11 episodes

Podcast Thufail Naufal Zanwa Tata Kelola Keuangan Pemerintahan

Podcast Thufail Naufal Zanwa Tata Kelola Keuangan Pemerintahan Thufail Naufal Zanwa

    • Government

Podcast Thufail Naufal Zanwa Tata Kelola Keuangan Pemerintahan

    The Method of Government Education Politics Economy Approach

    The Method of Government Education Politics Economy Approach

    Assalamu’alikum Warohmatullah Wabarakatuh

    Name : Thufail Naufal Zanwa, NIM : 20190520155, Class : IP B2 English 4 PS, Language Training Center (LTC), University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, I will make a Speech Final Examination about “The Method of Government Education Politics Economy Approach”. After that, I record voice giving opinion in spotify which type of speaking each video belongs to me.

    Politics economy takes a different approach and deals with the behavior of economics. This is contemporary sense, from combining economics with other fields to using different fundamental assumptions that challenge previous economy hypotheses.
    Politics economy is an society. Both can be translated into various other terms, for example between people and society, state, market, regulation, and independence. Economy Politics Government Science looks at content. The two of them are inseparable. To understand context faster. We have to look at a person motivation for social work hard and soft work.
    There are strong economy motivation. Yet a politics is implied in this motivation economy. It is not only welcome to build economic growth and stability for international investors. However, politics reasons for securing control are also involved. The politics authority or influence in question is held by the politics officer. It is not just that economy interests such as increasing wealth or increasing one welfare can consider making economy decisions the job is also safe.
    As a perspective or paradigm, politics economy is a way of looking at explaining social phenomena. This paradigm can also be applied as a stream in social science. Social science learners who use this paradigm understand very well the closeness of economy interests and politics interests. The two of them were once again, inseparable.
    So far, we understand politics economy as a definition paradigm essence talent is unity.

    Next, I upload the recording before the due date. Being thankful for you attention.
    Wa’salamualikum Warohmatullah Wabarakatuh

    • 7 min
    Appeal Tax Regulations Awareness Payments and Perceptions Compliance Administration Fiscal

    Appeal Tax Regulations Awareness Payments and Perceptions Compliance Administration Fiscal

    Assalamualikum Warohmatullah Wabarakatuh
    Name : Thufail Naufal Zanwa, NIM : 20190520155, Class : IP B2 English 4 PS, Language Training Center (LTC), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, I will make a Speech Home Assingment. After that, I record voice giving opinion in which type of speaking each video belongs to me.

    Appeal Tax Regulations Awareness Payments and Perceptions Compliance Administration Fiscal

    A tax compliance appeal may be characterized as a requirement that the taxpayer complicated with his tax responsibilities and exercise his taxation rights. Compliance also means with the law. Conceptually is regarded as an attempt by somebody or organization to complicated with the laws. To coach, monitor, and apply sanctions against postponement of fiscal obligations based on the terms of the tax rules for Non Govermental Organization.
    Administrations play an active role in the self assessment system supervision is important because it is unattended in high level situations. Compliance with taxpayers is still low, which means that the system cannot work well, so taxpayers may fulfill their responsibilities. The tax is not good and at last the tax revenue is good will be achieved. The introduction of the self evaluation system in Indonesia supports.
    The importance of the role of the taxpayer in establishing the level of tax sector state income supported by tax compliance. Thus, the requirement to deposit and report taxes in line with the tax rules has to be implemented by taxpayer. Compliance with the system of self assessment is expected valunary compliance. Fairness and openness in administering fiscal rules.
    Simplification of tax rules and processes as well as high quality and speedy taxpayers service are necessary to improve voluntary compliance with mandatory taxes. Want to pay is a price someone is prepared to pay, sacrifice, or exchange for good or services. A definition can be established according to the previous readiness to willingness to payment tax.
    Prepared to pay taxes defined as a value that someone wants which is to contribute with restrictions used to fund general state expenditure not being served directly contra achievement. With the willingness to pay taxes, taxpayers understand awareness of paying taxes, knowledge and understanding of regulations taxation and a good perception of the effectiveness of the tax system will affect taxpayer compliance with applicable taxation.
    Next, I upload the recording before the due date. Being thankful for you attention.

    Wassalamualikum Warohmatullah Wabarakatuh

    • 6 min
    Special Preparation Natural and Non Natural Calamity Risk Mitigation Bags

    Special Preparation Natural and Non Natural Calamity Risk Mitigation Bags

    Assalamu’alikum Wr.Wb.

    Assalamualikum. Name : Thufail Naufal Zanwa, NIM : 20190520155, Class : Tata Kelola Bencana F, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, I will make a podcast from watch these “Special Preparation Natural and Non Natural Calamity Risk Mitigation Bags”. After that, I record voice giving opinion in which type of speaking each video belongs to. Next, I upload the recording before the due date. Being thankful for you attention. Wassalamualikum
    Jenis ancaman bencana alam dan non alam di daerah Sleman, Yogyakarta menurut aplikasi inarisk.bnpb.go.id adalah kasus pandemic covid-19 masih cukup tinggi. Kemudian resiko banjir tidak ada karena adanya daerah resapan air yang memadai. Resiko gempa bumi karena adanya bencana alam dan non alam sehingga harus adanya sikap mitigasi. Pada saat letusan gunung merapi memiliki status level siaga, awas, dan waspada sehingga harus adanya kesiapsiagaan cara mengatasi mitigasi bencana.
    Tidak adanya resiko bencana tanah longsor karena sudah ada pembuatan sengkedan dan terasering. Tidak adanya resiko tsunami karena tidak berbatasan langsung dengan pantai. Pada wilayah ini memiliki resiko tinggi covid-19 mitigasi bencana dengan cara tidak keluar rumah dan pergi ke tempat keramaian, menjaga jarak 1-2 m dengan orang lain, jangan berjabat tangan.
    Tas Siaga Bencana (TSB) adalah tas yang dipersiapkan anggota keluarga untuk berjaga-jaga apabila terjadi suatu bencana atau kondisi darurat lain. Tujuan TSB sebagai persiapan untuk bertahan hidup saat bantuan belum datang dan memudahkan kita saat evakuasi menuju tenpat aman. Misalnya alat bantu penerangan, uang secukupnya, peluit darurat, masker pernafasan, perlengkapan mandi, radio atau hp, kotak obat-obatan P3K, air minum, makanan ringan tahan lama, pakaian sehari-hari, dan surat-surat penting.
    Setelah itu terapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat contohnya cuci tangan menggunakan sabun dan air mengalir sesering mungkin dan sebelum makan, mandi dan mengganti baju setelah berpergian, mengonsumsi makanan bergizi seimbang, olahraga yang teratur, dan turus serta menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan.
    Wa’alaikumsalam Wr.Wb

    • 4 min
    Success Congratulations Wedding Organizer Hotels Traditional Javanese

    Success Congratulations Wedding Organizer Hotels Traditional Javanese

    Assalamu'alikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

    Bersyukur alhamdulillah pada pagi hari yang cukup cerah berawan aku dan sekeluarga menuju ke arah Kota Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Disana kami menghadiri pernikahan dari saudara yang bekerja di bagaian Ditjen Perpajakan di Pulau Bali. Setelah itu, persiapan berangkat dengan mengendarai mobil pribadi. Perjalanan yang sekitar 1 jam lamanya dari rumah tempat tinggal di Karangsari, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    Pernikahan berjalan dengan lancar aku bertemu adek sepupu Rasya dan Tante Erlin. Kami sampai di Hotel Grand Artos untuk mengikuti acara resepsi yang tetap menggunakan protokol kesehatan yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Kami sekeluarga mengucapkan kepada pasangan suami istri Selamat dan Sukses Congratulations for Wedding Organizer Mas Aat & Mbak Lina, semoga sehat, bahagia, menyenangkan, berkah, dan samawa sampai selama nya.☺🥳🥰✨💞
    Being thankful hopefully God, on a fairly cloudy morning, my family and I headed towards the city of Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. There we attended the wedding of a relative who worked at the Directorate General of Taxation on the island of Bali. After that, preparations go by driving a private car. The trip is about 1 hour from the residence in Karangsari, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    The marriage went smoothly, I met Rasya's cousin and Aunt Erlin. We arrived at the Grand Artos Hotel to attend a reception that kept using the health protocol established by the government. As a family, we wish the husband and wife a Congratulations and Successful for the Wedding Organizer, Mas Aat & Mbak Lina, I wish you good health, happiness, fun, blessings, and good luck.
    A tradition of using Javanese traditional clothing that has been passed down from generation to generation so that it attaches cultural elements that are still preserved until now. Furthermore, there is an element of acculturation with one another. In addition, the element of assmilation between religions still occurs. For example, mutual tolerance between religious communities according to their respective worship.
    At the time of the wedding it went smoothly with a quite lavish but simple reception. We carry out all activities such as the contract legally carried out by the prince. The qobul consent program was carried out solemnly. For example in a comfortable and shady place to do it solemnly.
    The reception also proceeded in an orderly and safe manner. Then the activity most awaited by the guests is eating the buffet together. By taking enough food to increase body energy. For example, there is an event to shake hands and take photos together to take moments of weddings and receptions.

    Alhamdulillahi rabbil'alamin

    Wa'alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

    • 1 min
    Speech About The Importance of Maintaining Oral Health

    Speech About The Importance of Maintaining Oral Health

    Assalamualikum. Name : Thufail Naufal Zanwa, NIM : 20190520155, Class : Government Leadership, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, I will make a podcast from watch these about speech about the importance of maintaining oral health. After that, I record voice giving opinion in which type of speaking each video belongs to. Next, I upload the recording before the due date. Being thankful for you attention. Wassalamualikum

    • 4 min
    Studi Refleksi Peran Pemerintah Terhadap Perkembangan Muhammadiyah

    Studi Refleksi Peran Pemerintah Terhadap Perkembangan Muhammadiyah

    Assalamualikum, Assalamualikum. Nama : Thufail Naufal Zanwa, NIM : 20190520155, Soft Skill : Public Speaking, Class : Swaragama Training Center(STC), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) pada kesempatan kali ini saya mau mengutarakan, tentang pentingnya pengembangan keterampilan berbicara. Karena merupakan proses saling berinteraksi antar individu dan kelompok sosial. Disebut sebagai sistem penyampaian tujuan dan maksud dengan menggunakan bahasa lisan sehingga mudah dipahami secara kreatif, inovatif, dan elegan. Bagaimana tips dan cara untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara dan berkomunikasi yang efektif, sekian terima kasih

    • 6 min

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