37 min

#08: Matthias Heutger Senior Vice President Strategy, Marketing and Innovation at DHL Leaders in Supply Chain and Logistics Podcast

    • Management

Matthias Heutger is Senior Vice President Strategy, Marketing, and Innovation at DHL's global account management and innovation unit, Customer Solutions & Innovation (DHL CSI). Matthias is coordinating closely the activity of the two DHL Innovation Centers, in Germany and Singapore. Whose aim is to bring new innovations to the DHL group - which does mean they get to experiment with the latest technologies available. Discover more details here. Some of the highlights of the episode:The war...

Matthias Heutger is Senior Vice President Strategy, Marketing, and Innovation at DHL's global account management and innovation unit, Customer Solutions & Innovation (DHL CSI). Matthias is coordinating closely the activity of the two DHL Innovation Centers, in Germany and Singapore. Whose aim is to bring new innovations to the DHL group - which does mean they get to experiment with the latest technologies available. Discover more details here. Some of the highlights of the episode:The war...

37 min