35 episodes

Ronda Macrory shares tips and strategies to build your business system. Because highly organized and successful CEO's got that way with systems.

Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready Ronda Macrory

    • Business

Ronda Macrory shares tips and strategies to build your business system. Because highly organized and successful CEO's got that way with systems.

    More time in your time. Is that a thing?

    More time in your time. Is that a thing?

    OK, who couldn’t use more time? Show of hands. Yeah, I thought so. Everybody could use more time. But you only have the same 24 hours every day. Nothing more. And nothing less. So, what’s a poor business owner or entrepreneur to do (and by poor, I don’t necessarily mean finances)? Well, the answer is, you…wait. Let’s do a pop quiz first. And I promise it’s easy. And I grade on a very lenient scale. Watch this.


    Now, you can have more time to watch out for trick questions.

    Yeah, who wants to choose between more time or more money?

    Especially when you don’t really have to choose. But a lot of business owners do. Whether they do it on purpose or not. Is that you? Did you choose to make more money and have less time to enjoy it? Or did you choose to settle for a certain level out on the income so you could work less? And did you find out you have less choices with less money to enjoy life.

    I know, I know. It was kind of a trick question. But it’s kind of a big deal. Because it’s your life.

    But here’s some good news. With my RondaReady System you don’t have to choose one and sacrifice the other.

    When you get organized and structured, guess what else you get.


    AND you can get a business that’s so much more hands-free. At least YOUR hands free.

    Wanna know how to do it? The solution is simple. But it requires your commitment and persistence. To a proven System. And that’s the RondaReady System. It won’t give you more time. But it WILL put more of it under your control. And that’s the next best thing.

    I’ve watched lots of high 5 figure earners go to 6 figures. And I’ve watched lots of 6 figure owners reach 7 figures. And I never get tired of hearing their success stories. You could/should be one, too.

    You could/should be the highly organized CEO of your business. So, book a free call with me. And let’s find out if my System is right for you and your business. Because I truly do wanna help you…

    Stay Ready,


    • 1 min
    Client experience workflow – either you got it or you don’t

    Client experience workflow – either you got it or you don’t

    How about you and I talk, a little bit, about building a client experience workflow? Sounds like fun, right? And let’s talk about the thoughts we think. And the impressions they leave.


    I know it’s hard to stay positive sometimes. Isn’t it? You know, the human condition (and tendency) is to just lean towards the negative. And we buy more into that than the positive. So, it’s hard to stay on that baseline. Something negative hits, and poof. We slide down and tend to stay there.

    But something positive hits, and we get a quick lift, and we don’t tend to stay there.

    I can’t explain it. But that IS the reality.

    So, why am I even talking about thoughts and the impressions they leave?

    Well…I wanna tie that into something. When you’re working with clients, do you have a well thought-out

    Client experience workflow?

    From lead to prospect to getting them into your system as a client or a customer, it’s a workflow. And even when you’re not working with them anymore. It should all be a good experience they’ll remember.

    Because there’s the “transactional experience” and the “value-added” experience. And the value-added experience sets you apart. So much that you don’t even have competition. Because their experience with you will be so much better. And you build a better relationship.

    And in the April monthly RondaReady  lesson, I’m showing members how to set this up in their own system. It’s part of my ongoing business coaching to help you plug into a proven system and RUN with it.

    And this hands-on how-to coaching is only $15 a month. Fifty cents a day. You could scrape that up with one hand tied behind your back. And your scraping can pay for itself over and over when you follow through with what I teach you. I know, because the same System has helped me and my clients go from 5 figure businesses to 6. And from 6 figure businesses to 7.

    So, don’t miss the deadline to enroll and be in time to learn this client experience workflow lesson. Because tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.

    Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…

    Stay Ready,

    Confidence is a might powerful tool. And so is this.

    Confidence is a might powerful tool. And so is this.

    There’s nothing like having confidence when it comes to running your business. And you might be doing something to shoot yourself in the foot when it comes to this. Like a client of mine when I first started working with her…

    Do you let your clients determine when you’ll meet up? Or do you make your own schedule? And I thought about this when I met with a client of mine this week.

    When we first started working together, her attitude was the same as a lot of business owners when they first start out. She figured, “I’ll just meet when they can. I’ll just move my schedule around for them.”

    And that way of doing things wasn’t getting her the response she hoped for. She didn’t get a lot of appointments. And she just wasn’t accomplishing what she really wanted to accomplish.

    But fast forward to now. It was wonderful when I was with her. She reached out to a couple of people to schedule appointments. And they were clamoring to get those appointments booked. Because they knew the value of her time, and that they better take it when they can. And that’s a wonderful place for her to be.

    And her confidence level has soared.

    So has her business. Her time is more manageable. She’s accomplishing what she wants. It’s so great to see.

    Where are you with that? Do you command respect for your time so others will respect it? Do they work in your timeframe? Well, that’s where you need to be. That’s where you’ll be ready and stay ready to get your business to the level you want it to be.

    And I’m talking about that in next month’s RondaReady lesson. And I’ll have a great tool you can use to help you reach your goals and level up your business confidence.

    So, the deadline to enroll in my monthly RondaReady UNversity…and be in time for the next one in March…is February 28th. Coming up in just a few days. After that, you’ll be too late for March’s session. You could still enroll, but you’d have to wait for the next class in April.

    For hands-on how-to coaching on how to build your business better and faster with a proven system, monthly tuition is only $15. Remember, tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.

    Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…

    Stay Ready,


    Linear lines and workflows to be sure your work flows

    Linear lines and workflows to be sure your work flows

    So, I was with a client the other day, Penny, from Best Techs Contracting. They’re specialists, in California, at building passive homes, and homes for the chemically sensitive. Also high end remodels. They’re great at what they do. And I talked to her about something I’d seen on a homebuilding show. They showed a kitchen with cabinet walls, a nice flat and beautiful countertop with a sink in the middle. And that’s all you saw. And Penny said, “Oh yeah…that’s linear lines.”


    I thought, “Wow! I like that term, linear lines.”

    And what’s wonderful about it (at least in my opinion) is that everything has its own spot. And it’s all nice and neat and behind cupboards with no clutter. Everything is just fantastically laid out in place. So organized.

    And then I started thinking, “That’s what I’m doing, as far as showing business owners how to craft relationship workflows with clients.”

    Doesn’t matter if it’s before they’re clients. Or going from “lead” all the way to “client.” Or even afterwards in what I call the nurture phase. I really like that term, “Linear Lines.” Because it’s getting rid of the clutter. Making things simple. And everything has its place. Nice, neat, and organized.

    That’s how you make it easy to follow, easy to replicate, and easy to duplicate. So, you…as the business owner, when you have these things in place in your business, spend more time doing things you should focus on.

    Like planning, strategizing, organizing. Getting your business scalable to that next level. Instead of spending your time, over and over again, on client fulfillment. Or on the daily operations.

    That’s where we linear line it.

    And you have that daily work automated and fulfilled by other people or tools. At least to the extent that you want it to be. Yes.

    So, why is this important?

    Because in the March UNversity class, you and I will go over (at least if you’re enrolled by the deadline) designing business relationship workflows. I’m gonna show you how to do that.

    So, make sure you sign up for my monthly RondaReady UNversity…before the deadline. February 28. After that, you’ll be too late for March’s session. You could still enroll, but you’d have to wait for the next class in April.

    For hands-on how-to coaching on how to build your business better and faster with a proven system, monthly tuition is only $15. Remember, tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.

    Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…

    Stay Ready,


    Business templates. Some of your best time-saving friends.

    Business templates. Some of your best time-saving friends.

    OK, let’s say you’re bored. And you’re looking for something fun to do. Well, how about business templates? Not exactly your idea of a day at the beach. Yeah, mine either. But these little tools can help you have more of those days at the beach. Here’s what I mean.


    Do you use business templates?

    And I don’t mean just a couple of them here and there. I mean really utilizing templates in each and every one of your business units for communication. Do you use them to talk to prospects? And how about in autoresponders? Plus…do you automate them?

    Do you use them to add value through your customer or client transactions or other interactions? And do you have templates set up for routine follow-up? Because that’s an awesome way to nurture your whole database.

    And that helps you stay “top of mind.” (a great place to be if you like profits)

    Templates are such a wonderful way to save you time. And they help you get the right messages across to the right parts of your audience.

    So…they’re necessary.

    And not just to use through Gmail (or your preferred email provider). It’s good to have business templates in your system. That way you can continually automate and improve.

    And that’s a big part of time management.

    Like I’ve said many times…time is your biggest commodity. And the more time you can save, the more money you can make.

    Speaking of time management, that’s what I’ll be teaching in the first RondaReady UNversity session coming up a week from today. The first Thursday of February.

    So, the deadline to enroll in my monthly RondaReady UNversity…and be in time for the first one in February…is January 31st. After that, you’ll be too late for February’s session. You could still enroll, but you’d have to wait for the next class in March.

    For hands-on how-to coaching on how to build your business better and faster with a proven system, monthly tuition is only $15. Remember, tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.

    Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…

    Stay Ready,


    Business reports are so boring. Unless you enjoy success.

    Business reports are so boring. Unless you enjoy success.

    Business reports. Sounds so boring. Doesn’t it? But they’re not. They’re exciting. You know they are. And you know, down deep, you want reports. And you should.

    Because business reports work like a charm.


    Years ago I was hired by a large insurance corporation. And after working with me a little while, they actually changed my position (and title) to “Performance Advocate.” I kinda liked that.

    One of the main things I did was to take all the reports they put out and streamline them into more meaningful reports. And that was to advocate for employee’s performance. So, that’s exactly what I did.

    It was so great seeing the managers able to really utilize the information. It was there all along. But it just needed to be put together to increase productivity, sales, and decrease expenses…and wasted TIME.

    So…you know what?

    You and your business are like that. And you can greatly benefit from being able to run reports and measure a lot of things. Because it helps you get to where you want you and your business to be. Much faster. Productivity, expenses, pricing…there’s no end to the benefits.

    Do you have a solution to do that? RondaReady does.

    It’s such a great time management tool to be able to run your business through reports.

    And speaking about time management…I’m launching RondaReady UNversity the first Thursday in February. And classes will be the first Thursday of every month.

    But the deadline to enroll in my monthly sessions…and be in time for the first one in February…is January 31st. After that, you’ll be too late for February’s session. You could still enroll, but you’d have to wait for the next class in March.

    For hands-on how-to coaching on how to build your business better and faster with a proven system, monthly tuition is only $15. Remember, tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.

    It all started with an idea to help entrepreneurs and business owners, like you, plug into a proven system and RUN with it.

    Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…

    Stay Ready,


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