31 min


    • Platser och resor

This week we went to the Belize Zoo, "the best little zoo in the world!" and talk about its late founder Sharon Matola.

We speak with the zoo's Conservation Program Manager, Jamal Andrewin-Bohn about "Problem Jaguars" and what the real problem is while we give some tapir snoots some skritches.

Special thanks to Jamal, Carlos, and Anita!

Follow us on instagram at Duendebelize and find us online at Duendebelize.com.

Theme song by Luís Flores.

This week we went to the Belize Zoo, "the best little zoo in the world!" and talk about its late founder Sharon Matola.

We speak with the zoo's Conservation Program Manager, Jamal Andrewin-Bohn about "Problem Jaguars" and what the real problem is while we give some tapir snoots some skritches.

Special thanks to Jamal, Carlos, and Anita!

Follow us on instagram at Duendebelize and find us online at Duendebelize.com.

Theme song by Luís Flores.

31 min