3 min

Cirurgia Cesariana Camila Torres

    • Medicine

Referências: PATAH, L. E. M.; MALIK, A. M. Modelos de assistência ao parto e taxa de cesárea em diferentes países. Rev. Saúde Pública, v. 45, n. 1, São Paulo, Fev. 2011. PROSSER, S. et al. Why 'down under' is a ut above: a comparison of rates of and reasonsfor caesarean section in england and australia. BMC Pregnancy And Childbirth, p.4-13, 2014.
RAHMAN, M. et al. Caesarean delivery and its correlates in Northern Region of Bangladesh: application of logistic regression and cox proportional hazard model. Journal Of Health, Population And Nutrition, [s.l.], v. 33, n. 1, p.33-38, 31 jul. 2015.

Referências: PATAH, L. E. M.; MALIK, A. M. Modelos de assistência ao parto e taxa de cesárea em diferentes países. Rev. Saúde Pública, v. 45, n. 1, São Paulo, Fev. 2011. PROSSER, S. et al. Why 'down under' is a ut above: a comparison of rates of and reasonsfor caesarean section in england and australia. BMC Pregnancy And Childbirth, p.4-13, 2014.
RAHMAN, M. et al. Caesarean delivery and its correlates in Northern Region of Bangladesh: application of logistic regression and cox proportional hazard model. Journal Of Health, Population And Nutrition, [s.l.], v. 33, n. 1, p.33-38, 31 jul. 2015.

3 min