A New Kind of Family Shepherd of the Valley Messages

    • Cristianismo

-Share a favorite or least favorite trip with your family growing up.

-Read Mark 3:31-35. In a strong familial society, how do you think the disciples would have felt about Jesus words and actions here?

-In what ways do we and do we not treat our church community as “family?” What are aspects of a family we want to emulate and aspects we want to avoid?

-Read Galatians 3:26. What do you think it may have felt like for the members of the early church who did not have Jewish heritage to be welcomed into God’s family. What does it mean for us to be “heirs of Christ?”

Live it out:

Think of someone you know in our community that you could welcome in like family. Discuss who that might be and consider how you might reach out: a phone call, coffee, or meal together.

-Share a favorite or least favorite trip with your family growing up.

-Read Mark 3:31-35. In a strong familial society, how do you think the disciples would have felt about Jesus words and actions here?

-In what ways do we and do we not treat our church community as “family?” What are aspects of a family we want to emulate and aspects we want to avoid?

-Read Galatians 3:26. What do you think it may have felt like for the members of the early church who did not have Jewish heritage to be welcomed into God’s family. What does it mean for us to be “heirs of Christ?”

Live it out:

Think of someone you know in our community that you could welcome in like family. Discuss who that might be and consider how you might reach out: a phone call, coffee, or meal together.