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News For Kids

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News For Kids

    Black Soldier Flies Fight Climate Change

    Black Soldier Flies Fight Climate Change

    Black Soldier Flies Fight Climate Change

    Many people eat pork and chicken. Pork comes from pigs. Chicken comes from… well, chickens! Pigs and chickens eat lots of corn, soy, and fish.

    We need lots of big corn farms, soy farms, and fish farms to feed them. But these farms are bad for our land, air, and water. They make climate change worse.

    But a company in the UK is fighting climate change with soldiers … black soldier flies! The company helps farmers and others make fly farms. Fly farms are better for the environment than corn, soy, and fish farms. But, who eats flies? Yuck!
    有一間英國公司想要用黑水虻 (m?ng ㄇㄥˊ)來對抗氣候變遷。他們幫農夫打造養殖場,因為它比種玉米、大豆以及養魚還要環保,但是誰要吃呢?

    Pigs and chickens eat fly larvae. Larvae are good food for these animals. Scientists found that pigs grow better! Their pork is also better! Mmmmm!

    In fly farms, larvae eat lots of food waste. That's the food we don't eat. When it's thrown away, it makes gases. These gases make climate change worse. Larvae stop food waste from making bad gases.

    Black soldier fly farms can do so much to fight climate change!


    1. pork 豬肉 。
    What are you having? 你要吃什麼?
    I think I'll go for the grilled pork chop with potatoes. 我想要選烤豬排加馬鈴薯。
    Oh, that sounds great! 聽起來真不錯!
    2. chicken 雞肉。
    And I would like to have crispy chicken with tomato salad. 我想要脆皮雞加番茄沙拉。
    Yours sounds even better. 你的聽起來更棒。
    3. food 食物。
    Good, then we can share some of our food.那好,我們可以分享食物。 You're not on a diet, are you?你不會在節食吧?
    4. eat 吃。
    No, I just don't want to eat too much.沒有,我只是不想吃太多。
    With me around, you really don't need to worry about that。有我在,你真的不用擔心。
    今天的單字經常用到。pork豬肉 chicken雞肉 food食物 eat吃


    1. What do pigs eat a lot of?
    a. Corn
    b. Pork
    c. Chicken
    2. What makes climate change worse?
    a. Black soldier fly larvae
    b. Big corn, soy, and fish farms
    c. The company in the UK
    3. What is food waste?
    a. Food cooked for us
    b. Bad gases
    c. Food we don't eat

    1. a
    2. b
    3. c

    • 5 min
    This Election King Loses But Wins

    This Election King Loses But Wins

    This Election King Loses But Wins

    This is the world's biggest election year! But what's an election?

    An election is when a group of people say who they want for their leaders. Maybe the leaders are for their city or country.

    People vote to say who they want. The person who gets the most votes is the winner.

    This year, Taiwan had a big election. Some people wanted to be leaders. They ran for election. People voted. Now we have a new president, President Lai!

    India had a big election too. Many people ran for election! They wanted to win! But one man didn't want to win…

    A repairman has run for election 239 times. In India, people pay to run in an election. This man has paid more than $3 million Taiwan dollars!

    He hasn't won. But that's okay! He wants people to see that anyone can run for election. And he wants people to see that it's okay to lose.

    People call this man the "Election King." Maybe he's the real winner!


    1. vote 投票。
    Have you made up your mind? 你拿定主意了嗎?
    About whom to vote for? 要投給誰嗎?
    Yes. 對。
    Of course I have.我當然決定好了。I'll be voting for the youngest people. 我要投給最年輕的候選人。
    2. election 選舉。
    Not many young people run for elections. 年輕人競選的不多。
    You're wrong. 你錯了。Many of them are interested in politics.他們很多都對政治有興趣。
    3. leader 領袖。
    But look at those world leaders. 但是你看看那些世界領袖。Many are older, even beyond 70。很多都老老的,甚至超過七十歲。
    Wrong again. 你又錯了。
    4. win 贏得。
    Canada's Justin Trudeau is young and handsome. 加拿大總理杜魯道年輕又帥氣。
    That's different! 那不一樣! His family was in politics.他來自政治家庭。
    我們一起來讀單字。vote投票 election選舉 leader領袖 win贏得



    1. How do people say who they want in elections?
    a. They vote.
    b. They run.
    c. They win.
    2. Who is President Lai?
    a. An Indian repairman
    b. India's new president
    c. Taiwan's new president
    3. What does the Election King want to show people?
    a. Anybody can run.
    b. Losing is bad.
    c. He has money.
    1. a
    2. c
    3. a

    • 5 min
    A New Kind of New Teacher

    A New Kind of New Teacher

    A New Kind of New Teacher

    There's a new teacher at a school in the UK. She has short dark hair and kind eyes. She helps the headmaster. But she's different from the other teachers there. She's a chatbot, not a person!

    A chatbot thinks and acts like a person. But it doesn't have a body. It's not a robot. It's a computer program. It uses AI. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence.
    聊天機器人的行為和思考方式像真人,它利用 AI 人工智慧的電腦程式,但是沒有人類的身體構造。

    This chatbot was made to help the headmaster. The headmaster can ask her questions. He can ask her how to help teachers and students. She looks at LOTS and LOTS of information VERY quickly. She answers his questions very quickly too.

    The students at this school are four to thirteen years old. They have teachers AND they have their own chatbots! The students can ask their chatbots questions. The chatbots always know the answer!

    The headmaster's chatbot and the students' chatbots are important at this school. They help the headmaster, the teachers, and the students. These chatbots show how AI can help make learning easier and faster!



    1. computer 電腦
    Hey there, I see you're working on the computer. 我看到你在用電腦。
    Need any help? 需要幫忙嗎?
    Yes, could you teach me how to make this robot move faster? 要。可不可以教我怎麼讓這個機器人動作快一點?

    2. information 資訊
    Sure! 當然可以。
    You need to change its program.你得變更它的程式。
    Here, let me show you some information first. 來,我先給你看一些資訊。

    3. question 問題
    This is cool! Now can I ask my robot questions? 真酷! 現在我可以問機器人問題嗎?
    So you want it to talk? 所以你要它會講話?

    4. can 能夠
    I don't think you can make it do that.我覺得你沒辦法讓它做到。
    But it's moving faster now! 但是它現在動作快多了!



    1. What does AI stand for?
    a. Artificial Imagination
    b. Artificial Intelligence
    c. Advanced Intelligence

    2. What is AI?
    a. A student's computer
    b. A way to teach
    c. A computer program

    3. What do the chatbots do at the school?
    a. Answer questions
    b. Teach classes
    c. Watch the students

    1. b
    2. c
    3. a

    • 5 min
    Keeping Quiet in Schools

    Keeping Quiet in Schools

    Keeping Quiet in Schools

    In our big oceans, there's lots of space. But fish swim together in groups!

    Do you know what a group of fish is called? It's called a school! Being in a school helps fish stay safe from bigger fish.
    那你知道魚群英文怎麼說嗎? 就是school。魚群結伴同行可以預防其他大魚靠近。

    Fish move together in schools. They turn and swim the same way. Some scientists studied more about how fish move in schools.

    Scientists learned some amazing things! We know one fish swims very quietly. But they learned that schools of fish swim very quietly too! One school sounds like one fish!

    How do fish swim quietly together? When the tails of all the fish move the same way, the school is loud. But when the tails DON'T move the same way, the school is quiet.
    魚怎麼安靜地一起游呢? 如果所有的魚都用同樣的頻率、方向擺動尾巴就會很吵,反而用不同的頻率、方向擺動比較安靜。

    Something else also happens. The water around the fish moves more strongly. That makes them swim faster! They use less energy, but they go faster!

    Being in a school makes fish safer. Scientists found that schools make fish quieter and faster too! That makes fish safer! School is the best place to be for fish!

    1. quietly 安靜地
    We need to move quietly if we want to see the fish up close. 要是我們想靠近欣賞魚,動作就得安靜。
    I'm not a good swimmer. I'll just follow you. 我游得不是很好,我就跟著你。

    2. safer 比較安全
    Just remember, the quieter we are, the safer the fish feel. 你只要記住,我們越安靜,魚兒就越覺得安全。
    Okay, that makes sense. 好,有道理。

    3. loud 大聲的
    But what if I make a loud noise? 可是如果我弄出噪音來呢?
    Then all the fish will be gone! 那所有的魚就全跑了。

    4. stay 保持
    But they'll come back, so don't panic.但是牠們會回來的,所以別恐慌。
    Stay quiet and they'll be back.你保持安靜牠們就回來了。

    1. What is a group of fish called?
    a. An aquarium
    b. A school
    c. A pack

    2. Why do fish swim in a group?
    a. To be safe
    b. To eat
    c. To play

    3. What makes a group of fish swim quietly?
    a. Tails don't move
    b. Tails move the same
    c. Tails don't move the same

    1. b
    2. a
    3. c

    • 5 min
    Taiwan's Little Hero Finds People

    Taiwan's Little Hero Finds People

    Taiwan's Little Hero Finds People

    Dogs are good friends to people. Some dogs also do important work for us. For one job, they work at airports. They use their noses! They sniff for drugs.

    The Kaohsiung police tried to teach a dog to sniff for drugs. But he wasn't good at it. He had too much energy! He's too friendly! Down, boy!

    But having energy and being friendly are very good for another very important job. This dog became a rescue dog!

    Rescue dogs look for people after earthquakes or other bad things happen. This dog's first job was six years ago. Taiwan had a big earthquake.

    This year, Taiwan had a bigger earthquake on April 3. That earthquake made some buildings fall down. It made rocks on mountains fall down. This dog looked for people on a mountain. He found one person.

    This dog is Taiwan's little hero now. He has too much energy to sniff in airports. Now he uses his energy to find people. Good boy! Oh! Down, boy! Hey! That's my microphone! Come back here!


    1. sniff 聞
    What a cute dog! 好可愛的狗!
    No, don't play with him! 不要跟牠玩!
    Why not? 為什麼不要?
    It's a sniffer dog. 那是偵探犬!
    It's sniffing your suitcase! 牠在聞你的行李箱!

    2. happen 發生
    Ma'am, please open your suitcase. 這位女士,請打開你的行李箱。
    What's happening? 發生了什麼事?
    What did I do? 我做了什麼?
    Sorry, ma'am, you have to throw away your pork pies. 真抱歉,女士,你得扔掉豬肉派。

    3. nose 鼻子
    That dog's nose is really amazing! 那隻狗的鼻子真驚人!
    I hate his nose! 我討厭牠的鼻子!

    4. job 工作
    He's just doing his job. 牠只是在做牠的工作。
    But that's my favorite pork pie! 可是那是我最喜歡的豬肉派!

    What words have you learned today?


    1. Why isn't the dog good at sniffing for drugs?
    a. He has too much energy.
    b. He can't smell well.
    c. He is too tired.

    2. When was the dog's first job as a rescue dog?
    a. Two years ago
    b. Six years ago
    c. Ten years ago

    3. What is the dog good at?
    a. Moving rocks
    b. Finding people
    c. Having earthquakes

    1. a
    2. b
    3. b

    • 5 min
    Swimming in the Seine River

    Swimming in the Seine River

    Swimming in the Seine River

    Summer is here! It's the best time to swim! Where do most people swim? That's right! They go to swimming pools or beaches.

    But some swimmers are going to a river. At the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games, athletes are going to swim in the Seine River!

    Paris is getting the Seine River ready for the athletes. People are cleaning it right now. What?! Well, for 100 years, it was too dirty for people to swim in. It was too dirty for a lot of fish too…

    Cleaning the river has taken lots of work and money. It cost almost forty-nine billion Taiwan dollars! A billion has nine zeroes!

    But now more fish swim in the river. And Olympic and Paralympic swimmers will swim in it for the first time. How cool is that?

    Olympic marathon swimmers and triathlon swimmers will swim in the Seine in July and August. Paralympic triathlon swimmers will swim there in September.

    Get ready to watch great athletes swim in the Seine!



    1. dirty 骯髒的
    Someone is swimming in the river! 有人在河裡游泳!
    Yew! Isn't it dirty? 不是很髒嗎?
    All that rainwater washing into it? 所有雨水都流到河裡?
    I guess so. 也許吧。

    2. clean 清理
    But the city is cleaning it up.不過市政府正在清理。
    I do hope they do a good job. 真希望他們把事情做好。

    3. best 最好的
    A clean river where people can have a picnic by the riverside 一條乾淨的河,人們可以在河邊野餐
    …and go swimming in it under the sun. 豔陽下去河裡游泳。
    That would be the best place to be! 那會是最好的地方!

    4. time 時間
    Yeah, having a good time by the river, just like in the movies! 對啊,就跟電影裡面一樣,在河邊享受美好時光!

    你喜歡游泳嗎? 來讀單字。


    1. Where is the Seine River?
    a. Prague
    b. Phuket
    c. Paris

    2. How much did it cost to clean the river?
    a. Nine billion Taiwan dollars
    b. Forty billion Taiwan dollars
    c. Forty-nine billion Taiwan dollars

    3. When will the Paralympic athletes swim in the river?
    a. July
    b. August
    c. September

    1. c
    2. c
    3. c

    • 5 min

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