389 episodes

Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt is a global media personality and go-to authority for those ready to heal heartbreak, live unapologetically and attract a soul-shaking relationship. This Ivy League grad is the Author of 6 books, has interviewed Whoopi Goldberg and Alanis Morissette, and Hosts the edgy Podcast Intimate Conversations: Season 11- Soul Medicine, where listeners learn how to ‘Become the One’ to 'Find the One’ which ‘Keeps the One.'

A Certified Master Coach with close to 5 million viewers on YouTube, Allana was asked by Leeza Gibbons to coach her during Dancing with the Stars. Interviewed over 800 times, she's been chosen as an Icon of Influence and featured on Huffington Post, People Magazine, Forbes, CBS, ABC, FOX, TLC, iHeartRadio, the GoodMenProject and more.

For the past 20 yrs, Allana's brave willingness to heal her own heart and come Home to herself makes her authentic, relatable and credible in her proven Coaching Programs and Intimacy Retreats. Her wisdom, exuberance and raw transparency inspire the deep soul work required to create a solid intimate relationship with one’s self first, which naturally attracts and enhances an ideal open-hearted partnership that lasts. She’s a small-town Canadian girl living in rural Wyoming who is honored to love the sh** out of Humanity.

Intimate Conversations Allana Pratt

    • Health & Fitness

Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt is a global media personality and go-to authority for those ready to heal heartbreak, live unapologetically and attract a soul-shaking relationship. This Ivy League grad is the Author of 6 books, has interviewed Whoopi Goldberg and Alanis Morissette, and Hosts the edgy Podcast Intimate Conversations: Season 11- Soul Medicine, where listeners learn how to ‘Become the One’ to 'Find the One’ which ‘Keeps the One.'

A Certified Master Coach with close to 5 million viewers on YouTube, Allana was asked by Leeza Gibbons to coach her during Dancing with the Stars. Interviewed over 800 times, she's been chosen as an Icon of Influence and featured on Huffington Post, People Magazine, Forbes, CBS, ABC, FOX, TLC, iHeartRadio, the GoodMenProject and more.

For the past 20 yrs, Allana's brave willingness to heal her own heart and come Home to herself makes her authentic, relatable and credible in her proven Coaching Programs and Intimacy Retreats. Her wisdom, exuberance and raw transparency inspire the deep soul work required to create a solid intimate relationship with one’s self first, which naturally attracts and enhances an ideal open-hearted partnership that lasts. She’s a small-town Canadian girl living in rural Wyoming who is honored to love the sh** out of Humanity.

    Devotion to Love: Being the First to Own it with John Wineland Part 2

    Devotion to Love: Being the First to Own it with John Wineland Part 2

    Blown away as I imagined by return guest John Wineland.  Right out of the gate as I expressed the theme of the month with turning anger into fierce love, John took us on a deep dive into the energy of anguish, when anger and grief are combined. He's so right, underneath my anger I always want to sob (and I shed some tears on this podcast). He spoke of how when we widen our anger in the yogic practice and open, we reconnect with our hearts and authentic anguish is accessible to express AND much more palpable to receive by our partner. 
    In this extraordinary conversation we also discussed...
    -How being with the feminine storm is not about putting up with wound dumping or ambushing the masculine with anger...
    -How we're always going to fail in the practice of intimacy, devotion to love, and masculine and feminine polarity… we just need to recommit...
    -How often when we attempt to repair after a rupture, if we told the truth, we honestly don't want to hear about their experience...  and what is it going to take to change that...
    How there's very specific language and communication practices found in John's Embodied Relationship Experience platform that make communicating so much easier such as beginning with, I know you never want to hurt me...
    -How curious that both of us were going through conscious uncoupling at the recording of this Podcast and ways that John coached me to go first, to be devoted to love, into invite deeper completion... 
    -How John is offering both this Embodied Relationship Experience platform and his 5th Teacher Training to help people more deeply embody love and experience fulfilling intimate relationships... 

    As long as I dive deep for Truth, Life keeps getting richer and more fulfilling. Since this recording and receiving John's invitation for deeper completion in my uncoupling, I have renewed my love, connection and commitment to me... and to Scott. A miracle. Never Say Never.

    ❤️ Successful professionally yet suck at deep intimate love? Can’t get it right as hard as you try? Hate yourself because you know better, but the pattern still continues? Desire 1-on-1 support to integrate these subconscious trauma wounds? This is my genius. Let's set you free. Schedule your VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me here:
    Subscribers of my Intimate Conversations Podcast are eligible to use the Scholarship Code: INTIMATE
    ❤️ As committed as you are, what’s still repelling deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy? Your Blindspots. Unintegrated heartbreak. Let’s move you from confused to clarity, insecure to confident, disheartened to hopeful... single to finding The One. We’ve got you. 
    Schedule your Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me today https://allanapratt.com/connect 
    Scholarship Code: READYNOW
    ❤️ Finding the One is Bullsh*t. Becoming the One is brilliant and beautiful, and ironically the key to attracting your ideal partner. Move beyond the fear of getting hurt again. Register for Become the One Introductory Program. http://allanapratt.com/becomeintro 
    Use Code: BTO22 to get over 40% off
    ❤️ Complimentary Intimacy Mini-Course ~ After 20 yrs as an Intimacy Expert, I’ve discovered the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Learn how to avoid them so you can thrive deliciously. https://allanapratt.com/top5mistakes 
    ❤️ What’s your Intimacy Blind Spot? Discover what may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy soul shaking relationship. Take the quiz! https://allanapratt.com/quiz  
    ❤️ The Magic Mind team created a super offer f

    • 40 min
    Devotion to Love: Being the First to Own it with John Wineland Part 1

    Devotion to Love: Being the First to Own it with John Wineland Part 1

    Blown away as I imagined by return guest John Wineland.  Right out of the gate as I expressed the theme of the month with turning anger into fierce love, John took us on a deep dive into the energy of anguish, when anger and grief are combined. He's so right, underneath my anger I always want to sob (and I shed some tears on this podcast). He spoke of how when we widen our anger in the yogic practice and open, we reconnect with our hearts and authentic anguish is accessible to express AND much more palpable to receive by our partner. 
    In this extraordinary conversation we also discussed...
    -How being with the feminine storm is not about putting up with wound dumping or ambushing the masculine with anger...
    -How we're always going to fail in the practice of intimacy, devotion to love, and masculine and feminine polarity… we just need to recommit...
    -How often when we attempt to repair after a rupture, if we told the truth, we honestly don't want to hear about their experience...  and what is it going to take to change that...
    How there's very specific language and communication practices found in John's Embodied Relationship Experience platform that make communicating so much easier such as beginning with, I know you never want to hurt me...
    -How curious that both of us were going through conscious uncoupling at the recording of this Podcast and ways that John coached me to go first, to be devoted to love, into invite deeper completion... 
    -How John is offering both this Embodied Relationship Experience platform and his 5th Teacher Training to help people more deeply embody love and experience fulfilling intimate relationships... 

    As long as I dive deep for Truth, Life keeps getting richer and more fulfilling. Since this recording and receiving John's invitation for deeper completion in my uncoupling, I have renewed my love, connection and commitment to me... and to Scott. A miracle. Never Say Never.

    ❤️ Successful professionally yet suck at deep intimate love? Can’t get it right as hard as you try? Hate yourself because you know better, but the pattern still continues? Desire 1-on-1 support to integrate these subconscious trauma wounds? This is my genius. Let's set you free. Schedule your VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me here:
    Subscribers of my Intimate Conversations Podcast are eligible to use the Scholarship Code: INTIMATE
    ❤️ As committed as you are, what’s still repelling deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy? Your Blindspots. Unintegrated heartbreak. Let’s move you from confused to clarity, insecure to confident, disheartened to hopeful... single to finding The One. We’ve got you. 
    Schedule your Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me today https://allanapratt.com/connect 
    Scholarship Code: READYNOW
    ❤️ Finding the One is Bullsh*t. Becoming the One is brilliant and beautiful, and ironically the key to attracting your ideal partner. Move beyond the fear of getting hurt again. Register for Become the One Introductory Program. http://allanapratt.com/becomeintro 
    Use Code: BTO22 to get over 40% off
    ❤️ Complimentary Intimacy Mini-Course ~ After 20 yrs as an Intimacy Expert, I’ve discovered the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Learn how to avoid them so you can thrive deliciously. https://allanapratt.com/top5mistakes 
    ❤️ What’s your Intimacy Blind Spot? Discover what may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy soul shaking relationship. Take the quiz! https://allanapratt.com/quiz  
    ❤️ The Magic Mind team created a super offer f

    • 38 min
    Candid Confessions: Feeling Anger is for Badasses

    Candid Confessions: Feeling Anger is for Badasses

    In this episode I reveal why I created the Theatre of Redemption and why it works… and why many clients avoid it yet once they go through it the first time, their life opens up. I move on to answer (5) of your awesome questions...

    -1. Could you share your insights on the first steps someone should take when they feel completely overwhelmed by anger and betrayal after a relationship ends? *Feel. Thinking won’t help. Distracting and bypassing clearly make it worse. Create space, a safe container, with a facilitator such as myself, or the backdrop of Nature or being received by Consciousness Itself and FEEL.

    -2. You often speak about transforming negative emotions into positive action. Can you elaborate on how someone can channel deep-seated anger from past abuse into a force for fierce love and self-compassion? * Positive action is best accessed after doing the Theatre of Redemption in the Dance of Polarity Process where you literally see how you are better, stronger, wiser and more evolved having gone through the abuse. The alchemy from anger into fierce love happens in various stages of feeling and integrating and trusting the body will take you back to zero if you just stay with it.

    -3. For someone just acknowledging their experience with sexual abuse, what’s one healing practice you believe is crucial to start with? * In my first Psychedelic Somatic Integration sessions, all the memories, sensations, sounds, smells and emotions came back… ultimately I forgave myself. This was literally life changing. Once the hyper vigilance is integrated, not only do you stop attracting abusers, you’ve rewired secure attachment to yourself and feel home, whole and enough.

    -4. After discovering that my partner’s was cheating on me, I’m struggling to trust again, even in myself. What’s the first step I should take to start healing this trust? * Trust is an inside job. As much as we’d like to… we just can't control people! We can trust them to be themselves. Yet truly seeing and feeling and knowing who they are often comes from our intuition and instincts which you can NOT access when your heart is closed or you’ve left your body in dissociation.

    -5. Allana, since my divorce, I've been terrified of entering a new relationship. How can I overcome this fear and start to open up to the possibility of love again? * There are layers of emotions to integrate after a divorce, a plethora of lessons to learn, new capacities to embody… taking a coaching journey with a conscious community and proven coach will provide this path, you will enjoy the journey of healing, dating and finding deeper healthier love. Shadow work is my jam... as is Little You inner child work...they seem beautiful compliments to our evolution. I know, not hope or think, KNOW that when we feel the darkest most uncomfortable emotions, they ALWAYS return to peace and joy and Oneness. ALWAYS. Having this certainty mixed with deep compassion is the greatest gift I can give to honor my client’s bravery. Watching them release unhealthy inner and outer dynamics and thrive in healthy love and deep intimacy is SO rewarding!

    I look forward to seeing you in my calendar, your application in my inbox, creating a video response for you right away, then jumping on Zoom to connect heart to heart for the first time… the first day of the rest of your life where you have stopped repelling the intimacy, love and depth of connection you desire. I celebrate your bravery and can’t wait to meet you. Huge love, Allana oxox

    ❤️ Successful professionally yet suck at deep intimate love? Can’t get it right as hard as you try? Hate yourself because you know better, but the pattern still continues? Desire 1-on-1 support to integrate these subconscious trauma wounds? This is my genius. Let's set you free. Schedule your VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me here:

    • 45 min
    Client Amanda & Brandon Stories and Healing Tools That Work

    Client Amanda & Brandon Stories and Healing Tools That Work

    OK why is it that I lose my shit and cry my face off with grateful happy tears every time I talk to these two? I loooove them. Their bravery, willingness to do the work, to feel and stay connected to themselves and one another, their team mentality, their assuming the best with one another even when triggered, their honoring of each other's feelings...  They are nothing short of inspirational. 
    In this absolutely transparent and real podcast we also discussed...
    -The power of consistently making time for one another being alone even with 2 little kiddos... 
    -The literal transformational experiences my annual intimacy retreats are for their souls, their marriage and their future... 
    -How having a third party who unconditionally loves you with zero judgment and believes in your capacity to heal, provides the secret sauce to keep going.
    -How being a part of a community coaching with like hearted people consistently provides growth and fuels breakthroughs that create the relationship of their dreams...
    -How because they have integrated wounds, forgiven each other for real, and are able to feel their feelings and stay present... now they're truly able to dream together and vision a life that works for both of them... 

    ❤️ Successful professionally yet suck at deep intimate love? Can’t get it right as hard as you try? Hate yourself because you know better, but the pattern still continues? Desire 1-on-1 support to integrate these subconscious trauma wounds? This is my genius. Let's set you free. Schedule your VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me here:
    Subscribers of my Intimate Conversations Podcast are eligible to use the Scholarship Code: INTIMATE
    ❤️ As committed as you are, what’s still repelling deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy? Your Blindspots. Unintegrated heartbreak. Let’s move you from confused to clarity, insecure to confident, disheartened to hopeful... single to finding The One. We’ve got you. 
    Schedule your Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me today https://allanapratt.com/connect 
    Scholarship Code: READYNOW
    ❤️ Finding the One is Bullsh*t. Becoming the One is brilliant and beautiful, and ironically the key to attracting your ideal partner. Move beyond the fear of getting hurt again. Register for Become the One Introductory Program. http://allanapratt.com/becomeintro 
    Use Code: BTO22 to get over 40% off
    ❤️ Complimentary Intimacy Mini-Course ~ After 20 yrs as an Intimacy Expert, I’ve discovered the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Learn how to avoid them so you can thrive deliciously. https://allanapratt.com/top5mistakes 
    ❤️ What’s your Intimacy Blind Spot? Discover what may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy soul shaking relationship. Take the quiz! https://allanapratt.com/quiz  
    ❤️ The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at www.magicmind.com/intimallana and redeem the discount code INTIMALLANA.
    ❤️ Let's stay connected:
    Exclusive Video Newsletter: http://allanapratt.com/newsletter
    Instagram - @allanapratt
    Facebook - @coachallanapratt 

    • 53 min
    Re-Airing of John Wineland Episode from 2016

    Re-Airing of John Wineland Episode from 2016

    Oh The Places You’ll Go! That Dr. Seuss book title reminds me of our growth and evolution as leaders! This blast from the past interview in 2016 with John Wineland on Intimate Conversations highlighted John when we both contributed to the Good Men Project. John has travelled world-wide teaching his vision of embodied men’s work and deep relational practice. Back in 2014, he founded The New Men’s Work Project, which has attracted men from around the world looking to develop as leaders in their relationships and communities. Soon as a return guest in 2024 in Season 12 of Intimate Conversations, he’ll share more about his book From the Core, his Podcast Embodied Relationship Experience and more.

    ❤️ Successful professionally yet suck at deep intimate love? Can’t get it right as hard as you try? Hate yourself because you know better, but the pattern still continues? Desire 1-on-1 support to integrate these subconscious trauma wounds? This is my genius. Let's set you free. Schedule your VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me here:
    Subscribers of my Intimate Conversations Podcast are eligible to use the Scholarship Code: INTIMATE
    ❤️ As committed as you are, what’s still repelling deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy? Your Blindspots. Unintegrated heartbreak. Let’s move you from confused to clarity, insecure to confident, disheartened to hopeful... single to finding The One. We’ve got you. 
    Schedule your Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me today https://allanapratt.com/connect 
    Scholarship Code: READYNOW
    ❤️ Finding the One is Bullsh*t. Becoming the One is brilliant and beautiful, and ironically the key to attracting your ideal partner. Move beyond the fear of getting hurt again. Register for Become the One Introductory Program. http://allanapratt.com/becomeintro 
    Use Code: BTO22 to get over 40% off
    ❤️ Complimentary Intimacy Mini-Course ~ After 20 yrs as an Intimacy Expert, I’ve discovered the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Learn how to avoid them so you can thrive deliciously. https://allanapratt.com/top5mistakes 
    ❤️ What’s your Intimacy Blind Spot? Discover what may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy soul shaking relationship. Take the quiz! https://allanapratt.com/quiz  
    ❤️ The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at www.magicmind.com/intimallana and redeem the discount code INTIMALLANA.
    ❤️ Let's stay connected:
    Exclusive Video Newsletter: http://allanapratt.com/newsletter
    Instagram - @allanapratt
    Facebook - @coachallanapratt 

    • 48 min
    A New Story of Value for Humanity with Dr. Marc Gafni: Part 2

    A New Story of Value for Humanity with Dr. Marc Gafni: Part 2

    I'm always left spellbound by the breathtaking honor of connecting with Dr. Marc Gafni. When he speaks every cell of my body comes alive, my soul feels ignited, I'm able to literally feel Eros in, as and through me. It brought me to tears. We spoke of his new book that I invite you to purchase, First Principles and First Values. Not only did we speak of Eros and Pseudo Eros, but a new word, Erosvalue in response to the meta-crisis. And yet what does this mean to your life and intimate relationships? In this inspiring conversation you will discover...

    -The importance of being able to feel the whole of life, not to bypass the hurt or disassociate ...but to feel it all, move beyond identity and embrace unique values to experience a never known before possibility.

    -How reality isn't stagnant, it evolves, Eros evolves, the ever deepening of intimacies where homosapiens are evolving into what he and Dr. Barbara Marx Hubbard call Homo Amor.

    -How First Principles and First Values allow us to tell a new Story of Value... And how we need to stay in the field of value to create synergies and end the meta-crisis.

    -How indeed we live in an intimate universe and yet the intimate universe also lives in us, thus intimacy is literally what we need to survive and embody thriving.

    -How we can evolve the story that animates society when we support our evolution reading this book of first principles and first values, a shared grammar... so we are no longer lonely, non intimate, cut off from the interior of each other, isolated in surface existence.

    -How, quoting the book, we can create a new story with a plot line that plays out desire that moves toward intrinsic values where we have will, choice, possibilities and freedom, dealing with the crisis of value, (a birth) and a resolution of a new structure of value.

    Beautiful conversation between Dr. Marc Gafni and Aubrey Marcus https://youtu.be/3tDNnXFPdSw?si=ykqUUwQN28XYoJRM First Principles and First Values Forty-Two Propositions on Cosmoerotic Humanism, the Meta-Crisis, and the World to Come https://www.amazon.com/First-Principles-Values-Propositions-Cosmoerotic/dp/B0CS85WYVX Free Download of the Erotic and the Holy Audiobook: http://eroticandholyworkshop.com/

    ❤️ Successful professionally yet suck at deep intimate love? Can’t get it right as hard as you try? Hate yourself because you know better, but the pattern still continues? Desire 1-on-1 support to integrate these subconscious trauma wounds? This is my genius. Let's set you free. Schedule your VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me here:
    Subscribers of my Intimate Conversations Podcast are eligible to use the Scholarship Code: INTIMATE
    ❤️ As committed as you are, what’s still repelling deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy? Your Blindspots. Unintegrated heartbreak. Let’s move you from confused to clarity, insecure to confident, disheartened to hopeful... single to finding The One. We’ve got you. 
    Schedule your Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me today https://allanapratt.com/connect 
    Scholarship Code: READYNOW
    ❤️ Finding the One is Bullsh*t. Becoming the One is brilliant and beautiful, and ironically the key to attracting your ideal partner. Move beyond the fear of getting hurt again. Register for Become the One Introductory Program. http://allanapratt.com/becomeintro 
    Use Code: BTO22 to get over 40% off
    ❤️ Complimentary Intimacy Mini-Course ~ After 20 yrs as an Intimacy Expert, I’ve discovered the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Learn how to avoid them so you can thrive deliciously. https://allanapratt.com/top5mistakes 

    • 30 min

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