143 episodes

We offer strategies, encouragement, and mindset tips on dating with a disability. We talk about how to navigate sexual ableism, focus on your power to attract, and develop happy and healthy relationships.

Dating, Relationships, and Disability Kathy O'Connell

    • Society & Culture

We offer strategies, encouragement, and mindset tips on dating with a disability. We talk about how to navigate sexual ableism, focus on your power to attract, and develop happy and healthy relationships.

    141 - Envisioning Your Person

    141 - Envisioning Your Person


    Visualizing the person you want to meet as a potential partner is a crucial step in the process of dating, as well as finding a loving and happy relationship. This practice helps clarify your desires and priorities, ensuring you have a clear understanding of what you are looking for. I think many people underestimate the value of your own clarity in searching for a partner. By forming a mental image of your ideal partner, you can better identify the qualities and preferences that matter most to you. This clarity is essential in guiding your decisions and actions as you navigate the dating world and can give you a profound calmness as you meet people and determine if they are right for you or not.

    When you visualize your ideal partner, you create a detailed picture of the qualities and characteristics that are important to you. This could include traits such as kindness, intelligence, sense of humor, and shared interests. I have a download called My Relationship Vision that will help you with this. I came up with this exercise when I was having no luck dating and decided I needed to get clear on what I was looking for in a partner. I got very detailed in doing this exercise, down to qualities such as wanting pets and loving being outdoors. I then said what I wrote every single day for years focusing on saying “I attract into my life…” To this day, I have no doubt that doing that exercise so faithfully, even when I still wasn’t sure it would work, led my husband to me, all the way from Detroit to upstate New York.

    Knowing what you value in a partner helps you stay focused and prevents you from settling for less than what you truly want. It also allows you to recognize potential red flags early on, saving you time and emotional energy.

    Visualization also plays a significant role in boosting your confidence and self-esteem. By envisioning yourself with a partner who possesses the qualities you desire, you begin to believe that such a relationship is possible and attainable. This positive mindset can be incredibly empowering, motivating you to take proactive steps towards finding the right person. It reinforces the belief that you are deserving of a loving and fulfilling relationship, which is essential for attracting the right kind of partner.

    It’s also particularly helpful when you’re dating with a disability or another significant challenge because it redirects your thoughts to what you want, rather than thoughts about what you lack. Furthermore, having a mental image of your ideal partner can act as a guiding light during challenging times in your dating journey. There may be moments of doubt, frustration, or disappointment, but keeping your vision in mind can help you stay resilient and committed to your goals. It serves as a reminder of what you are striving for and why it is worth the effort. This perseverance is often necessary to overcome obstacles and ultimately find the right person.

    Moreover, visualizing your ideal partner helps you set clear intentions and goals for your dating life. When you have a specific vision in mind, you are more likely to take intentional actions that align with your desires. This could involve seeking out social environments where you are likely to meet people with similar values, engaging in activities that reflect your interests, or being more selective about who you choose to date. Clear intentions help you stay on track and avoid distractions that may lead you away from your ultimate goal.

    In addition to setting intentions, visualization can help you communicate communicate your needs and preferences effectively. When you have a clear idea of what you are looking for, it becomes easier to articulate this to potential partners. Open and honest communication is a cornerstone of any successful relationship, and being able to express your desires clearly can help build a strong foundation of mutual understanding and respect.

    Visualization also encourages you to reflec

    • 27 min
    140 - Why Inclusive Dating Matters

    140 - Why Inclusive Dating Matters

    One of my life goals is to “move the needle” on people with disabilities being more viewed as dating and intimate partners.Inclusive dating is a significant part of making that happen.

    Inclusive dating is all about welcoming and respecting diversity, making sure all people feel accepted and valued. This approach emphasizes the importance of equality and inclusivity in romantic relationships, ensuring that every individual, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, or socioeconomic status, feels they belong. Inclusive dating recognizes the unique experiences and perspectives that each person brings, fostering a dating environment where differences are celebrated rather than marginalized.

    One of the key aspects of inclusive dating is its focus on equality. This means treating everyone with the same level of respect and consideration, regardless of their background. It involves recognizing and challenging any biases or stereotypes that may influence one's perceptions and interactions with potential partners. By doing so, inclusive dating promotes a more equitable and just dating culture where everyone has an equal opportunity to find love and companionship.

    Inclusivity in dating also involves creating safe and supportive environments for all individuals. This can mean providing platforms and spaces where people from diverse backgrounds can connect and interact without fear of discrimination or prejudice. It also means being mindful of the language and behaviors used in these spaces, ensuring that they are respectful and inclusive. For example, using inclusive language that acknowledges and respects different gender identities, abilities, and sexual orientations can make a significant difference in making people feel valued and understood.

    Inclusivity in dating is also about recognizing and addressing the unique challenges that certain groups may face in the dating scene Inclusive dating requires an understanding and appreciation of the various cultural, social, and personal contexts that shape individuals' dating experiences. For people with disabilities this involves being open to learning about the history of neglect and sexual ableism of how we have been viewed for too long as not being capable or valued as dating and intimate partners. It also means recognizing that one's individual path of living with a disability does not apply to everyone else, and being willing to adapt and accommodate different perspectives.

    For example, individuals with physical or mental disabilities may encounter barriers that others do not, such as accessibility issues or social stigmas. Inclusive dating seeks to remove these barriers and create an environment where everyone can participate fully and equally. This can involve advocating for greater accessibility in dating venues and platforms, as well as promoting awareness and understanding of the specific needs and experiences of disabled people.

    Socioeconomic status is another important factor to consider in inclusive dating, particularly for people with disabilities who contribute to face extreme discrimination at work, endure a 70% unemployment rate, and are often forced to live on Social Security. People from different socioeconomic backgrounds may have different opportunities and resources available to them, which can affect their dating experiences. Inclusive dating involves being aware of these differences and finding ways to bridge the gap, such as by promoting affordable and accessible dating activities and venues. It also means challenging any prejudices or assumptions based on socioeconomic status, and treating everyone with equal respect and dignity.

    Ultimately, inclusive dating is about creating a dating scene where everyone feels they belong, no matter their background or identity. It is about fostering a culture of acceptance, respect, and understanding, where diversity is not just tolerated but celebrated. By embrac

    • 33 min
    139 - Beliefs About Dating That Create Success

    139 - Beliefs About Dating That Create Success

    Maintaining healthy and positive belief systems about oneself and relationships is crucial for mental health, especially in the context of dating. Belief systems shape our perceptions, actions, and interactions. When these beliefs are positive, they promote self-worth, resilience, and constructive behavior, which are essential for navigating the complexities of romantic relationships. Conversely, negative beliefs can lead to self-doubt, anxiety, and unhealthy relationship patterns. Therefore, fostering positive beliefs is vital for emotional well-being and the development of fulfilling relationships.

    First, a positive belief system about oneself enhances self-esteem. High self-esteem is a cornerstone of mental health, as it influences how we view our worth and capabilities. In dating, people with high self-esteem are more likely to set healthy boundaries, communicate their needs effectively, and choose partners who respect and value them. They are less likely to tolerate abusive or toxic behavior, as they recognize their own value and deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.

    Second, positive beliefs about relationships foster a healthy approach to love and partnership. Believing that healthy, respectful, and loving relationships are possible encourages individuals to seek and maintain such connections. This belief system helps individuals to remain hopeful and optimistic, even when faced with challenges. It also encourages the development of essential relationship skills, such as empathy, communication, and conflict resolution, which are crucial for sustaining a healthy partnership.

    Third, a healthy belief system helps individuals cope with rejection and setbacks. Dating inevitably involves some degree of rejection, whether it's a relationship that doesn't work out or unrequited interest. Those with positive beliefs about themselves and their dating prospects are better equipped to handle these disappointments. They view rejection as a learning experience rather than a reflection of their worth. This resilience helps maintain mental health by preventing the negative spiral of self-blame and despair.

    Lastly,, positive beliefs can reduce anxiety and stress associated with dating. When individuals believe in their worth and the possibility of healthy relationships, they are less likely to experience debilitating anxiety about dating. They approach dating with a sense of curiosity and openness rather than fear and trepidation. This relaxed attitude not only makes the dating process more enjoyable but also allows individuals to present their authentic selves, increasing the likelihood of forming genuine connections.

    Now let’s look at some examples of positive belief systems. The belief that "I am deserving of love and respect." This belief reinforces self-worth and encourages individuals to seek partners who treat them well. It also helps individuals recognize and avoid relationships that are disrespectful or harmful. Another example is the belief that "Healthy relationships require effort and communication." This promotes a proactive approach to relationship-building, encouraging individuals to invest in their relationships and address issues constructively.

    A third example is the belief that "Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow." This mindset helps individuals view dating experiences, even negative ones, as valuable learning opportunities. It fosters resilience and a growth mindset, which are beneficial for both personal development and relationship success. Lastly, the belief that "I can be happy and fulfilled on my own" is crucial. This belief underscores the importance of self-sufficiency and self-love, reducing the likelihood of entering relationships out of desperation or fear of being alone.

    In summary, maintaining healthy and positive belief systems about oneself and relationships is vital for mental health in the dating context. These beliefs promote self-esteem, a constructive approac

    • 21 min
    138 - Beliefs for Dating Success

    138 - Beliefs for Dating Success

    Believing that you are worthy of finding love and happiness begins with the realization that your current thoughts and beliefs are simply reflections of what you have accepted as true in the past. If you want to change these beliefs, you must first acknowledge that they exist and then make a conscious decision to change your mind about them. This process starts with recognizing the beliefs you've accepted and choosing to un-accept them.

    Many of us operate in a default mode of thinking, continuously replaying programmed and practiced beliefs. These automatic thoughts often shape our perceptions of ourselves and our worthiness. To create a different future, especially one filled with love and happiness, you must create new beliefs that don’t exist in your past. This means that your current thoughts, rooted in past experiences, are not useful in building a new reality.

    Believing is about deciding and accepting something as true. This doesn't mean that it is inherently true; it just means you have chosen to believe it is true. Understanding this distinction is crucial. If you want to disbelieve something, you must first recognize that you've accepted it as true and then decide to change your mind. This involves a deliberate process of un-accepting the old belief and choosing a new one.

    The concept of truth is not an external entity but rather a decision we make internally. You have the power to choose which truths to believe and which to disbelieve. This means you need to be deliberate about the beliefs you hold. By actively deciding what you want to believe, you can focus on building new, positive beliefs about your worthiness and potential for finding love.

    A belief is merely a thought you keep thinking. It becomes ingrained through repetition and acceptance. To cultivate a new belief in your worthiness, you need to practice thinking this new thought over and over again. It’s through this repetition that the new belief will eventually become familiar and accepted without question.

    When you want to adopt a new belief, such as your worthiness of love and happiness, you must be intentional about learning and practicing it. This involves consistently thinking the new thought, embracing it as true, and reinforcing it until it becomes a natural part of your mindset. This deliberate practice is essential for transforming your self-perception.

    It's important to understand that your current beliefs are not set in stone. They are simply thoughts that have become familiar through repetition. By recognizing this, you can take control and consciously choose to adopt new beliefs that support your desire for love and happiness. This shift requires effort and persistence but is entirely within your power.

    In summary, building a belief in your worthiness of love and happiness involves recognizing and changing your current thought patterns. By deliberately choosing and practicing new, positive thoughts, you can transform your self-perception and create a future filled with the love and happiness you desire. This process is about making intentional decisions, practicing new beliefs, and embracing the power you have to shape your reality.

    Success Beliefs Download

    Check out our Dating Memberships:

    Dating Made Easier (for all people wanting to date) - is a monthly membership for anyone (with or without disabilities) who wants support and guidance in dating skills and getting the RESULTS you want in dating and relationships. Click here to learn more.

    Supporting Dating and Relationships membership (for special educators and professionals in disability services) - is for professionals in the disability field who are looking for training and resources to effectively help students/people with disabilities in developing dating and relationship skills. Click here to learn more.

    Music by Successful Motivation

    Artwork photo by Elevate

    • 23 min
    137 - Rock Solid Confidence While Dating

    137 - Rock Solid Confidence While Dating

    Make dating more possible for you! Join our webinar on Dating Simplified in Three Easy Steps and discover how to make your dating journey easier and more successful with just three simple steps.

    Register for the webinar here.

    Maintaining rock-solid confidence while dating with a disability requires inner strength and resilience, especially in the face of negative comments, rejection, and others not seeing you as a potential partner. First, it's essential to cultivate a strong sense of self-worth that isn't dependent on external validation. I know, easier said than done. It is critical that you recognize your inherent value as a person, irrespective of others' opinions or attitudes. Remind yourself of your unique qualities, strengths, and achievements, reinforcing your confidence from within. 

    If you find yourself really struggling with this, please consider getting support from a mental health professional to help you see your own goodness and strengths.

    I want to talk specifically about how to maintain confidence in the face of three common situations that come up in the dating scene, particularly nowadays with so much contact being online. These are receiving nasty comments, rejection from others, and people not seeing them as potential partners.

    Nasty Comments 

    When faced with nasty comments or discrimination, remember that they stem from ignorance or prejudice, not your worth as an individual. Develop strategies to cope with hurtful remarks, such as practicing self-compassion, seeking support from loved ones, or confronting the issue assertively when necessary. Refuse to internalize negative beliefs about yourself based on others' biases, affirming your worth despite external negativity. 

    Think about it, if you begin to believe the nasty things that people say to you, you give them your self worth and no one deserves that.

    Rejected and Confident 

    Rejection is a natural part of the dating process, but it doesn't diminish your value as a person. Embrace rejection as a learning opportunity rather than a reflection of your worthiness. Understand that compatibility is multifaceted and goes beyond physical appearance or disability. Rejection simply means that the other person isn't the right match for you, not that you're unworthy of love or companionship.

    Maintain a positive outlook and focus on the aspects of yourself that you can control. Invest in self-improvement and personal growth, honing your skills, interests, and passions. Cultivating a fulfilling and enriching life independently of romantic relationships enhances your confidence and resilience. When dating, approach interactions with authenticity and confidence, knowing that you bring valuable qualities and experiences to the table.

    Surround yourself with supportive individuals who uplift and encourage you. Build a strong network of friends, family, or support groups who understand and appreciate you for who you are. Lean on them for emotional support and validation, especially during challenging times. Having a supportive community reinforces your confidence and reminds you that you're not alone in your dating journey.

    Practice self-care regularly to nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and fulfillment, whether it's meditation, exercise, or pursuing hobbies. Prioritizing self-care replenishes your energy and resilience, enabling you to navigate the ups and downs of dating with confidence and grace.

    When Others Don’t See You 

    There are definitely many in the world who don’t - or shall we say will not - see people with disabilities as potential partners. Remember them not seeing you this way doesn’t take away from your potential at all. It’s really their loss.

    Focus on the people who will get it. Focus on fostering genuine connections with others based on mutual respect and understanding. Seek partners who appreciate and admire you for your authenticity and uniquenes

    • 34 min
    136 - How to Keep Your Self Esteem Intact While Dating

    136 - How to Keep Your Self Esteem Intact While Dating

    Maintaining self-esteem while dating with a disability is both empowering and challenging. Affirming oneself is crucial in this journey of probably taking the biggest risk with your heart of putting yourself out there to be vulnerable, show up exactly as you are, disability and all, and face rejection. Last week I did an broad perspective episode on how dating can be a mental health issue as we kick off Mental Health Awareness Month in the States. 

    I want to follow that episode with some tactical episodes of how to maintain mental health while you date. Remember, much of what I talk about stems from over 25 years of providing mental health counseling and working with many people with disabilities who wanted to date and share their life with someone. Over the next three weeks, we’re going to look at ways to maintain your self esteem, confidence, and belief system while dating.

    I broke down how to keep your self esteem intact through four ways: through affirming self, having good boundaries by expecting others will treat you respectfully, seeing your disability as an asset, and being resilient in the face of rejection.

    Affirming Yourself 

    Recognizing your worth beyond your disability and focusing on your strengths bolsters self-esteem. Focus on your unique qualities, talents, and achievements. This doesn’t mean you only focus on your strengths and ignore the parts of yourself where you need to grow. It means you acknowledge their are beautiful, appealing qualities about you that you bring forth. This is what I call the Power to Attract. This can certainly include qualities of your disability that makes you unique.

    Affirming yourself means you embrace self-love and acceptance, understanding that your disability doesn't define you entirely but adds depth to your character.

    Focusing on personal growth and fulfillment outside of dating is essential. Pursue hobbies, interests, and goals that bring you joy and fulfillment. Cultivating a rich and fulfilling life independent of romantic relationships enhances your confidence and self-esteem. When dating, you'll approach relationships from a place of abundance rather than seeking validation or fulfillment from others.

    Practicing self-care is vital for maintaining self-esteem. Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Engage in activities that nourish your soul, whether it's meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature. Nurturing yourself holistically reinforces your sense of worth and resilience, enabling you to approach dating with confidence and authenticity.

    Healthy Boundaries 

    Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries is essential. Spend time thinking about what boundaries you want for dating and relationships. Learn to communicate  your needs clearly and assertively. This may mean practice saying them out loud or writing them down. Setting boundaries reinforces your self-worth and ensures that you're treated with dignity and kindness. Remember that anyone who disregards your boundaries isn't worthy of your time and affection.

    Disability/Difference as an Asset

    Viewing your disability as an asset rather than a barrier can significantly impact your self-esteem. Understand that it shapes your experiences and perspectives uniquely, offering insights and strengths that others may not possess. Embrace your disability as a part of your identity. This shows yourself and others how resilient and adaptable you are. Highlighting how it enriches your life can attract partners who appreciate and admire your perspective.

    Embrace vulnerability in dating, recognizing it as a strength rather than a weakness. Opening yourself up to potential partners requires courage and authenticity. Vulnerability fosters genuine connections and intimacy, deepening your relationships. Embracing vulnerability allows you to express your true self authentically, fostering meaningful connections built on trust and mutual respect.

    Handling Rejection 

    Resilience is key

    • 31 min

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