
À Conversa no Supermercado European Portuguese Shorties (from PracticePortuguese.com)

    • Aprendizaje de idiomas

D. Maria and Catarina have a pleasant chat in the supermarket.

Language focus: formal and informal "you"

Cultural note: D. is an abbreviation for Dona, which is an honorific, similar to Ms. or Mrs. You may hear some Portuguese speakers use Dona to respectfully address a middle-aged or older woman who is a homemaker, or who does domestic work, followed by her first name. However, it may be best to avoid using this title as a non-native speaker, as it can be difficult to know when it's appropriate to use.

D. Maria and Catarina have a pleasant chat in the supermarket.

Language focus: formal and informal "you"

Cultural note: D. is an abbreviation for Dona, which is an honorific, similar to Ms. or Mrs. You may hear some Portuguese speakers use Dona to respectfully address a middle-aged or older woman who is a homemaker, or who does domestic work, followed by her first name. However, it may be best to avoid using this title as a non-native speaker, as it can be difficult to know when it's appropriate to use.
