Extraordinary Experiences of an Everyday Woman by Crystal Stewart Talking Books

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The Author Crystal Stewart is an award-winning author from Red Bluff, California, in the U.S. She best describes herself as a lightworker, mother, housewife, gardener, domestic goddess, baker, meditator. For me she’s all of these but with a wonderful zany attribute to compliment her overriding personality. On a professional note, Crystal is certified in numerous […]

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The Author Crystal Stewart is an award-winning author from Red Bluff, California, in the U.S. She best describes herself as a lightworker, mother, housewife, gardener, domestic goddess, baker, meditator. For me she’s all of these but with a wonderful zany attribute to compliment her overriding personality. On a professional note, Crystal is certified in numerous […]

The post Extraordinary Experiences of an Everyday Woman by Crystal Stewart appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

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