8 episodes

「Quarter Life Chirping」is a mandarin podcast channel initiated by several like-minded young people. We are dedicated to bringing you discussions about current social issues and cultural phenomena. 这是一档由几个有着相似经历却背景各异的青年围绕社会热点和文化现象以及相关话题进行的讨论谈话类播客节目。Quarter Life指的是年轻人在二十出头的人生阶段面临的危机感和困扰,Chirping本意鸟类的叽喳声,这里象征着我们的感受、观点以及思维碰撞。

Quarter Life Chirping 格格不入Quarter Life Chirping

    • Society & Culture

「Quarter Life Chirping」is a mandarin podcast channel initiated by several like-minded young people. We are dedicated to bringing you discussions about current social issues and cultural phenomena. 这是一档由几个有着相似经历却背景各异的青年围绕社会热点和文化现象以及相关话题进行的讨论谈话类播客节目。Quarter Life指的是年轻人在二十出头的人生阶段面临的危机感和困扰,Chirping本意鸟类的叽喳声,这里象征着我们的感受、观点以及思维碰撞。

    [Ep. 08] 元宇宙会是人类互联网世界的终极形态吗?黑镜会成为现实吗?

    [Ep. 08] 元宇宙会是人类互联网世界的终极形态吗?黑镜会成为现实吗?

    【About this episode 关于这期】

    元宇宙(metaverse),这个被互联网科技公司重视并开始研发运用的概念到底是什么?他会是我们人类社会互联网世界的终极形态吗?元宇宙的概念伴随着新兴科技VR, AR, AI, 脑科学的运用,正在颠覆游戏行业,未来也许会改变社交形态或是人类生活方式。脑机接口?全息虚拟世界?我们会步入英剧《黑镜》中畅想的未来世界吗?我们应该保持科技悲观主义(technology pessimism)还是科技乐观主义(technology optimism)?

    【Co-hosts 本期搭档主播】

    Kelsey, Yessenia

    【Background Music 背景音乐】

    (no copyright music) Jazz type beat holiday royalty free vlog music prod. by lukrembo

    【Contact Us 联系我们】


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quarterlifechirping/message

    • 33 min
    [Ep. 07] 招聘广告性别歧视?职场女性穿衣自由?职场隐形性别歧视背后的动机是什么

    [Ep. 07] 招聘广告性别歧视?职场女性穿衣自由?职场隐形性别歧视背后的动机是什么

    【About this episode 关于这期】


    The job postings in 2021 still contain information on gender discrimination, especially when they explicitly point out "preferably male". However, there are more invisible gender discrimination and gender bias in the workplace, what are the essential reasons behind such a phenomenon? What is society's judgment of gender advantage or the so-called patriarchal dividend? What are the defined shortcuts to the patriarchal dividend?

    【Co-hosts 本期搭档主播】

    Kelsey, Jym, Yessenia

    【Background Music 背景音乐】

    (no copyright music) Jazz type beat holiday royalty free vlog music prod. by lukrembo

    【Contact Us 联系我们】


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quarterlifechirping/message

    • 29 min
    [Ep. 06] 来聊聊那些隐藏在新闻里的性别歧视 Let's talk about sexism in news articles

    [Ep. 06] 来聊聊那些隐藏在新闻里的性别歧视 Let's talk about sexism in news articles

    【About this episode 关于这期】

    Reading news is the major source of acquiring external information. The entry barrier of news writing and content production is lowering as the user-generated content is prevailing. However, the consequent gender stereotypes and gender prejudice are rendering intensively as a result of such content. In this episode, we have randomly picked three news articles to find and analyse the sexism behind it. 阅读新闻是我们获取外界信息的主要来源,在自媒体盛行的时代下,新闻编辑和内容输出门槛越来越低,然而当中参差不齐的内容质量和随即所渲染的性别刻板印象,性别偏见与性别对立愈演愈烈。这一期节目我们随机选了三篇新闻,挖掘和分析了那些隐藏在新闻里的性别偏见和歧视的现象。

    【Co-hosts 本期搭档主播】

    Kelsey, Jym, Erica, Emily, Yessenia

    【News Mentioned 提到的新闻】

    1.大龄单身女教师:宁做剩女,也不嫁男教师! https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1672074903734599589&wfr=spider&for=pc0
    2. 林小宅被骂“无缝衔接”:分手后,还得披麻戴孝哭三年吗?https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/s0vStqWeWQ0ZrgyvxCcyGA
    3. 林小宅 “无缝衔接” 惹众议,而研究说:走出一段关系其实只需要40天 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FVZPNHHN0SCgUesPL6GhkA
    4. 温州女企业家被男友拳击身亡,6岁女儿目睹全程 https://3g.163.com/dy/article/FHV7MMA905421TBK.html
    5. 女企業家被男友狂揍 6歲女驚睹全程 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%A5%B3%E4%BC%81%E6%A5%AD%E5%AE%B6%E8%A2%AB%E7%94%B7%E5%8F%8B%E7%8B%82%E6%8F%8D-6%E6%AD%B2%E5%A5%B3%E9%A9%9A%E7%9D%B9%E5%85%A8%E7%A8%8B-135043325.html
    【Background Music 背景音乐】

    Pink Tears (Prod. by Lee)

    【Contact Us 联系我们】


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quarterlifechirping/message

    • 40 min
    [Ep. 05] 疫情下的社交媒体加剧反智主义了吗? Is social media usage intensifying anti-intellectualism under COVID-19?

    [Ep. 05] 疫情下的社交媒体加剧反智主义了吗? Is social media usage intensifying anti-intellectualism under COVID-19?

    【About this episode 关于这期】

    Anti-masks, anti-5G, corona parties... During this pandemic, we are witnessing a peak of anti-intellectualism on social media. What makes anti-intellectualism hit the peak during this pandemic? Is it because of the pandemic? Or is it because of social media itself?  What is the role of snackable media content in this phenomenon? As media scholars, we look at this topic from a different perspective. In this episode, Erica, Kelsey, and Jym have shared their opinions about these cultural phenomena, about the "what, why, and how".反口罩,反5G,新冠派对... 这次疫情中,我们在社交媒体上见证了反智主义的一个高峰。为什么反智主义在这次疫情中高涨?是因为疫情吗?还是源于社交媒体本身的问题?当代快餐式的媒体内容消费对这种反智主义有什么样的影响?作为媒体学生,我们对于这些问题有不一样的看法。在本期节目中,Erica,Kelsey和Jym分享了他们对于社交媒体上反智主义文化现象的观点。

    【Co-hosts 本期搭档主播】

    Kelsey, Erica, Jym

    【Articles Mentioned 提到的文章】

    1. 《男性凝视:给女性的自我表达缠一个死结? | 后生深度》https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/rCWEhBaa4qD229r6dueALQ​

    2. “US students throw ‘coronavirus parties’ to infect guests, giving prizes to those who catch Covid-19 first” by South China Morning Post ​https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3091623/us-students-throw-coronavirus-parties-infect-guests

    【Background Music 背景音乐】

    Coffee House Music (Prod. by Relax Music Meditation )

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    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quarterlifechirping/message

    • 46 min
    [Ep. 04] 当我们在吃Brunch的时候,我们在想什么? What are we thinking when having brunch?

    [Ep. 04] 当我们在吃Brunch的时候,我们在想什么? What are we thinking when having brunch?

    【About this episode 关于这期】

    “Brunch is cheerful, sociable and inciting......It is talk-compelling. It puts you in a good temper, it makes you satisfied with yourself and your fellow beings, it sweeps away the worries and cobwebs of the week.” by Guy Beringer from Brunch: A Plea "早午餐是愉悦的、社交的、煽动性的......它诱使你聊天。它将你带入一个很棒的情绪,它让你对自己以及同伴感到满意,它扫除你这一周以来的焦虑与忧郁"。对于留学生来说,Brunch是一道打开新的生活方式的窗口,一杯flat white,一片牛油果Toastie,颤颤悠悠的水波蛋,三两好友无关乎时间的畅谈,而在小红书、instagram等社交媒体上,Brunch又代表着拍照打卡/仪式感/跟风。我们享受brunch,同时也在反思这种新兴饮食消费主义brunch文化给我们带来的影响。在多元文化环境下的澳洲Brunch又会给我们带来一些什么样的体验呢?

    【Co-hosts 本期搭档主播】

    Kelsey & Emily

    【Books Mentioned 提到的书籍】

    1. "Brunch: A Plea" by Guy Beringer

    2. 《食帖01. Brunch吧!没那么赶时间》

    【Background Music 背景音乐】

    Bread (Prod. by Lukrembo)

    Sunset (Prod. by Lukrembo)

    Pancake (Prod. by Lukrembo)

    Cheese (Prod. by Lukrembo)

    【Contact Us 联系我们】


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quarterlifechirping/message

    • 24 min
    [Ep. 03] 当代约会奇观大赏 — 这次怎么又凉了[下集] Modern Dating Life - I've screwed up so many times (Part 2)

    [Ep. 03] 当代约会奇观大赏 — 这次怎么又凉了[下集] Modern Dating Life - I've screwed up so many times (Part 2)

    【About this episode 关于这期】
    约会软件盛行的时代,当代年轻人尤其是90后的约会和恋爱生活开始走向快餐化,甚至有时候很容易搞砸。Dating阶段的奇葩经历和Dating App的使用对当代年轻人感情观的塑造会有影响吗?希望接《当代约会奇观大赏 — 这次怎么又凉了[上集]》,这集的内容能带给你更多的思考~

    【Co-hosts 本期搭档主播】
    Kelsey, Erica, Emily

    【Highlights 本期亮点】

    [00:49] 约会中遇到的奇葩经历

    [04:15] 荷兰约会文化

    [07:23] 约会中谁来买单?

    [14:10] 「Ghosting」在Online Dating中突然消失

    [18:20] 用约会软件对恋爱观会有影响吗?

    【Articles Mentioned 提到的文章】

    1. "Why dating as a millennial is so screwed up? " by Andrea Wesley from https://www.bolde.com/dating-millennial-screwed/

    【TV Series Mentioned 提到的剧】

    Love Life Season 1 (2020) 爱情生活第一季
    【Background Music 背景音乐】

    Store (Prod. by Lukrembo)

    Bread (Prod. by Lukrembo)

    Every day jazz ver. (Prod. by Lukrembo)

    【Contact Us 联系我们】


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quarterlifechirping/message

    • 22 min

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