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The Conversational Marketer Podcast - Scott Holroyd Scott Holroyd

    • Näringsliv

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    Episode #9 - New Year's Revolution

    Episode #9 - New Year's Revolution

    Hey what’s up family, welcome to the Conversational Marketer Podcast!

    So I hope you all had a great Christmas, mine was amazing as always. There is something about having kids that makes the holidays a whole lot more special. It brings back the spirit of Christmas, to see their excited faces in the build-up to the big day.

    But it’s not without heartache. The festive season can be as good for some as it is as bad for others. Money issues, family issues, the feeling of pressure building up in the lead up to Christmas.

    We were hit with this same heartache the day before Christmas eve when a family member sadly passed away. She was 85 bless her soul, and having to tell the kids when they are so excited about what is about to come was a real shame. But they dealt with it, as kids do, and yes it was hard but we got through it as a family.

    You see this is life, and it can be hard at times! The people who go around saying that life is easy, making money is easy, creating a profitable business is easy, are all full of crap. Life is hard. Making money is hard. And here’s a hard fact - money doesn’t make life easier, it makes it better.

    You will have heard the phrase ‘mo money mo problems’ time and time again, and it’s true. I know what it feels like to have no money and I know what it feels like to have a ton of money, and trust me when I say that both situations aren't easy. But money makes life better.

    So here we are right now. Christmas is over and the New Year is fast approaching. 2019 is a fresh year, a new start, the year that everything is going to happen for you in your business, right? No, not right!!

    11:59 pm on the 31st Dec is 2018. 12:00 am 1st Jan is 2019. What the hell are you going to do in those 60 seconds? Let’s kick this off right now by talking straight. If you are thinking right now that 2019 is going to be a fresh start for you and your business then you will fail. You won’t do anything, just like the 365 days that came and went before you.

    Yeah, I get that you don’t want to hear this and you’re probably pissed at me for saying this. But why are you letting 60 seconds define you? Why not say ‘I am going to make a fresh start for my business and my life RIGHT THIS SECOND!’ Who’s got time to wait? I certainly haven’t.

    If you have a list of New Year's Resolutions then the best thing you can do is rip it up, throw it in the fire, and watch it burn away. This is much better than trying to stick to it and watching your hopes and dreams burn away when you fail!

    What you need is a New Year's Revolution. And here it is. In this podcast episode! This is the kick up the arse that you need to hear before 2019 arrives.

    I want you to take a look at what you achieved in 2018. Are you happy? And don’t bull shit yourself, answer honestly, are you happy with what you have done over the last year? Did you achieve what you set out to achieve? Chances are that you didn’t.

    Could you have worked harder? Could you have worked faster? Smarter? More productive? Of course you could. And if this is the case then why the hell are you making the same mistake again by setting the same goals? Your not stupid so don’t act it!

    You know what you need to do more than I know what you need to do, yet I am the one who is paid 7 figures yearly to help you realize it. Take some responsibility for once in your life, admit to yourself that if your business is crap right now it is because you are crap right now.

    Now it’s not all doom and gloom, I am not saying that you are not good enough, but I am saying that if you haven’t made it right now you are not good enough right now! And that’s going to change. And the first step to that changing is right now. You understand that 2017 was a mistake, making your resolutions that you were sure to follow throughout 2018 was a stupid decision. One that you are not going to make this time around.

    A business ow

    • 10 min
    Episode #8: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - How Much Money Do I Need To Invest In My Company

    Episode #8: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - How Much Money Do I Need To Invest In My Company

    How much money do you have to invest in your business before you will see a return on your investment? This is a question that most people will ask themselves when it comes to running any kind of paid advertising, and if this is you then this blog post is just what the doctor ordered! Let’s get into it …

    I was asked this question on a Facebook Live interview that I was featured on in August of this year. If I remember rightly the guy who asked the question was an online course creator who taught people how to play the piano (or some musical instrument)

    I can remember that he was charging $497 for the course which was a one-stop shop for learning the piano, and took the member from a very basic understanding of how to play chords and gave them enough skill to hold their own in front of a crowd of people. It was the basic online course setup. He had the modules with structured lessons and a few bonuses that helped the member achieve their goals a little quicker than normal.

    Now I have been creating online courses for around 2 years and I happen to know a thing or two about structuring them. But this wasn’t the question. His question was in relation to a campaign he had just set up and he was trying to figure out how much money he would have to spend on Facebook Ads in order to get his first 10 or 20 members.

    At this point, I asked him how much he had spent on advertising his course in the past, to which he proudly stated that he hadn’t had to spend a penny on ads. I then asked him how many students he had in his course and he replied with around 12. Lastly, I asked him how he had attracted these 12 people and what price he had charged, and he replied with something along the lines of giving away 6 places for free in order to get some testimonials and feedback on the training, and the rest had been either his current private education students and their friends and family.

    I remember asking him how much he was currently spending on running his course and he was proud to say that it wasn’t costing him anything as he had set up the course within a closed Facebook group and used the social learning theme to upload all the course videos to the groups' units.

    When I asked him how much he needed to make per month for him to be in a position where he could earn a full-time income from the course he replied with around $12,000. And here was his first mistake. 

    Business Isn’t Free:
    I would love to know when business became free and easy. When did the shift happen from having to work 20 hour days and 3 jobs just to keep your business afloat in the first 24 months? When did everything get so easy? When did the transition happen that took the hard graft out of developing an idea and believing in it when all others around you told you that you had lost your mind?

    Now business is free and easy! I can take an idea and build it out without having to spend a penny of the software, platforms, or even ads that I once relied on, in order to get my project off the ground! Alas, we all know this is not the case!

    Is it impossible to make $12,000 per month? Not in any way! You can make $12,000 per month, you can make $12,000 per day, you can even make $12,000 per hour if your organisation has the right ingredients. But let me tell you right now that these ingredients do not include finding the shortcuts needed in order to save the dollars wherever you can.

    I started my very first business at the age of 8, buying and selling random crap out of a big, yellow, free newspaper. I made myself a list of my customers in an old, school textbook and I would call them up each time I thought a product had the potential to sell. 8 years old, no money, no resources, no internet or mobile phone, just a pen, paper, and a landline telephone belonging to my mum who would only let me make calls for 1 hour after I came home from School.

    I managed to sell products for $10, $60, and

    • 14 min
    Episode #7: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - Funnels Vs Campaigns

    Episode #7: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - Funnels Vs Campaigns

    Hey what’s up family, welcome to The Conversational Marketer Podcast!!

    Thank you so much for checking in with me today and joining the conversation, as always, I have my coffee here with me, and I am ready for some serious talk, where today we will be diving deeper into the main subject of this episode - ‘Funnels vs Campaigns’

    Let’s Chat About That  …

    Hello to all my listeners, I hope that you have had an amazing week and have something great lined up for the weekend.

    This last week has been a Christmas Takeover in the Holroyd house, with 5 kids all excited for the big day, and my wife spending all my hard earned cash on more and more presents, Christmas is finally here!

    But it’s business as usual here at Holroyd Enterprises, and this week has been hectic! Content creating like crazy, working on some amazing concepts for LEEAP, some updates, some traffic generators, and a $1,000,000 January Launch!

    We don’t do things by half measures here I can promise you that! And this week I decided to engage my audience with a challenge that I think everyone should be doing as much as possible, and one that I certainly try to carry out at least 3 times per week.

    So let’s start the subject of today’s episode where all good conversations start, with the story.

    I am asked all the time how I manage to do so much. To be honest with you I don’t really do that much at all, but what I do manage to produce I make the most of. I repurpose all of my content and ensure that I am putting some variation of the message across all the platforms that my audience hang out on.

    This allows me to do one solid piece of content and chop it up and put it back together again in the ways needed for the platforms I have an influence on. And this was the main focus of the challenge I ran.

    I set my audience the task of being at all places at all times, with a very simple omnipresent marketing concept that Frank Kern promotes in his programs, and the concept is so simple.

    I asked my audience to think of their audience. What struggles are they having in their businesses and lives? What would they benefit from learning? What could we tell them in order for them to make a difference in their lives? Now that we had a subject I wanted them to write out content - and in this challenge, the content was in the form of a blog post.

    I asked them to write out a blog post about the subject that they had chosen. It didn’t need to be long, but it did need to be complete. I wanted to make sure that they gave all of the value, and didn’t hold anything back. Once the blog post had been created I wanted them to post this out on their Facebook Page for their audience to see.

    Now that the first task was done I then wanted them to take things one step further. From here I asked them to make some slides covering the main points of what the blog post was covering. They could use keynote or google slides, or any other programs they wanted to use, and they didn’t need to be heavily produced.

    Once they had created the slides I needed them to do a screen record of them reading from the slides - in a webinar-style. This is pretty easy to do with software such as https://screencast-o-matic.com or related screen recording programs.

    This video was to be uploaded to YouTube, and then shared on Facebook. I asked them to link to the blog post in their YouTube description, and to their social media platforms and website.

    Lastly, I asked them to take an image either of themselves or something related to the subject that they were talking about and add a caption taken from the content. They could do this on Canva, Picmonkey, or even photoshop, it makes no difference, and then post this out on Instagram.

    Now I could have taken this further by tweeting out the link to the blog and the youtube video on Twitter, maybe adding the blog to LinkedIn or uploading the images to Pinterest, b

    • 8 min
    Episode #6: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - The Fall of Man

    Episode #6: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - The Fall of Man

    Hey Scott Holroyd here, welcome to a very special episode of The Conversational Marketer.

    In today’s episode, I want to do something different. I want to do something unique.

    I talk about this idea all the time that we should have conversations with our audience, and today, I want to have a conversation with you.

    I want to talk about failure. About falling. And whether you have failed in one of your businesses or failed at some point in life, I want to talk about that.

    You see, everyone is so afraid of failure. Everyone is so afraid of falling. We work ourselves up to being to best we can possibly be, we work hard and strong and fast and smart and do everything we need to do in order to get an idea out of our minds and into the hands of our customers - and then we have made it right?

    But what about the times we don’t make it. What about the people who believe that they are doing everything right, yet all around them can clearly see they are doing wrong. What about when we make a mistake, even when we know that it’s going to be a mistake before we do it, but we do it regardless!

    What about the times we make choices in our businesses or in our lives that ruin us. That there is no coming back from. Or so you think …

    This is a lonely place to be in. It’s a dark place. It can eat you up and spit you back out in a heartbeat. Everything you have built, everything you have worked for, everything you have created, all gone from a simple wrong choice. A wrong path, a wrong journey.

    Many of us have been in this place. Many of us have had our worlds crumble around us without ever seeing it coming. But there is hope. When this happens there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is a way to rebuild your foundations and start again.

    You see, us humans on this small planet are designed for greatness. I don’t care if you’re religious or atheist, I don’t care if you’re black or you’re white, I don’t care if you’re rich or you’re poor, it makes no difference of where you have come from as the only thing that matters in this life is where you are going to.

    What dreams you allow yourself to dream. What destiny you have planned out for yourself.

    Because let me tell you right now that no one is going to hand you this on a plate, my friend. No one is going to do this for you. The only person that can change your world is the only person who looks back at you in the mirror. And as hard as this may sound you are in full control of who that person is, and what that person believes, and how that person will have an effect on the world around them.

    Only you can make a difference in your life. Only you can make the choice of not being afraid of failure. Only you can pick yourself back up and dust yourself off when you fall. Only you hold the secret to your success.

    And when you embrace this. When you subscribe to this notion. When you go all in on yourself and say ‘I don’t care what happens as a result of my ambition because I WILL NOT STOP until I make it until I succeed until I get everything I deserve to have from the hard work and dedication I have had for my own success’ … the results will come.

    To truly understand what it feels like to win you must first understand how it feels to lose everything.

    You are the best you that you choose to be.

    Go change the world, by changing one small piece of yourself at a time.

    • 3 min
    Episode #5: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - Content, Content, Content

    Episode #5: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - Content, Content, Content

    Hey what’s up family, welcome to The Conversational Marketer Podcast!!

    Thank you so much for checking in with me today and joining the conversation, as always, I have my coffee here with me, and I am ready for some serious talk, where today we will be diving deeper into the main subject of this episode - ‘Content, Content, Content’’

    Let’s Chat About That  …

    • 9 min
    Episode #4: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - The What, The Why, And The When

    Episode #4: The Conversational Marketer Podcast - The What, The Why, And The When

    Hey what’s up family, welcome to The Conversational Marketer Podcast!!

    Thank you so much for checking in with me today and joining the conversation, as always, I have my coffee here with me, and I am ready for some serious talk, where today we will be diving deeper into the main subject of this episode - ‘The What, The Why, and The When’

    Let’s Chat About That  …

    • 8 min

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