89 episodes

Worship Leader’s devotional podcast platforms guests that are passionate believers with a great story and an even better message for our large audience of worshippers. Our guests are creatives who walk with God daily and bring a great word to the Body of Christ. They include worship leaders, pastors, educators, speakers, and artists. Listeners will travel along each week and hear an intimate first-person story and learn how, through that story, our guests have built a lifestyle of worship.

Full Episode List: https://worshipleader.com/podcasts/

The Walk is a production of Authentic Media's Worship Leader Magazine. Emmy Award-winning producer and editor Matt McCartie teamed up with host and Authentic Media partner Joshua Swanson to bring this podcast to life.

The Walk: Devotionals for Worshippers Worship Leader

    • Religion & Spirituality

Worship Leader’s devotional podcast platforms guests that are passionate believers with a great story and an even better message for our large audience of worshippers. Our guests are creatives who walk with God daily and bring a great word to the Body of Christ. They include worship leaders, pastors, educators, speakers, and artists. Listeners will travel along each week and hear an intimate first-person story and learn how, through that story, our guests have built a lifestyle of worship.

Full Episode List: https://worshipleader.com/podcasts/

The Walk is a production of Authentic Media's Worship Leader Magazine. Emmy Award-winning producer and editor Matt McCartie teamed up with host and Authentic Media partner Joshua Swanson to bring this podcast to life.

    We Are Messengers Devotional: A Duty To Care for Worship Leaders

    We Are Messengers Devotional: A Duty To Care for Worship Leaders

    A Heartfelt Reflection on the Role of Worship Leaders in the Modern Church

    In a recent episode of "The Walk" podcast, Joshua Swanson, Editor-in-Chief and host, welcomed Darren Mulligan from the band We Are Messengers. The discussion brought to light some compelling concerns about contemporary worship practices, particularly within large church movements and megachurches. Darren Mulligan's thoughtful reflections offer a timely reminder of the true essence of worship and the responsibilities that come with leading a congregation.

    A Growing Concern in Worship Culture

    Darren Mulligan opens with a poignant observation about the current state of worship music, especially in large church settings. He points out an "unbiblical obsession" with the personalities and styles of worship leaders, which often overshadows the true purpose of worship. Mulligan notes that these movements frequently rely on their music to bolster their brand, seeking broader influence, wealth, and prestige. This, he asserts, is a troubling trend, as the gospel was never intended to be glamorous.

    The True Nature of Worship

    Mulligan emphasizes that worship should encompass our entire lives, not merely the songs we sing. He cites Romans 12:1 to remind us that presenting our bodies as living sacrifices is our spiritual worship. Leading worship should be seen as a humble act of service, akin to foot washing, where the talents God has given are poured out to edify the church and glorify God. This stands in stark contrast to the self-promotion and pursuit of status that can sometimes be observed in modern worship culture.

    The Role of Worship Leaders

    A critical point raised by Mulligan is the elevation of worship leaders to a status that implies a distinction from other service roles within the church. This is often reflected in the structure of worship services, where the worship leader becomes the focal point as the house lights dim and the stage lights illuminate them. This subtle yet significant distinction can lead to a misplaced emphasis on the individual rather than on God.

    Mulligan calls for a biblically informed understanding of worship. He stresses that worship leaders are not responsible for ushering in the presence of God or leading people into the throne room. God's presence is already among us, and every believer must approach the throne of grace individually through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

    A Call to Authenticity and Service

    While acknowledging the many worship leaders who serve faithfully and humbly, Mulligan issues a gentle warning against falling into the trap of celebrity culture within the church. He encourages worship leaders to evaluate their motivations and ensure they align with God's desires. Singing biblically accurate and cohesive songs is crucial to avoid furthering the spiritual immaturity prevalent in today's church culture.

    Mulligan's reflections extend a heartfelt thanks to those worship leaders who inspire and edify the body of Christ through their service. He reminds us that the true call of a believer is to lose one's life for Jesus and to serve others, following the example of Christ who washed His disciples' feet.

    Engaging in the Conversation

    Joshua Swanson concludes the podcast by inviting listeners to engage in the conversation sparked by Mulligan's reflections. The community's feedback is valued and often turned into articles, providing a pulse on the current trends and concerns in worship.

    Final Thoughts

    Darren Mulligan's insights serve as a sobering reminder of the true purpose of worship and the sacred responsibility of those who lead it. As we navigate the complexities of contemporary worship culture, let us strive to maintain a focus on Christ, serving with humility and authenticity.

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    Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. More

    • 13 min
    A Conversation with Sarah Kroger

    A Conversation with Sarah Kroger

    Exploring the Depths of Worship with Sarah Kroger

    In a recent episode of The Walk podcast, Worship Leader Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Joshua Swanson had an engaging conversation with renowned artist, songwriter, and worship leader Sarah Kroger. Their discussion ranged from the personal challenges of faith to the transformative power of music ministry.

    Navigating the Wilderness

    Sarah Kroger opened up about a profound period in her life where she felt a disconnect from God. Despite her strong foundation in faith, she found herself unable to perceive God’s presence, leading to confusion and shame. This experience, however, became a critical part of her spiritual journey. She shared, 

    “As much as I felt like the real presence of God around me in creation, there was this moment where things shifted, and I felt like I couldn't hear Him.”

    Kroger emphasized that these moments of spiritual dryness are not uncommon and should not be a source of shame. Instead, they are an invitation to deepen one's faith and trust in God's unfathomable wisdom. She candidly reflected on the struggles and beauty of such a journey, underscoring the importance of honesty with God.

    The Ministry of Music

    Kroger's first radio tour was a revelatory experience, showcasing the deep ministry potential within Christian radio. She discovered that radio stations serve as crucial lifelines to their communities, offering solace, inspiration, and sometimes even life-changing moments to listeners. This revelation redefined her perspective on her music’s reach and impact.

    She highlighted the humbling reality of her music's ministry, saying, 

    “I write this music and release it and I submit it to the Lord and I just say, ‘Lord, do whatever you want with it.’” 

    Kroger expressed gratitude for the anonymous listeners who have been touched by her songs, seeing it as a protection against pride and a reminder of the true purpose of her artistry.

    Embracing Modern Tools for Ministry

    The conversation also touched on the role of social media in Kroger’s ministry. Despite the challenges of comparison and the superficiality that social media can bring, she acknowledged its power to connect and minister to a diverse audience. A viral cover of “What a Wonderful World” on Instagram brought many non-believers to her page, illustrating social media’s potential to be a back door to Christian music and ministry.

    Lessons in Belovedness

    A recurring theme in Kroger’s work is the struggle with self-worth and comparison, which she poignantly addresses in her song “Belovedness.” Inspired by Henri Nouwen’s book “Life of the Beloved,” the song reflects Kroger’s journey towards embracing her identity in Christ, free from societal pressures and past hurts. This journey is ongoing, and Kroger’s transparency about her struggles provides a source of comfort and solidarity for many of her listeners.

    A New Reality

    The pandemic prompted Kroger to delve into new creative depths, resulting in her latest album, "A New Reality." The album was birthed from a place of reflection, as she walked through the seasons, both literal and spiritual. The title track, "New Reality," encapsulates her message of finding wonder in God’s creation and embracing the mysteries of faith.

    Kroger’s conversation with Swanson illuminated the complex and often challenging path of faith. It’s a journey marked by highs and lows, certainty and doubt, but always underpinned by God’s unwavering presence. Her testimony is a powerful reminder that faith is not about having all the answers but about trusting in God’s goodness and sovereignty, even in the midst of uncertainty.

    For more insights from Sarah Kroger and to experience her latest album, "A New Reality," visit WorshipLeader.com. Also, be sure to check out our show notes for her latest music video, "Still Yours," and explore the rich content available at LifeAudio.com.

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    • 30 min
    Kim Walker-Smith Devotional: Mama

    Kim Walker-Smith Devotional: Mama

    The Walk Podcast Celebrates Mother's Day: An Inspiring Conversation with Kim Walker-Smith

    In a heartwarming special edition of The Walk Podcast, hosted by Worship Leader Magazine's Editor-in-Chief Joshua Swanson, listeners were treated to a profound discussion with renowned worship leader, artist, and songwriter Kim Walker-Smith. This Mother’s Day special not only honored mothers but offered insights applicable to all listeners, underscored by Kim's personal journey into motherhood and her reflections on parenting as a sacred honor.

    The Legacy of Family

    Kim shared her initially reluctant journey to motherhood, marked by fears and uncertainties that resonate with many. Despite her successful career leading worship globally, she revealed a pivotal moment when God shifted her perspective towards the legacy of family. This revelation came through struggles with her firstborn, Wyatt, whose sleep difficulties in his early months highlighted deeper fears Kim harbored about failing as a mother. Her candid recount of feeling abandoned by God, only to realize it was a moment of profound personal growth and healing, was particularly moving.

    Your Role as a Parent

    Her story is a testament to the transformative power of embracing one's role as a parent. Kim discussed the ongoing commitment required to connect with her children's hearts, a task that varies in difficulty as they grow but is always worth the effort. Her narrative is an encouraging reminder for parents in the worship community that their primary ministry begins at home, with their children.

    The Devil Wants Your Children

    The discussion also touched on the broader spiritual warfare over the family unit, urging parents to remain vigilant and proactive in their children's lives. Kim's powerful prayer encapsulated a blessing for all parents, invoking God's presence and guidance in their journey of raising children who are deeply connected with their faith.

    Listeners were also invited to check out Kim's new song "Mama," a fitting tribute available in the show notes at worshipleader.com. This episode, supported by Planning Center and Life Audio, is not just a celebration of mothers but a call to all parents to cherish and fight for their sacred role.

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    Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. More episodes can be found at the links below.

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    Who is Kim Walker-Smith?

    Kim Walker-Smith is celebrated for her exceptional vocals and spirit-led worship anthems. Kim emerged as a prominent worship leader for the Jesus Culture movement in the 2010s. With massive hits like "How He Loves", "Spirit Break Out," "Protector" and “Throne Room,” Kim has amassed over 400M streams and a combined social following of almost two million. Kim’s influence extends beyond music as she is a sought-after speaker and an influential faith leader. She and her husband, Skyler, reside in Montana and have three children, sons Wyatt and Bear, and daughter Maisie.
    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    • 11 min
    Meredith Andrews Devotional: Worship Is Warfare

    Meredith Andrews Devotional: Worship Is Warfare

    Welcome, esteemed readers and devoted listeners, to another enriching exploration of worship as a dynamic spiritual practice and a formidable form of spiritual warfare. In the latest devotional podcast from The Walk, hosted by Joshua Swanson, Editor-in-Chief of Worship Leader Magazine, we are privileged to hear from Meredith Andrews, a revered voice in the worship community. Her insights not only delve into the personal and communal aspects of worship but also highlight its profound impact on confronting the spiritual and existential challenges we face today.

    Worship as Warfare

    Meredith Andrews, with heartfelt conviction, articulates worship as an essential strategy in spiritual warfare, not just for worship leaders but for every believer contending with life’s battles. She draws on poignant personal experiences and biblical narratives, emphasizing that worship is not merely a ritualistic engagement but an active, powerful stance against spiritual adversities. Her reflections are anchored in the scriptural account from 2 Chronicles 20, where Jehoshaphat and the Israelites, facing overwhelming odds, turned to God in worship before engaging in battle. This narrative underscores the pivotal role of worship in achieving divine victory, even when physical battles loom large.

    The Role of Personal and Corporate Worship

    Andrews’ experiences on the worship platform illustrate the dual nature of worship—it is both a personal encounter with God and a communal experience that strengthens and unifies the body of Christ. She recounts moments of vulnerability, where the act of worship became a conduit for God’s grace and power, providing peace and strategic guidance amid turmoil. Her testimony is a vivid illustration of how worship can transform personal fear into a declaration of faith and authority.

    As we reflect on Meredith Andrews’ insights, we are reminded of the transformative power of worship—it is not only a response to God’s glory but a declaration of His sovereignty over our lives and our circumstances. Worship as a practice transcends the confines of church walls, touching every aspect of our lives,and empowering us to confront and conquer the trials we face.

    In closing, let us carry forward the mantle of worship as our spiritual armor, emboldened by the truth that our worship not only reaches the heart of God but actively participates in the spiritual realm, bringing the Kingdom of God to bear on our earthly journeys.

    May you find encouragement and strength in your walk of faith, and may our collective worship rise like a sweet fragrance to the heavens, declaring God’s sovereignty and love over every aspect of our lives.

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    Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. More episodes can be found at the link below.

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    Planning Center University: https://tinyurl.com/m3u4fn4n

    Who is Meredith Andrews?

    Curb | Word Entertainment recording artist Meredith Andrews is passionate about writing and leading songs that keep people’s hearts and minds set on Jesus. Over the course of her career, the Dove Award-winning artist has been using her musical gifts, love for God, and her huge heart for His people - to teach and remind us all about the enormity of our awesome and loving Savior. Andrews was previously part of the Vertical Worship team, and more recently Belonging Co., her home church in Nashville. As a gifted songwriter and recording artist, she has been a part of multiple songs sung by churches across America such as “Open Up The Heavens”, “Lamb of God”

    • 25 min
    A Conversation with Byron Stinson About Red Heifers

    A Conversation with Byron Stinson About Red Heifers

    A Texan's Journey with Red Heifers and Biblical Prophecies

    In today's exploration, we delve into a riveting conversation from the latest episode of "The Walk," hosted by our Editor-in-Chief, Joshua Swanson, with the distinguished Byron Stinson, a Texas native. This episode invites us into the profound layers of a project that’s stirred significant global interest among various faith communities—the transportation of five red heifers to Israel.

    A Mission Rooted in Prophecy

    The endeavor that Byron Stinson has embarked upon is not just a logistic challenge but a profound fulfillment of Biblical prophecies, resonating deeply with both Christian and Jewish eschatological traditions. As Joshua introduced Byron, we were reminded of the scripture's call for a red heifer in Numbers 19—a requirement for the biblical purification rites essential for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.

    A Divine Call and Response

    Byron's narrative is a powerful testimony to a divine calling. At the tender age of 14, Byron heard what he believed to be a conversation between God and Lucifer, foretelling his future involvement with the Jewish people. This experience set the stage for his lifelong commitment to this cause, despite not knowing any Jewish individuals at the time. His story is a vivid illustration of faith’s journey from prophecy to action.

    Engagement in Israel

    Byron’s contributions to Israel began in earnest in 2007, funded by an unexpected boon from gas wells on his property. Instead of personal gain, Byron chose to dedicate these resources to fostering closer ties between Christian pastors and Jewish scholars in Israel. This initiative reflects a broader vision of unity and mutual enrichment between the faiths, grounded in shared reverence for sacred texts and histories.

    The Red Heifer Project

    The quest for the red heifers involved not only meticulous planning and coordination—engaging ranchers across Texas through modern technology—but also a significant spiritual and communal effort. The selected heifers, particularly distinguished by their pure red color, symbolize more than just animals; they are a bridge to fulfilling ancient rites that hold profound contemporary significance.

    Interfaith Relations and Future Hopes

    Byron passionately discussed the implications of the red heifer project on Christian-Jewish relations, emphasizing the covenantal relationship with God that both faiths cherish. He views these efforts as a step towards realizing a scriptural prophecy that envisions a unity in worship among all of God's children on the Temple Mount, promoting peace and mutual respect among the Abrahamic faiths.

    A Call to Action

    The episode was not just a recounting of past deeds but a fervent call to action for Christians to engage more deeply with their spiritual heritage and support the Jewish community in tangible ways. This aligns with our magazine's vision of nurturing a house of prayer for all nations, drawing us closer to the divine promise of peace and reconciliation.

    As we reflect on Byron’s endeavors and the theological underpinnings discussed in this episode, let us consider how we, too, can contribute to this grand narrative of faith, hope, and unity. May our paths be guided by wisdom, and our actions be a testament to the love and obedience we owe to our Creator.

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    Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. More episodes can be found at the link below.

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    • 23 min
    A Conversation with Lucy Grimble on The Walk Podcast

    A Conversation with Lucy Grimble on The Walk Podcast

    The Spiritual Genesis of Lucy Grimble

    In a delightful and insightful episode of The Walk Podcast, Lucy Grimble, a gifted U.K.-based worship artist, sits down with Joshua Swanson, the sagacious Editor-in-Chief of Worship Leader Magazine. Together, they unveil the tapestry of Lucy's spiritual journey, intertwined delicately with the rich heritage of Anglican worship and the profound, transformative encounter with the Toronto Blessing.

    Lucy’s narrative begins in the quiet suburbs of London, within the venerable walls of a Victorian Anglican church, where the unsuspecting formality was lovingly interrupted by a divine wind — the Spirit's touch. It was in these tender years that Lucy encountered the tangible reality of God's presence, shaping her path and beckoning her into a commitment to Christ — a decision uniquely her own, stepping beyond familial faith.

    The Heart of Authentic Worship

    As we eavesdrop on their conversation, Lucy's artistic voyage surfaces as one marked by authenticity. Her songwriting, a sanctuary of honest dialogue with God, resounds with the depth of psalms and the rawness of personal pilgrimage. She shares the emergence of her craft amidst faith's awakening, melding the two in a harmonious expression of devotion.

    Diversity and Desire: The Church in London

    Swanson probes the landscape of Lucy's context, the Anglican communion in London, rich with diversity and a universal thirst for the Spirit's outpouring. Lucy’s experiences across the ecclesiastical spectrum — from high church ceremonies to Pentecostal vigor — bear witness to a collective desire for God’s transformative work in society.

    Artistic Integrity in the Shadow of Industry

    Amidst the richness of their dialogue, Lucy recounts the challenge of nurturing creativity in an environment divergent from the commercial hub of Nashville's Christian Contemporary Music scene. With integrity and a desire to preserve the freedom of her artistic voice, Lucy embraces her roots in the U.K., savoring the earnest purity found in the fellowship of local artists.

    The Birth of a Testimony Through Melody

    The podcast glides into the reflective tones of Lucy’s latest album, a contemplative project birthed from the crucible of pandemic-driven despair. Here, in the tension between darkness and light, she finds a canvas for her testimony, painting with the hues of endurance and the brushstrokes of divine faithfulness.

    A Word of Encouragement to Worship Leaders

    For fellow worship leaders, Lucy imparts a resonant encouragement: the intrinsic worth of pursuing the beauty of the Lord, the enduring anchor of our soul's adoration. Her words, steeped in wisdom, beckon us to seek renewed revelation of Christ's splendor.

    Lucy Grimble's story, shared with humility and vibrance on The Walk Podcast, is a beckoning call to encounter grace in the unlikely — to see God's spirit move in unexpected places and to sing a new song, one that resonates through the formal aisles of tradition and into the vibrant streets of contemporary life.

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    Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. More episodes can be found at the link below.

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    Who is Lucy Grimble?

    In the heart of London, UK, stands Lucy Grimble, a worship leader and songwriter whose decade-long tenure has been marked by an unyielding commitment to crafting spaces of divine love and unity through music. With over ten years of experience, Lucy has honed her art as a solo performer and as the linchpin of a band of adept musicians and vocalists. Her music transcends m

    • 28 min

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