VRR Deep Dive: Is VR being hindered by the baggage of gaming‪?‬ VR Roundtable - Deep Dives

    • Spel

Video games has 40-years worth of history behind it. It has allowed a gradual progression of expectation in terms of what a video game should be. We started with Pong, and now we have The Last of Us. Is it fair for VR to be slotted into a sub-category of video games, and expect it to thrive within the first year of release? Is the expectation of what we know a video game should be in 2017 hindering the organic and natural growth of VR in gaming? Thanks for listening, and don't forget to subscribe! The audio podcast version of the VR Roundtable show is also available on iTunes, as well as all the other usual places. e-mail: vrroundtable@gmail.com

Video games has 40-years worth of history behind it. It has allowed a gradual progression of expectation in terms of what a video game should be. We started with Pong, and now we have The Last of Us. Is it fair for VR to be slotted into a sub-category of video games, and expect it to thrive within the first year of release? Is the expectation of what we know a video game should be in 2017 hindering the organic and natural growth of VR in gaming? Thanks for listening, and don't forget to subscribe! The audio podcast version of the VR Roundtable show is also available on iTunes, as well as all the other usual places. e-mail: vrroundtable@gmail.com