28 min

Meghana Kamdar - What is Possible Francisco #fromcoach2coach #wetalkonmondays

    • Careers

Meghana Kamdar, a resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, California, is a woman who wears multiple hats – a devoted wife, mother of three, business partner, entrepreneur, and avid world traveler. In January 2020, she and her husband, along with their three young children, made a significant move to Lisbon, Portugal, to fulfill Meghana's lifelong aspiration of raising her family abroad while forging a purpose-driven future.In 2021, Meghana took a bold step by launching her life coaching pract...

Meghana Kamdar, a resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, California, is a woman who wears multiple hats – a devoted wife, mother of three, business partner, entrepreneur, and avid world traveler. In January 2020, she and her husband, along with their three young children, made a significant move to Lisbon, Portugal, to fulfill Meghana's lifelong aspiration of raising her family abroad while forging a purpose-driven future.In 2021, Meghana took a bold step by launching her life coaching pract...

28 min