4 min

God Never Promised..‪.‬ Impacting Journeys

    • Non-Profit

God Never Promised…

1. God promised a land to Abraham that did not come to pass while he was alive

2. God never promised easy, even at the start (Location, Connections, and Comfortable)

3. God never promised an end date to the completion

Genesis 12:1-9 (NKJV) Promises to Abram Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you. 2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” 4 So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him… 7 Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.” …

4. God promised He would give the land to Abraham’s descendants

5. God never promised they would just walk in, but they would have to take it

6. God promised to deliver the enemy into their hands, they had to possess it and occupy

Joshua 21:43-45 The Promise Fulfilled So, the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. 44 The Lord gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand. 45 Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.

7. God never promised it would be easy

8. God promised He would never leave them

9. God promised man has no chance against you, when you go with Him

Hebrews 13:5-6 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

God Never Promised…

1. God promised a land to Abraham that did not come to pass while he was alive

2. God never promised easy, even at the start (Location, Connections, and Comfortable)

3. God never promised an end date to the completion

Genesis 12:1-9 (NKJV) Promises to Abram Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you. 2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” 4 So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him… 7 Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.” …

4. God promised He would give the land to Abraham’s descendants

5. God never promised they would just walk in, but they would have to take it

6. God promised to deliver the enemy into their hands, they had to possess it and occupy

Joshua 21:43-45 The Promise Fulfilled So, the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. 44 The Lord gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand. 45 Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.

7. God never promised it would be easy

8. God promised He would never leave them

9. God promised man has no chance against you, when you go with Him

Hebrews 13:5-6 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

4 min