1 hr 5 min

23rd February | League Cup Final Preview, The last games we remember, NASA versus EPL Talking Tinpot

    • Soccer

On this week'd pod, we preview possibly the only cup final we'll get to see this season as The Perth Saints are set to duke it out with (come on) Livingston at a Hampden showdown this weekend. Cammy is given free air time to vent honestly about the honest men and we answer the age old question: The English Premier League or the voyage to discover alternate life in this universe - what's worth more?

On this week'd pod, we preview possibly the only cup final we'll get to see this season as The Perth Saints are set to duke it out with (come on) Livingston at a Hampden showdown this weekend. Cammy is given free air time to vent honestly about the honest men and we answer the age old question: The English Premier League or the voyage to discover alternate life in this universe - what's worth more?

1 hr 5 min