Weeks 12 and 13 in CSC 442 Section B CSC442 Section B at UIS

    • Kurser

Hi everyone! This posting has a short podcast for our class - a summary of Week 12 and a look ahead to Week 13.  The mp3 file with the audio for this podcast is at: https://edocs.uis.edu/boakl1/CSC442B/mp3/Weeks12_13.mp3 A transcript for this podcast is at: https://edocs.uis.edu/boakl1/CSC442B/podcasts/Weeks12_13_Transcript.html The music in this podcast is the first movement from Johann Friedrich Fasch's trumpet concerto, performed by Bryn Badel in Victoria, British Columbia.  See: http://artists.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/Bryn_Badel/ -- Burks

Hi everyone! This posting has a short podcast for our class - a summary of Week 12 and a look ahead to Week 13.  The mp3 file with the audio for this podcast is at: https://edocs.uis.edu/boakl1/CSC442B/mp3/Weeks12_13.mp3 A transcript for this podcast is at: https://edocs.uis.edu/boakl1/CSC442B/podcasts/Weeks12_13_Transcript.html The music in this podcast is the first movement from Johann Friedrich Fasch's trumpet concerto, performed by Bryn Badel in Victoria, British Columbia.  See: http://artists.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/Bryn_Badel/ -- Burks