31 min

Episode 14: The 1 Thing Everyone is Doing Wrong Hows 2 House

    • How To

Look, we get it. When people shop, we look at the item first, THEN the price. It's normal. However, you'd normally still have a budget to follow. $250 for a shirt?! No thanks. 

When it comes to housing, you MUST also know what's your budget. It's not as simple as seeing what the price is of the house, because you won't pay all of that immediately. But rather, what you'll have to find out is what's the amount you can comfortably pay EVERY MONTH for the NEXT 25 YEARS. THAT'S 300 PAYMENTS. In this episode, we teach you what's the 1 thing you SHOULD do to ensure a smooth housing journey.

Look, we get it. When people shop, we look at the item first, THEN the price. It's normal. However, you'd normally still have a budget to follow. $250 for a shirt?! No thanks. 

When it comes to housing, you MUST also know what's your budget. It's not as simple as seeing what the price is of the house, because you won't pay all of that immediately. But rather, what you'll have to find out is what's the amount you can comfortably pay EVERY MONTH for the NEXT 25 YEARS. THAT'S 300 PAYMENTS. In this episode, we teach you what's the 1 thing you SHOULD do to ensure a smooth housing journey.

31 min