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No Fear. No Wokeism. No Political Correctness. An irreverent podcast heard and read across 48 US states and 28 countries.


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No Fear. No Wokeism. No Political Correctness. An irreverent podcast heard and read across 48 US states and 28 countries.


    Down To The Banana Republic...

    Down To The Banana Republic...

    Before we delve into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I feel compelled to address the significant impact on our Constitution that unfolded in New York with the guilty verdict of Donald Trump.
    Regardless of your personal stance on Trump, it is crucial to recognize that the integrity of our justice system is paramount. When it is compromised to the extent that it undermines our Constitution, the freedoms of all Americans are at stake.
    This is what happened in Merchan’s courtroom on May 30th, 2024: a Constitution-damaging travesty of justice led by a corrupt and partisan temporarily appointed judge, a Soros-funded district attorney, and 12 hyper-partisan jury members.
    Here is a portion of what Alan Dershowitz, constitutional law professor emeritus to Harvard Law – by no means a conservative, had to say about the entirety of the proceedings:
    I get into this more deeply in my current substack, We Are Now A Nation Of Men, Not Of Laws. I also delve a bit more into this issue in the following America’s Third Watch segment.
    Bottom Line. If Republicans in elected office don’t grow a pair of collective balls and start pushing back more viciously than the neo-fascist progressives have pushed since the tyrannical reigns of Woodrow Wilson and FDR then they don’t deserve to hold office.
    Additionally, if this case isn’t fast-tracked to the US Supreme Court so that this blatant election interference is subverted – or if the High Court refuses to hear the case because of institutional cowardice, then we are on the final leg of transforming the United States of America into a banana republic.
    Barack Obama and his Marxist, neo-fascist pals will have won.
    When we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.
    Alan Dershowitz’s The Dershow PodcastThe late, great Jimmy Buffett’s album Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes
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    • 34 min
    Memorial Day: It All Started In The South

    Memorial Day: It All Started In The South

    Before we get to the politics of the day, I want to mention the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day, for they are two separate commemorations.
    Veterans' Day is a day to thank those who have served in the UD Armed Forces for their service. These are the people who actually made it home and are alive to thank.
    Memorial Day is a day to remember and pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country. It honors all military members who have died while serving in the US armed forces in current or previous wars.
    The origins of Memorial Day—originally called “Decoration Day”—can be traced back to local observances for soldiers with neglected gravesites during the Civil War. One of the first Decoration Days was held in Columbus, Mississippi, on April 25, 1866, when women decorated the graves of Confederate soldiers who perished in the battle at Shiloh. They decorated them with flowers.
    On May 5, 1868, three years after the end of the Civil War, the tradition of placing flowers on veterans’ graves continued with the establishment of Decoration Day by an organization of Union veterans, the Grand Army of the Republic.
    The first large-scale observance at Arlington National Cemetary – a land donation by Robert E. Lee’s family – was held on May 30, 1873, with General Ulysses S. Grant presiding.
    Until World War I, only Civil War soldiers were honored on this holiday. Now, all Americans who’ve served – and gave the ultimate price – are observed.
    It is much more than a day off from work, although that is what it has morphed into for most Americans. It is a day to remember that freedom is not free; that it comes at a price, and that price is paid in blood and sacrifice, both for those commemorated and their families.
    The true essence of Memorial Day is not who has the best barbecue or which community has the best fireworks. It is remembering and honoring those who gave their lives in service to our nation.
    Then, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.
    Underground USA is a reader-supported publication. To support our work, consider becoming a paid subscriber.

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    • 27 min
    The Perfect Storm Is Upon Us

    The Perfect Storm Is Upon Us

    I want to share something with you that I wrote for a symposium promotion back in 2012. It is a concept created years before when I was executive director at BasicsProject.org, a 501c3 education and research organization focused on educating on the threats of Islamofascism and the American Fifth Column and how those threats multiply when the population exists constitutionally illiterate.
    Back then, it was a projection of what could happen. Today, we are witnessing this in real-time:
    “The moment is fast approaching. The convergence of apathy and evil – oblivion and conquest – is soon upon us.
    “Three critical issues directly related to our nation's survival are coming together to present one of the greatest challenges the United States will ever face if, in fact, it survives.
    “Externally, the threat comes in the form of a violent and intolerant theocratic ideology that quests to rule the world, expunging or making subservient all other religious and moral dogmas known to man. In its wake, it leaves indiscriminate death by the millions, using the innocent and the ignorant to facilitate its conquest through fear and intimidation.
    “For those who are conquered – for those who survive – an all-encompassing existence of servitude and oppression.
    “Internally, forces antithetical to the American philosophy – to our true Judeo-Christian roots – are using our own system of government and our electoral process to move our nation incrementally away from its charter as a constitutional republic, fundamentally transforming the United States of America from a constitutional republic to a democracy (of which our Founders and Framers warned), then to democratic socialism and to the totalitarian elitism of Marxism.
    “This ‘American Fifth Column’ infects our land with a Marxist neo-fascistic ideological cancer, killing liberty and freedom in its path.
    “Yet, these threats are not new to our country. We have faced them down before. We have, in the past, stared into the violent and deceptive eyes of evil and come out stronger for the experience.
    “So, why are these forces so potent today? What makes this moment in time so different than in the past?
    “Simple. Today, ‘We the People’ are complicit in our own demise.
    “Our nation has become so constitutionally illiterate – so oblivious to the worth and value of our God-given rights, bestowed by our Creator as inalienable and enshrined in our Charters of Freedom – that we willingly abdicate them, casting them aside as if a burden and facilitating the potency of the evils that confront our very existence.
    “We the People – through apathy, through ignorance – have created our own destiny. We have facilitated ‘The Perfect Storm.’”
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    Twelve years later, this prognostication is a reality. The Perfect Storm is upon us.
    Neo-Marxist protesters who took to the streets championing the fraudulent Black Lives Matter movement are now “occupying” campuses in support of the pro-Hamasterrorists in Gaza, doing so violently as in a well-funded and coordinated manner.
    Internal and external forces that pose serious threats both to our nation and the free world have converged to fight against the very idea of freedom and Americanism.
    Truly, we are witnessing – in real-time – “The Perfect Storm” and if we don’t correct course in a dramatic way these forces have the potential to destroy our Republic and render the idea of free societies of self-governance nothing more than a memory of what could have been.
    Something to think about as you consider your choices this November.
    Then, Monday’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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    • 34 min
    Marked ‘Safe' From Being Eaten By Cannibals

    Marked ‘Safe' From Being Eaten By Cannibals

    Before we get to this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on the subject of this Sunday’s piece titled, “A Radical Marxist-Progressive Takes The Helm At NPR.”
    Katherine Maher is the new CEO at National Public Radio. She is being excoriated over her past tweets that expose her as an uber-radical Leftist. Further, one of her first official acts was to punish a whistleblower who exposed the almost total Left-wing bias at NPR, castigating him so profusely that he resigned after being suspended without pay.
    Here is a short clip that examples her Marxist-Progressive ideology. In it she advances a level of moral relativism on the subject of “truth” that should find you extremely uncomfortable.
    If you subscribe to UndergroundUSA.com you will receive the Sunday article in your email inbox or Substack app. If you do not subscribe, please stop by and do so. It’s free and offers the option of supporting our work through a paid subscription as well.
    Maher is a quintessential example of what is wrong with the mainstream media; how it has become a propaganda machine for the Marxist-based Woke Left. Congress should move to defund – or at least suspend funding for NPR until its journalistic and editorial staffs are balanced in their ideologies and reflective of the whole of the American people.
    Today, it most certainly is not.
    When we come back, this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks.

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    • 32 min
    The Self-Righteous Virtue Signaling of the Pro-Palestinian Protester

    The Self-Righteous Virtue Signaling of the Pro-Palestinian Protester

    Before we get to this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I want to comment on the self-righteous virtue-signaling of the pro-Palestinian protesters here in the United States and in Europe.
    It was reported this morning that pro-Palestinian (read: pro-Hamas) protesters blocked both the Golden Gate Bridge in California and the Kennedy Expressway feeder to O’Hare Airport in Chicago, the latter causing people to miss their flights. If you’ve ever missed a flight you know how hard it is to reschedule and that it most often costs you extra to get seated on another flight.
    The point I am trying to make is this. No one affected by the blocking of traffic or the blocking of building access – the blocking of anything, whether it’s pro-Palestinian protesters, BLM protesters, or any other cause de jour protesters, is sympathetic to the protesters' cause. The actions of these protesters, regardless of their cause, only serve to alienate and antagonize the very people they are trying to win over.
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    In fact, when someone trying to make a flight, get to work, or walk into a building is obstructed by these types of protests, it creates a wave of anger—not in support of the cause being protested but towards the protesters themselves. People see these obstructive displays as selfish displays of self-righteous virtue signaling that telegraph the protesters' sense of elevated importance over everyone else.
    How does making someone miss a flight benefit the Palestinian people? How does making someone late for work or a doctor’s appointment – now does impeding an ambulance’s emergency run to a hospital or a fire engine’s run to a fire or a police response to a deadly situation make people feel sympathetic to a protester’s cause? It doesn’t. It foments anger toward the protester and – through that – creates indifference and resentment toward the cause itself.
    Taking to the streets in protest in the United States and the free nations of the world has become an exercise in pious pseudo-moralistic posturing that achieves very little if anything.
    If protesters are sincere about advancing support for their causes, they have to engage the population with information, education, and fact-based argument, not actions that literally turn the population against them…like blocking streets, bridges, and business entryways. The people who do that, well, they are just self-important, juvenile, virtue-signaling assholes.
    Then, this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks.

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    • 33 min
    In The Land Of False Self-Esteem, The Imbecile Is King

    In The Land Of False Self-Esteem, The Imbecile Is King

    Evidently, we live in an age when the most ignorant and uninformed among us are now empowered to believe they are intelligent. Yes, this certainly applies to politics and the litany of social issues facing our country – but in this particular case, I am referring to the bizarre and unfounded panic surrounding the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th.
    Yes, that’s right. The solar eclipse that will occur on April 8th is being deemed by some – and this is astounding – to be something of a “state of emergency.” As the “Imbecile-in-Chief” would say, “No lie!”
    As Dr. Robert Malone writes at his substack (which is linked at UndergroundUSA.com:
    “It turns out that around parts of the USA, there are empty grocery shelves, long lines for food, and queues for gas. After all, the April 8th solar eclipse could cause death and destruction.
    “The National Guard has even been called to duty in Oklahoma...
    “In fact, some local governments have been making emergency plans and preparations for months in advance. National Guard units and military installations have been called in and are involved to keep people safe.”
    Really?! Has our society been so incredibly dumbed down; have the imbecilic been so duped into believing that they possess intellect that we are reverting to the Medieval Days when uneducated serfs thought the gods were stealing the sun from the sky during solar eclipses?
    As Malone alludes to in his article, a solar eclipse is not a national emergency, it is not a state emergency, and it is not a local emergency. It is a naturally occurring event in nature. I’d say “follow the science” but we all know how that went during COVID thanks to a colluding and dishonest Medical-Industrial Complex.
    So, there is no need to run to the store to fill your closets with toilet paper or your pantry with 99-cent packages of ramen noodles. You don’t have to wrap your computers in foil and you don’t have to construct an “eclipse shelter.”
    The only thing you should do – and this is if you want to view the eclipse, is to take proper precautions for your eyes:
    * Never look directly at the sun during any phase of the eclipse without proper eye protection
    * Use certified solar viewing glasses or solar filters specifically designed for eclipse viewing
    * Do not use sunglasses, smoked glass, or homemade filters, as they do not provide adequate protection
    * Supervise children closely to ensure they use proper eye protection or view the eclipse indirectly
    * Do not use cameras, binoculars, or telescopes without appropriate solar filters
    * If using a telescope, ensure it has a solar filter covering the front aperture
    * Keep pets indoors during the eclipse to prevent them from looking at the sun
    * And, be cautious of traffic and crowds during eclipse events
    We in the United States really have to start employing critical thinking skills as a constant in our lives and we must demand that our educational system dispense with the installation of false self-esteem in our children. We need to return to the tried and true core curriculums of the past that taught a child how to think rather than what to think. Sadly, the Marxist-run teachers' unions will never allow that to happen so we must take our children’s education into our own hands. But I digress.
    There is no national, regional, or local state of emergency associated with Monday’s solar eclipse. Take precautions for your eyes and the eyes of your loved ones and enjoy engaging in the witnessing of nature. Trust me. You have enough toilet paper.
    Then, this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks.

    Take Back Your MindThink For Yourself

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    • 34 min

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