160 episodes

Elm City Vineyard Church Talks is a collection of talks from Elm City Vineyard Church, a faith community in New Haven, CT.

Elm City Vineyard Church Talks Elm City Vineyard Church

    • Religion & Spirituality

Elm City Vineyard Church Talks is a collection of talks from Elm City Vineyard Church, a faith community in New Haven, CT.

    Empty: Empty Contacts

    Empty: Empty Contacts

    When we come to Jesus, we are not only joined to him, but to his people—to his household. In the way of Jesus, our identity as members of his household takes precedence over all other memberships and identities, and, humanly speaking, becomes the locus of all our other relationships. To continue the “Empty” series, this week’s sermon will be called “Resetting our Relational Center: Emptying Ourselves to Make Room for a New Community." Our guest speaker, Andy Saperstein, will help us explore some of the graces, challenges, and adventures we encounter as we make room to live out our identity as the people of God.
    - Series Description -
    Following our Easter service exploring the power of the empty tomb, we will spend several weeks looking at how resurrection changes emptiness. Because of the resurrection, we know that empty things can be blessed. And some things need to be emptied to be consecrated for blessings that go far beyond what we can see. How do our schedules, wallets, contacts, and more need to be emptied in order for us to experience God’s abundance? Come and learn more.

    • 39 min
    Empty: Empty Resumé

    Empty: Empty Resumé

    It is easy to live our lives thinking that are worth is in our accomplishments. Thankfully, Jesus has a list of accomplishments that are different than our own. They are freeing and completely free. Child. Reliant on God’s power. One who discerns the way of Jesus with him, not alone. This is the way to a life where we don’t withdraw from the world; instead, we remember who we are - God’s beloved, and continue in the path God has called us, empowered by the Spirit to deal with trial and challenge. Listen to hear more practical strategies for finding our worth in a God who chose us before we accomplished anything.
    - Series Description -
    Following our Easter service exploring the power of the empty tomb, we will spend several weeks looking at how resurrection changes emptiness. Because of the resurrection, we know that empty things can be blessed. And some things need to be emptied to be consecrated for blessings that go far beyond what we can see. How do our schedules, wallets, contacts, and more need to be emptied in order for us to experience God’s abundance? Come and learn more.

    • 44 min
    Empty: Empty Wallets

    Empty: Empty Wallets

    Empty wallet. Empty bank account. How could those things have anything to do with resurrection? Jesus’ life giving advice on money isn’t go forth and chase “up and to the right” or “more, more, more.” Instead, Jesus’ path towards abundance goes once again through loss. Can we trust Jesus with our finances? Whatever our answer is, come and consider how following Jesus with our money can lead to flourishing.
    - Series Description -
    Following our Easter service exploring the power of the empty tomb, we will spend several weeks looking at how resurrection changes emptiness. Because of the resurrection, we know that empty things can be blessed. And some things need to be emptied to be consecrated for blessings that go far beyond what we can see. How do our schedules, wallets, contacts, and more need to be emptied in order for us to experience God’s abundance? Come and learn more.

    • 39 min
    Empty: Empty Schedule

    Empty: Empty Schedule

    Following our Easter service exploring the power of the empty tomb, we will spend several weeks looking at how resurrection changes emptiness. Because of the resurrection, we know that empty things can be blessed. And some things need to be emptied to be consecrated for blessings that go far beyond what we can see. How do our schedules, wallets, contacts, and more need to be emptied in order for us to experience God’s abundance? Come and learn more this Sunday.
    - Series Description -
    Following our Easter service exploring the power of the empty tomb, we will spend several weeks looking at how resurrection changes emptiness. Because of the resurrection, we know that empty things can be blessed. And some things need to be emptied to be consecrated for blessings that go far beyond what we can see. How do our schedules, wallets, contacts, and more need to be emptied in order for us to experience God’s abundance? Come and learn more.

    • 54 min
    Resurrection & Redefinition

    Resurrection & Redefinition

    What’s a time you’ve had something redefined? Was it sudden or over time? Some of us have woken up with an ordinary understanding of some specific part of our life and by the time we went to sleep, everything was different. Others had that change happen over months, years, decades. This Easter, we remember that Jesus’ followers went through a whirlwind of emotions after Jesus’ death leading to his resurrection. Grief. Offense. Shock. Doubt. Belief. In the morning, the offense of someone robbing a grave gave way to myriad emotional responses when the empty tomb was revealed. How do we make meaning out of the empty tombs of our lives? The good news of Jesus helps us redefine it all. Come and encounter more this Sunday and remember to invite a neighbor, classmate, or friend. What might God redefine for you this Easter?

    • 20 min
    Loving the Poor Through Word and Deed: Longing for Jubiliee

    Loving the Poor Through Word and Deed: Longing for Jubiliee

    What if tomorrow brought freedom to all people and the land? This was God's vision of Jubilee, a time when the Israelites were invited to take a break from harvesting every 50 years to let the land rest and enjoy the abundance God would provide. They were also called to free all enslaved people. This is the essence of Jubilee. Where are you longing for Jubilee today?

    This week, Kim will discuss the vision and imagination that God invited the Israelites to embrace for a new way of life: one that holds about the abundance, safety, and security God provides if they follow his decrees and the directions God extended to the Israelites if one of their fellow Israelites became poor. 
    - Series Description -
    Jesus cares deeply about the marginalized. During this Lenten series, we will unpack God’s care for the poor, identification with this group, and the ways God moves on their behalf and calls us to do likewise. Oftentimes, we see people talk the talk with justice — saying the right things, using the in season buzzwords — but they are not caring for actual marginalized folks. Other times, we see people serving to the point of burnout and not modeling the world they are working so hard for. They might do good works but without much good news. Jesus is completely different. He has compassion, mercy, and deep love for folks who are marginalized. Jesus sees, stops, and cares, and He calls us to do the same. Will we? Over the Covid-19 pandemic, each our service and justice ministries got shut down — prison bible studies at Whalley and York, serving at Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK), and serving with Agape Church for the Homeless. As the pandemic shifted and more things opened up, we remained quite inward. We want that to change. We are praying that God’s work amongst us would inspire a new ministry for and among the poor and marginalized. Join us!

    • 35 min

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