28 min

Too Lazy to Pray - A Reminder for Young People Khutbahs And Lectures

    • Islam

* Hadith about Mi'raaj
* Gabriel took the Prophet
at night from the Ka'bah to the mosque in Jerusalem on a buraq.* On reaching Jerusalem the Prophet
along with other Prophets offered Prayers. (Al-Nasa'i, Sunan, K. al-Salah, 'Bab Fard al-Salah wa Dhikr Ikhtilaf al-Naqilin...' -Ed.) Gabriel then took him to the heavens and the Prophet
met several great Prophets in different heavenly spheres. (See al-Nasa'i, Sunan, K. al-Salah, 'Bab Fard al-Salah' - Ed.) Finally, he reached the highest point in the heavens and was graced with an experience of the Divine Presence. On that occasion the Prophet
received a number of directives including that Prayers were obligatory five times a day. (Al-Bukhari, K. Manaqib al -Ansar, 'Bab al-Mi'raj ; K. al-Tawhid, 'Bab Kallama Musa Taklima' - Ed.) Thereafter, the Prophet
returned from the heavens to Jerusalem, and from there to the Holy Mosque in Makka.
* other commands came much later
* The believers are always described as those who pray.
* Prayer is an integral pillar of Islam
* The first things to be asked about on DOJ
* A reason to enter hell
* “‘What has caused you to enter Hell?’
* They will say: ‘We were not of those who used to offer the salah (prayers).’”[al-Muddaththir 74:42-43]
* Differentiating factor between us and disbelievers is Salah.
* ‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ood (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: “Whoever does not pray has no religion.”
* What to do when you dont feel like your heart is into praying?
* The Munafiqeen used to not miss any prayers in the masjid otherwise people would know.
* Given up Salah and have followed lusts” [Maryam 19:59]

* Hadith about Mi'raaj
* Gabriel took the Prophet
at night from the Ka'bah to the mosque in Jerusalem on a buraq.* On reaching Jerusalem the Prophet
along with other Prophets offered Prayers. (Al-Nasa'i, Sunan, K. al-Salah, 'Bab Fard al-Salah wa Dhikr Ikhtilaf al-Naqilin...' -Ed.) Gabriel then took him to the heavens and the Prophet
met several great Prophets in different heavenly spheres. (See al-Nasa'i, Sunan, K. al-Salah, 'Bab Fard al-Salah' - Ed.) Finally, he reached the highest point in the heavens and was graced with an experience of the Divine Presence. On that occasion the Prophet
received a number of directives including that Prayers were obligatory five times a day. (Al-Bukhari, K. Manaqib al -Ansar, 'Bab al-Mi'raj ; K. al-Tawhid, 'Bab Kallama Musa Taklima' - Ed.) Thereafter, the Prophet
returned from the heavens to Jerusalem, and from there to the Holy Mosque in Makka.
* other commands came much later
* The believers are always described as those who pray.
* Prayer is an integral pillar of Islam
* The first things to be asked about on DOJ
* A reason to enter hell
* “‘What has caused you to enter Hell?’
* They will say: ‘We were not of those who used to offer the salah (prayers).’”[al-Muddaththir 74:42-43]
* Differentiating factor between us and disbelievers is Salah.
* ‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ood (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: “Whoever does not pray has no religion.”
* What to do when you dont feel like your heart is into praying?
* The Munafiqeen used to not miss any prayers in the masjid otherwise people would know.
* Given up Salah and have followed lusts” [Maryam 19:59]

28 min