’s got curtains. Do you know what I mean? Like, I love my front porch, and.

    Betsy [00:02:32]:I truly spend a lot of time out there.

    Betsy [00:02:34]:I mean, on the weekends, I’m reading out there or napping out there. And during the week, there are times where if I’m with my coach being coached. I will take my coaching calls out there and in be...

    370: The Invisible Force That’s Controlling Your Destiny (And How to Take Charge)

    370: The Invisible Force That’s Controlling Your Destiny (And How to Take Charge)

    In todays episode, Betsy takes us on a journey to understand exactly HOW MUCH you are being impacted by an invisible force that is determining your income, your weight, your relationships and your happiness.


    Betsy:Hello, everyone. Hi. Welcome to the show today. Welcome to the art of living big. I’m excited to be here this week. I’m going to talk to you a little bit about who you’re hanging around with. But I’ve got some other stuff to tell you. First, it is porch season.

    Betsy:Now it’s officially porch season. You know, if you follow my instagram and you saw last year when I moved into my new house in, well, it’s a hundred year old house, but it was new to me last summer and it’s got this big porch and it’s, it’s, it’s literally the best thing ever. Last summer I had like a little couch and a couple little chairs. It’s not the biggest porch in the world, but it’s, it’s, it’s porch fing. It’s enough. It is enough. So I had this little living room set up, right? So great. And at my old house, I used to have this day bed.

    Betsy:And when I moved into this house, I was like, I can’t bring the day bed. There’s not enough room on the porch. It’s sort of awkward. But this year I hired a guy to come, like, power wash the porch because it was so dirty and it was getting kind of nice out. You know when it’s like starting to get nice and you just want to be outside, you can start to hear the birds are coming and all that. And I was like, it was a Saturday morning and I was like, I want to take a nap out here. So I dragged that day bed from my garage all the way from the back of the house and put it on my porch. I mean, is my porch a little crowded? It’s a little crowded, but it’s actually so.

    Betsy:It feels so amazing out there. Now I’ve got this day bed. I’ve got these big potted plants. The other day, an Amazon delivery guy came and he was like, this is like, like the greatest living room. I put outdoor curtains up so it like, gives it like this airy, awesome feel. I don’t know. It’s porch season, y’all. And I am so happy about it.

    Betsy:So I have been out there every chance that I get, anytime I have to do a training or anything like that for the program that I am a student in, which I’m going to get to that in just a second. That’s what I do. I go out on the porch and it just makes everything better, makes everything happier. So last summer when I had moved in, I noticed that up in the rafters of the porch there had.

    Speaker B:There had.

    Betsy:I was going to say there had been a bird nest up there. But when I moved in, there were babies, and the babies were only in there for a short amount of time, and then they flew out and went to live their lives. So this year, they’re back. And, you know, there was something really fun last year about having the babies on the porch when we first moved in. But I will tell you that once they were gone, I realized that. That it was a huge mess. The previous owners had left, like, some outdoor curtains out there, and they were just disgusting. And there was.

    Betsy:I swear, I think the babies, like, back their fannies up off the edge of the nest to poop because it was gross, right? So I had to have it cleaned, and it was just a huge mess. So this year, I had my porch cleaned, and I was like, all right, babies are going to have to go someplace else. I’ll get birdhouses. I’ll do something else. And so when they tried to build their nest in the rafters, as soon as I saw them doing it, I just sweeped away, you know, wiped away the little bit of grass that was ther...

    • 26 min
    369 The Thinking Couch

    369 The Thinking Couch

    This week I went to California for a mastermind I’m part of and had the opportunity to speak to a group of my peers and I wanted to share with you today what I shared with them.Transcript:

    Betsy [00:00:05]:Welcome to the art of Living big podcast. My name is Betsy Paik. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big.

    Betsy [00:00:32]:Hello, hello. Hi. Welcome. Welcome to the show today. Welcome to the art of living big. I am Betsy Paik, and I’m excited to be with you here today. So if you’ve been here for a little while, you guys, I am showing up on video, and I have been doing it now. I’ve done it.

    Betsy [00:00:49]:I’ve done it like three times now. It’s pretty impressive. So if you haven’t gone to my YouTube channel, go just Google the YouTube and you will see it. But I’m pretty excited about it because it is hard sometimes to be a beginner. You know, it’s hard to do something new. And even though I have been doing video for a long time, I haven’t been doing video when I do this show. And if you’re new here, when I do this show, typically I get an idea and then I just talk, which is how it’s always worked really well for me. But when you’re showing up on video, thinking about things while you’re talking is just, I don’t know, it’s a little bit different.

    Betsy [00:01:28]:So lots and lots of new things and new challenges in my life. And I have said many times, like, if I have a problem I’ve never had before, I’m like, this is exciting because I’m going someplace new, new problems. And that’s kind of what’s happening. Being a beginner can be hard and just something new and can feel, like a little bit of a problem sometime. But I’m just really. I’m just really pleased with myself. I’m going to sing. So, so happy to be here with you guys today.

    Betsy [00:01:58]:I wanted to talk about my past week I have been in California. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I was at an event this past week in California. I went to Huntington Beach. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. But I love California. And anytime that I have an opportunity to do any training, even if that training is up the street, I will try and attend the version that’s in California. I just really love it. I love the beach anyway.

    Betsy [00:02:27]:And I love, like, the ocean vibes. And I think the vibe in California is just really cool. With. I mean, we’ve got some, now that I live inside the city in Atlanta, we do have some cool stuff. You know, I love a good smoothie bowl place, and I feel like those are in abundance in California. You know, it’s just like, different stuff that’s available, different parts of the country. And so, anyway, I was thrilled because I was going to get to go, and I went actually for two, well, it was two events. My coach that I have had off and on since 2018 has a mastermind.

    Betsy [00:03:08]:So, for example, if you have been inside my program, the navigate method, I came into their initial program, and then they had a mastermind on the back end program. And what I mean by mastermind is it’s a group of entrepreneurs that come together for guidance and companionship, you know, to be able to really help each other and to come together in a smaller group to be able to help each other. And so this particular coach has two different levels, I’m going to say, of their mastermind.

    • 25 min
    368: Dr. Rothstein & The Atlanta Ketamine Center

    368: Dr. Rothstein & The Atlanta Ketamine Center

    Today on the show I have Dr. Rothstein with the Atlanta Ketamine Center. We talk about this relatively new way of helping people with depression, addiction and more.

    Find the Atlanta Ketamine Center Here:


    Dr. Rothstein is co-owner and Medical Director of Atlanta Ketamine Center and a board-certified emergency physician that has worked in the Atlanta area for the past decade. Dr. Rothstein enjoys spending time with his wife Joanna (who is a nurse at Atlanta Ketamine center as well) his two children and his three crazy rescue dogs.


    Betsy:Welcome to the Art of Living Big podcast. My name is Betsy Paik. I’m an author, a speaker and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now let’s go live big. Hi, everybody. Welcome to the show.

    Betsy:Welcome to the art of Living Big. I’m really excited today because I have a really special guest. And I know, you know, every time we come to the show and I have a guest, I’m always excited. But this one for a few different reasons. And I really hope that as you’re listening today, it can help you or perhaps somebody that you know. So maybe it can be a show that you share that really helps someone. So today I’m really honored to have Doctor Rothstein with me. He is the co owner and medical director at the Atlanta Ketamine center.

    Betsy:You may have heard me talk about the Ketamine center briefly a few episodes ago. Doctor Rothstein is a board certified emergency physician and the co owner of the Atlanta Ketamine center, and he’s worked in the Atlanta area for the past decade. He’s also got a wife, Joanna, who I really love, love, love and a couple of kids and three crazy rescue dogs, which, you know, I’m always a fan of someone that rescues dogs. So I have a rescue dog myself. So welcome to the show.

    Dr. Rothstein:Thank you very much. And as I mentioned, what a cool podcast. And I really appreciate you having me on.

    Betsy:Yeah, I’m really excited, you know, because I feel like the conversation that we’re going to have today can really, really help people. And I think it may be something people have never heard of, but it may be something that they’ve heard of before. But it was scary or unknown or, you know, felt like maybe a little, little fringy, if I can say that, like, because it’s new. Right. And so I would love if you could tell me a little bit about the Atlanta Ketamine center specifically. I chose it for some really specific reasons, but, and we can talk about that. Why I think it’s the very best in the whole area. So if, if you’re, I’ll say this disclaimer before we start.

    Betsy:If you are interested in this, come, come to the Atlanta Academy and center. Come to Atlanta. It’s an area where there’s tons of hotels and places you could go and stay, and I will bring you out to lunch. So, okay. So tell me a little bit about the Atlanta Ketamine center and what ketamine is, what this is.

    Dr. Rothstein:Thank you very much for the nice words. That really means a lot. Just a quick background of ketamine. We as a medical community have been using it for a long time in the medical setting. I’m an ER doctor. We use it in the ER almost daily or daily for sedation. If I need to put somebody’s hip back in place or put their shoulder ba...

    • 43 min
    367: What I think about mean people on the internet

    367: What I think about mean people on the internet

    Okay so …. sometimes people are mean on the internet. And as I’ve grown into this space of having a more visible instagram account, I’ve had to do some specific things in order to train my brain I’m safe.

    This might be helpful for you if you’re doing something new or scary too….. or even it’s not random trolls showing up in your comments!


    • 30 min

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