35 min

Alfred Russel Wallace Penemu Teori Evolusi Indonesia Membaca

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Mengulas Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) dalam The Malay Archipelago versi terbitan Penguin Books (2014).
Referensi tambahan:
Browne, J. (2013) Wallace and Darwin, Current Biology, 23(24): R1072.
Bulmer, M. (2005) The theory of natural selection of Alfred Russel Wallace FRS, Notes & Records of The Royal Society, 59: 125-136.
Kutschera, U. (2003) A comparative analysis of the Darwin-Wallace papers and the development of the concept of natural selection, Theory in Biosciences, 122: 343-359.
Porter, D.M. (2012) Why did Wallace write to Darwin?, The Linnean, 28(1): 17-24.
Steinheimer, F.D. (2004) Charles Darwin’s bird collection and ornithological knowledge during the voyage of H.M.S. “Beagle” 1831-1836, Journal of Ornithology, 145: 300-320.

Mengulas Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) dalam The Malay Archipelago versi terbitan Penguin Books (2014).
Referensi tambahan:
Browne, J. (2013) Wallace and Darwin, Current Biology, 23(24): R1072.
Bulmer, M. (2005) The theory of natural selection of Alfred Russel Wallace FRS, Notes & Records of The Royal Society, 59: 125-136.
Kutschera, U. (2003) A comparative analysis of the Darwin-Wallace papers and the development of the concept of natural selection, Theory in Biosciences, 122: 343-359.
Porter, D.M. (2012) Why did Wallace write to Darwin?, The Linnean, 28(1): 17-24.
Steinheimer, F.D. (2004) Charles Darwin’s bird collection and ornithological knowledge during the voyage of H.M.S. “Beagle” 1831-1836, Journal of Ornithology, 145: 300-320.

35 min