12 min

The “New” Medical Freedom Who is Robert Malone?

    • Nyhetskommentarer

I first met Christian Nix at the Sovereign Man conference in Austin Texas last summer and then again at the Total Access Sovereign Man conference in Mexico City this fall. Christian’s mix of professionalism, confidence and empathy immediately put me at ease and we began to dialogue about the state of medical care in the United States as opposed to other countries throughout the world. He spoke at length about his training as a traditional healer in multiple disciplines, and I was really intrigued by what he was sharing. Christian truly has a different perspective than most on what it takes to heal a chronically damaged body. I suggested that he consider writing a Substack about medical freedom and the state of medical care in the USA. This essay is a product of that discussion.
Christian has studied and practiced traditional medicines for decades. He has lectured and taught about these methods at some of the best universities in the world. What he has to say may seem strange to you, and some aspects seem strange to me. But please keep an open mind, because what we have for chronic care in the USA is not working. We need to expand our minds and worldviews, and learn about different methods of staying healthy. Christian offers a different perspective on how to stay healthy, and I think that what he has to say is worth listening to.
The “New” Medical Freedom
By: Christian Nix

There are many important lessons to be learned from the last several years of COVID drama. Perhaps the most important of all is…
Medical Freedom matters.
The idea that drug companies are allowed to create an injectable gene therapy… hide the ingredients from public disclosure… and remain immune to any legal liability for the harm that is now undeniably linked to their actions - as they roll in billions of dollars of profit, we should expect to see the masses whetting the guillotine.
Yet, no such outrage is apparent - anywhere.
Instead, there’s a renewed determination to clamp down on any and all dissent.
For example:
Dr. Peter McCullough - one of the select few Physicians who laid his career credentials on the altar in speaking out about the dangerous madness of vaccine mandates for an illness with a 99.5%  survival rate - may end up paying the ultimate career price.
The medical authorities have moved to strip him of his credentials.

What does medical freedom even look like in a world where officials lie with impunity and system-wide censorship is the new normal?
What can a regular person hope to do in light of the fact that, well, we need doctors? We need a medical system we can trust… And we need to be able to rely on medical professionals for all kinds of care…
What can you do to individually reclaim some medical freedom for yourself and your family?
My answer may come as a surprise. But then my experience in medicine was far from ordinary.
The modern medical system in the United States is a marvelous example of how to provide emergency care.
But the incidence and prevalence of chronic functional conditions in the “States” provide a fairly strong indicator of where people are falling through the cracks (or getting caught in the gears) of modern medicine.
From IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome) to autoimmunity… mental health to metabolic disorders… not to mention all kinds of chronic pain...
These and other chronic conditions have one thing in common:
They almost all respond favorably to changes in lifestyle, diet, targeted exercises and simple, safe home remedies and treatment.
Unfortunately, a lot of health-and-wellness advice is so generic it’s essentially useless.
The good news is, the majority of chronic conditions that don’t respond well to modern medical protocols will respond favorably to “targeted solutions” from ancient medical systems.
How do I know? And why should you care what I have to say on this topic?
In 1999 I began an odyssey in medicine few would believe possible. I met and apprenticed wi

I first met Christian Nix at the Sovereign Man conference in Austin Texas last summer and then again at the Total Access Sovereign Man conference in Mexico City this fall. Christian’s mix of professionalism, confidence and empathy immediately put me at ease and we began to dialogue about the state of medical care in the United States as opposed to other countries throughout the world. He spoke at length about his training as a traditional healer in multiple disciplines, and I was really intrigued by what he was sharing. Christian truly has a different perspective than most on what it takes to heal a chronically damaged body. I suggested that he consider writing a Substack about medical freedom and the state of medical care in the USA. This essay is a product of that discussion.
Christian has studied and practiced traditional medicines for decades. He has lectured and taught about these methods at some of the best universities in the world. What he has to say may seem strange to you, and some aspects seem strange to me. But please keep an open mind, because what we have for chronic care in the USA is not working. We need to expand our minds and worldviews, and learn about different methods of staying healthy. Christian offers a different perspective on how to stay healthy, and I think that what he has to say is worth listening to.
The “New” Medical Freedom
By: Christian Nix

There are many important lessons to be learned from the last several years of COVID drama. Perhaps the most important of all is…
Medical Freedom matters.
The idea that drug companies are allowed to create an injectable gene therapy… hide the ingredients from public disclosure… and remain immune to any legal liability for the harm that is now undeniably linked to their actions - as they roll in billions of dollars of profit, we should expect to see the masses whetting the guillotine.
Yet, no such outrage is apparent - anywhere.
Instead, there’s a renewed determination to clamp down on any and all dissent.
For example:
Dr. Peter McCullough - one of the select few Physicians who laid his career credentials on the altar in speaking out about the dangerous madness of vaccine mandates for an illness with a 99.5%  survival rate - may end up paying the ultimate career price.
The medical authorities have moved to strip him of his credentials.

What does medical freedom even look like in a world where officials lie with impunity and system-wide censorship is the new normal?
What can a regular person hope to do in light of the fact that, well, we need doctors? We need a medical system we can trust… And we need to be able to rely on medical professionals for all kinds of care…
What can you do to individually reclaim some medical freedom for yourself and your family?
My answer may come as a surprise. But then my experience in medicine was far from ordinary.
The modern medical system in the United States is a marvelous example of how to provide emergency care.
But the incidence and prevalence of chronic functional conditions in the “States” provide a fairly strong indicator of where people are falling through the cracks (or getting caught in the gears) of modern medicine.
From IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome) to autoimmunity… mental health to metabolic disorders… not to mention all kinds of chronic pain...
These and other chronic conditions have one thing in common:
They almost all respond favorably to changes in lifestyle, diet, targeted exercises and simple, safe home remedies and treatment.
Unfortunately, a lot of health-and-wellness advice is so generic it’s essentially useless.
The good news is, the majority of chronic conditions that don’t respond well to modern medical protocols will respond favorably to “targeted solutions” from ancient medical systems.
How do I know? And why should you care what I have to say on this topic?
In 1999 I began an odyssey in medicine few would believe possible. I met and apprenticed wi

12 min