26 min

Chapter 15: A Beautiful Promise Reclaimed

    • Books

Anxiety in recent years has exploded off the charts. God, however, does not desire for us to live a life trapped in our anxieties. He wants to reclaim us through Tranquility because He has given us a beautiful promise: His peace can guard our hearts and mind. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/ services/publications/diseases-conditions/mood-anxiety-disorders-canada.html

Anxiety in recent years has exploded off the charts. God, however, does not desire for us to live a life trapped in our anxieties. He wants to reclaim us through Tranquility because He has given us a beautiful promise: His peace can guard our hearts and mind. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/ services/publications/diseases-conditions/mood-anxiety-disorders-canada.html

26 min