City of Town: An Improvised DND Adventure!

City of Town: An Improvised DND Adventure!
Podcast de City of Town: An Improvised DND Adventure!

Welcome Travelers, to the Adventure of a lifetime. City of Town is truly unlike any other DND podcast out there. Each episode features a new and entirely improvised DND adventure. No prep work, no character sheets, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and DND fun! Whether you want to hear about Sea Elves fighting an enchanting bard or an Aarakocra war leader in the throws of battle, each episode brings an entirely new and original story. Making it an exciting and easy journey to pick up and check out at any moment. Like we’ve already said, there’s no prep work. That goes for us and our listeners! So make sure you subscribe and hit the bell icon so that you never miss what crazy journey we’ll go on next!


  1. HACE 5 DÍAS

    40 year old is sent back to highschool

    Prince, a 40 year old forensic accountant, is suddenly informed that he must return to high school as an adult because he accidentally skipped a class. Forced to relive his high school experience, Prince must navigate old enemies, former loves, and figure out who sabotaged him to get him back to school.   Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe.   If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel:   Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Michael Player: Casey, playing Prince, a 40-year-old wizard who is forced to return to high school to retake classes he missed and confront unresolved high school drama.   Story Summary: Prince is sent back to his old high school to finish a class he skipped years ago, only to find out that he must retake the entire curriculum, including gym class taught by his former bully, Mr. Hand. Challenge: Prince must navigate the trials of high school all over again while dealing with unresolved issues from his past, including his former crush, Beth, and the bully turned gym teacher, Mr. Hand. Setting: Dunseldorf School for Wizardry and Other High School Aquatics   Key Scenes: First Day Back at School: [00:04:00] - Prince receives his new class schedule and is shocked to see Mr. Hand, his high school bully, is now the gym teacher. Prince confronts Mr. Hand, vowing revenge for past wrongs. Awkward Reunion with Beth: [00:16:00] - Prince is reunited with Beth, his old high school crush, who is now a teacher at the school. Their conversation is filled with tension as Prince struggles to hide his feelings. [00:18:00] - Prince accidentally brings up her past marriage, leading to an awkward but promising exchange. Taking on the Aquatics Class: [00:27:00] - Prince skips the gym outfit and challenges Mr. Hand in front of the class, earning respect from the students. He later regrets this act as he struggles through aquatics. Investigating the Missing Report Card: [00:29:00] - Prince breaks into Principal Sneed’s office and discovers that his missing report card is the only one unaccounted for. This leads him to believe there is more at play regarding his forced return. Mid-Semester Revelation: [00:35:00] - Prince confronts Principal Sneed, who reveals that Prince’s return was orchestrated to help investigate embezzlement at the school. Prince must now balance his classes and find out who is siphoning money from the aquatics department.   Climax: [00:43:00] - Prince narrows down the suspects to three individuals: Mr. Hand, Gorkfried (a student), or Beth. Torn between his duty and personal feelings, Prince decides to prioritize solving the case over pursuing his relationship with Beth. [00:48:00] - Prince confronts Beth after discovering that she is the one embezzling funds from the school, but they agree to let the school fall into disrepair and leave the town together.   Stay tuned for more epic and improvised adventures in the City of Town!

    53 min
  2. 16 SEPT

    I Joined A Doomsday Cult For 5 Days

    Esmereld has always been looking for purpose in his life in all the wrong places. When he ends up on the wrong side of a doomsday cult's stoning ritual, he's brought face to face with the lord of darkness, Doctor Axis. Now, he must choose whether to help this demon cross over to the Material Plane or strike out on his own path. Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe. If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel: Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Casey Player: Michael, playing Esmereld, a cowardly and impressionable cult member, recently resurrected to fulfill dark desires. Story Summary: Setting: A remote graveyard and the hidden bog lair of a Doomsday Cult. Esmereld has recently been killed by stoning in the cult but is resurrected by Lord Abomination (Dr. Axis) to bring about the cult’s final doomsday. Challenge: Esmereld must take over the leadership of the cult from Carlisle, orchestrate a group suicide, and ensure the return of Dr. Axis. Key Scenes: Resurrection by Lord Abomination: [00:06:00] - Esmereld is brought back to life in the graveyard by Lord Abomination, who gifts him a new look, including stylish Ray-Ban sunglasses, and charges him with overthrowing Carlisle and fulfilling the cult’s darkest desires. [00:09:00] - Esmereld receives a curse that grants him advantage on fulfilling dark desires. Return to the Cult: [00:19:00] - Esmereld returns to the cult’s bog lair, tripping over his robe but trying to make a grand entrance. The cult members are shocked to see him alive after the stoning. [00:24:00] - Esmereld confronts Phineas and demands Carlisle’s presence, asserting his new position of power. Confrontation with Carlisle: [00:30:00] - Esmereld meets with Carlisle, challenging his leadership, and ultimately stabs him in a dramatic showdown, securing his position as the new cult leader. [00:45:00] - Carlisle’s final words hint at a deeper connection between the Doomsday Cult and the Flower Cult, two factions that once were one. Preparing the Poisoned Tea: [00:48:00] - Esmereld prepares a deadly poisoned tea for the cult’s final ritual, instructing a low-ranking cult member to distribute it to everyone. [00:51:00] - Esmereld commands the cult to drink the tea, urging them to embrace the doomsday and rise to power in the afterlife alongside Dr. Axis. The Final Act: [00:56:00] - The cult members, including Esmereld, drink the poisoned tea, leading to a painful and dramatic death sequence. Esmereld’s final realization is that, despite his rebellion, he has continued to follow someone else’s orders. Climax: [00:58:00] - Esmereld dies alongside the cult members, but just before his essence dissipates, he feels the rise of Dr. Axis on the mortal plane, fulfilling his mission. Closing: Emotional Resolution: Esmereld’s death comes with the realization that he has been following orders his whole life, even in his final moments, offering a tragic twist to his story arc. Stay tuned for more epic and improvised adventures in the City of Town!

    1 h y 0 min
  3. 9 SEPT

    He had to relapse into being a bro

    City of Town: An Improvised D&D Adventure Episode 8: "He had to relapse into being a bro" Show Hosts: Casey and Michael Introduction: [00:00:00] Michael: The episode opens with an action-packed mission briefing as the character Cobalt Blue is tasked with taking down a powerful mob boss in a building full of enemies. Casey introduces the show, reminding listeners that it’s an improvised D&D adventure, with no character sheets or strict adherence to the rules. The hosts reiterate that every episode stands alone, making it perfect for new listeners to jump in at any time. Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Michael Player: Casey, playing Cobalt Blue, a high-level fighter with two levels of sorcery and a penchant for "bro culture" espionage. Story Summary: Setting: A skyscraper filled with bros, enemies, and traps, in a bro culture society. Cobalt Blue is sent on a mission to defeat a powerful mob boss named Broseidon, the god of bros, who is secretly running a bro-dominated criminal empire. Challenge: Cobalt must fight his way through a skyscraper of bros and confront his old frat buddy Broseidon, all while staying true to the tenets of bro culture. Key Scenes: Skyscraper Infiltration: [00:03:00] - Cobalt Blue begins his mission, leaping off the top of the skyscraper in an X-Wing suit, only to realize the boss is on the ground floor. [00:09:00] - He gathers a crowd of "bros" using his "Bro Voice" spell, and they begin chanting his name as he descends. Confrontation with Trent: [00:18:00] - Cobalt encounters Trent, a rival bro, and they engage in a battle of wits and strength. Trent is eventually outclassed, and the bros rally behind Cobalt, abandoning Trent. [00:28:00] - Cobalt performs a series of impressive stunts, gaining the loyalty of 78 bros who follow him to confront the boss. Meeting with Broseidon: [00:34:00] - Cobalt meets Broseidon, his old frat brother Terrence, who reveals himself to be the god of bros. They reminisce about their college days and discuss bro culture. [00:39:00] - Broseidon tries to recruit Cobalt to join his bro army, but Cobalt secretly plots to overthrow him. The Ultimate Betrayal: [00:46:00] - Cobalt reveals his plan to take over Broseidon’s empire, having gathered a secret army of outcast bros. The tables turn as Cobalt seizes control of the bro forces. [00:48:00] - Broseidon is left in disbelief as Cobalt’s influence spreads across the mortal plane. Beer Pong for Godhood: [00:50:00] - Cobalt and Broseidon engage in an epic beer pong match, with the fate of bro culture and godhood at stake. [00:53:00] - Cobalt wins the game, and Broseidon’s power fades, leaving Cobalt as the new leader of the bros. Climax: [00:55:00] - Broseidon is reduced to a mere mortal, and Cobalt ascends to godhood, taking control of the bro empire and leading a more progressive and inclusive bro culture. Resolution: Cobalt reflects on his journey, having transformed bro culture into something stronger and more accepting. Closing: Emotional Resolution: Cobalt reflects on the importance of brotherhood and personal growth, transforming bro culture into something more meaningful and inclusive. Stay tuned for more epic and improvised adventures in the City of Town!

    57 min
  4. 2 SEPT

    I Called Bard Alert! This is What Happened

    Old Man Fernibus was once a great wizard who went on epic adventure after epic adventure. His daring feats of cunning spellcraft were known throughout the land. But those days are long past him and now he finds himself alone in an empty house. Little does he know, that today, he's going to have to become the wizard he once was, fore his greatest adventure is lurking within his basement. Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe. If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel: Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Casey Player: Michael, playing Old Man Fernibus, a frail, elderly Dragonborn wizard struggling to use his remaining spell slots wisely. Story Summary: Setting: Fernibus’ creaky old home, filled with dangerous obstacles and unexpected magical complications. Fernibus is an elderly Dragonborn wizard with brittle skin and limited spell slots, trying to manage everyday tasks while facing unexpected challenges. Challenge: Navigate his own home, manage his dwindling health, and save a hapless visitor from an untimely demise. Key Scenes: Initial Fall: [00:04:45] - Fernibus takes a dangerous fall down the basement stairs, injuring himself and calling for help using a magical diamond. [00:06:12] - A comedic exchange ensues with Debra from "Bard Alert," a magical emergency service, as Fernibus struggles to provide his details while bleeding. Help Arrives—Sort Of: [00:16:05] - A healer, Ludigan, arrives through the fireplace, but promptly falls down the same stairs, injuring himself severely. [00:20:38] - Fernibus attempts to put out a fire with a "Cold Snap" spell, creating a blood-soaked winter wonderland in the basement. Miscalculated Magic: [00:23:53] - Fernibus realizes his errors and tries to save Ludigan with a variety of increasingly desperate spells, each with chaotic results. [00:24:07] - Ludigan succumbs to his injuries, leaving Fernibus with the guilt of not using a spell slot sooner. Arrival of Gurdigan: [00:33:10] - Gurdigan, another healer, arrives only to slip and fall in the basement, adding to the chaos. Fernibus finally uses a Greater Restoration spell to heal him, but not before nearly suffocating him with a "Vacuum" spell. Reflection and Resolution: [00:46:45] - After helping Gurdigan, Fernibus has a moment of introspection, realizing that his miserly nature might have contributed to his loneliness and the loss of relationships with his family. [00:47:34] - Fernibus resolves to make amends, starting with his neighbor, Mrs. Spurnshire, as he dons his old adventuring gear and sets out with renewed purpose. Climax: [00:49:12] - Fernibus, now dressed in his old adventuring clothes, sets off to make amends with Mrs. Spurnshire, feeling a sense of purpose he hasn't felt in years. Resolution: The episode ends with Fernibus embracing a new perspective on life, ready to face whatever comes next. Stay tuned for more epic and improvised adventures in the City of Town!

    51 min
  5. 26 AGO

    I Was a Chaotic Evil Goblin Until...

    Mikkel is a terrifying goblin barbarian feared across the planes for his uncontrollable murderous rages. While being hunted by hundreds of warriors, Mikkel goes on a rampage, brutally defeating foes, only to discover that the real challenge comes from his estranged brother, Rober, who has transformed into a grotesque monster. As Mikkel fights his way through swarms of deadly creatures and confronts his mutated brother, the episode culminates in a final, bloody showdown between the two siblings.    Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe.   If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel:   Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Casey Player: Michael, playing Mikkel, an infamous, rage-filled goblin barbarian with a dark past, on the run from hunters across multiple planes. Story Summary: Setting: A dense forest surrounded by hunters from all planes Mikkel is a notorious goblin barbarian known for massacring entire towns in uncontrollable rages. He is currently being hunted by the greatest warriors from across the planes. Challenge: Survive the onslaught of hunters and confront the tragic source of his rage: his brother, Robear. Key Scenes: Introduction to Mikkel: [00:02:00] - Mikkel reflects on his violent tendencies, revealing his fear of death and inner conflict about his monstrous nature. [00:06:00] - Mikkel's first combat encounter begins as he ambushes a silent tribe of monk warriors known as the Akiba. The Battle with the Akiba: [00:09:00] - Mikkel engages in a brutal combat, launching into a rage and using his signature "Rage Tornado" ability to tear through his opponents. [00:14:00] - The battle concludes with Mikkel barely surviving an explosion caused by the monks, showcasing his resilience. Mikkel’s Dark Past: [00:19:00] - Mikkel recalls a pivotal moment in his life involving his brother, Robear, which triggered his uncontrollable rage and led to a path of destruction. The Call from Robear: [00:21:00] - Mikkel receives a cryptic message from his brother, Robear, challenging him to a confrontation in a cave where "the trees don’t grow." The Family Encounter: [00:26:00] - Mikkel stumbles upon a family camping in the forest and, in his rage, brutally murders them. He reflects on their happiness, showing a glimpse of remorse. The Cave of No Trees: [00:30:00] - Mikkel reaches the cave where he is lured deeper by his brother’s taunts. Inside, he encounters terrifying spider-like creatures led by a powerful rider. [00:34:00] - Mikkel fights off the creatures in a spectacular "Rage Nova," decimating the horde and leaving only the rider alive. Climax: [00:40:00] - Mikkel confronts his brother, Robear, who has transformed into a grotesque monster with multiple limbs and heads. The brothers engage in a violent and emotional final battle. [00:47:00] - Mikkel delivers the killing blow to Robear, brutally devouring him in a final act of rage. Closing: Emotional Resolution: Mikkel, now fully consumed by his rage and the weight of his actions, vows to continue his violent path, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Reflection: The hosts reflect on the chaotic nature of the episode and discuss Mikkel’s tragic character arc. Call to Action: Encourages listeners to subscribe, share, and comment on their thoughts about the episode.

    59 min
  6. 18 AGO

    I Accepted a Duel I Knew I Couldn't Win

    Cob has spent his life being the greatest Duelist in the world. Through trickery and misdeception, he's never found an obstacle he couldn't overcome. But the times are changing, and when Cob finds himself within a small town. He'll have to decide whether he can become the man the world needs him to be, or if he'll finally end up on the wrong side of the crossbow. Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe. If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel: Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Michael Player: Casey, playing Cob, a legendary changeling duelist on the verge of retiring from the dueling circuit. Story Summary: Setting: A Wild West-inspired town in the Free North Cob, a renowned changeling duelist, is preparing for one final duel against Chester McBester, the leader of the World Federation of Dueling Compatriots. Chester represents a new, rigid form of dueling that Cob despises. Challenge: Cob must win the duel while following the strict rules imposed by the Federation, rules he has never adhered to before. Key Scenes: Opening Duel with Jane: [00:03:00] - Cob quickly takes down Jane in an unfair, preemptive strike, setting the tone for his wild-card nature. [00:06:46] - Cob makes a speech to the gathered crowd, announcing his intention to retire after one final duel. Introduction of Chester McBester: [00:09:20] - Chester McBester, leader of the World Federation of Dueling Compatriots, challenges Cob to a duel under the Federation’s strict rules. [00:12:09] - Cob is revealed to be a changeling, adding depth to his character as a master of deception. Tension at the Saloon: [00:22:24] - Cob, filled with doubt, heads to the Spittoon Saloon to drink and reflect on his life as a duelist. [00:25:32] - Cob confides in Merida, the saloon owner, revealing his insecurities and the backstory of how he took the name Cob from a famous duelist he killed. Training for the Duel: [00:40:01] - Merida teaches Cob how to duel by the rules, helping him prepare for his showdown with Chester. [00:42:35] - Cob struggles with his aim but slowly improves under Merida’s guidance. The Final Duel: [00:50:02] - Cob and Chester face off in the streets, with the crowd gathered to watch the showdown. [00:53:24] - Cob calls for Lullaby, his secretly kept cat, who leaps from the rooftops to attack Chester, giving Cob an unexpected edge. Climax: [00:56:45] - The duel reaches its peak as Chester is distracted by Lullaby. Cob fires his shot, but it’s Merida who saves the day by sniping Chester from a hidden vantage point. Resolution: Cob wins the duel “fair and square,” and the crowd erupts in celebration.

    1 h y 1 min
  7. 12 AGO

    A Game of Epic Speeches

    King Geordi, known as the Peacemaker, is confronted with the looming threat of war against the Illithid, a powerful and malevolent force. The King gathers his six closest advisors only to discover that one of them is a traitor, manipulated by the Illithid. As tensions rise, King Geordi takes drastic actions, leading to a shocking and explosive confrontation that leaves the council in disarray. Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe. If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel: Introduction: [00:00:00] Michael: Opens with a tension-filled scene about the looming threat of the Illithid and the potential betrayal within the Council of Six. Casey introduces the concept of the show, emphasizing that it's an improvised D&D adventure with no prep work or strict adherence to rules. Reiterates the standalone nature of each episode, perfect for new listeners. Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Michael Player: Casey, playing King Geordi the Peacemaker, a ruler facing the transition from a king of peace to a king of war. Story Summary: Setting: The royal castle and its surrounding city King Geordi is faced with the threat of war with the Illithid, who have potentially infiltrated his Council of Six. Challenge: Uncover the traitor within the council and prepare for the impending war. Key Scenes: Council Meeting: [00:03:00] - King Geordi addresses his Council of Six, discussing the possibility of a traitor and the dire situation with the Illithid. [00:05:00] - Mariel, the Master of Secrets, hints at a conspiracy but sows doubt about her own trustworthiness. [00:07:00] - Henrik, the Dwarven leader of the War Guard, discusses the kingdom's weak position without allies. Secret Conversation with Henrik: [00:08:00] - King Geordi privately consults Henrik about the kingdom’s chances and the potential spy within the council. [00:11:00] - Geordi instructs Henrik to keep an eye on Mariel. Encounter in the Red Lantern District: [00:13:00] - Geordi disguises himself and heads to a seedy brothel to meet with the Elf Ambassador, Ardriel, to seek aid. [00:19:00] - Survives an assassination attempt by a mind-controlled attacker. Meeting with the Elf Ambassador: [00:23:00] - Geordi convinces Ardriel to witness the effects of the Illithid’s mind control firsthand. [00:30:00] - Takes Ardriel to the Cleric’s Tower, where the High Cleric Pauline reveals the complete erasure of the assassin’s mind. Confrontation in the King’s Chambers: [00:33:00] - Geordi returns to the castle, weary of the impending danger, and summons the High Wizard Gotho to discuss countermeasures. [00:37:00] - Geordi makes a desperate plan to protect the kingdom, even if it requires using convicted criminals for experiments. Test of Loyalty: [00:38:00] - Geordi confronts Mariel, demanding her loyalty through a painful and symbolic act. [00:42:00] - Mariel hesitantly proves her loyalty, though Geordi remains suspicious. Climax: [00:47:00] - Geordi gathers the Council of Six, announcing his decision to root out the traitor. He gives them ten minutes to prove their loyalty or face execution. [00:58:00] - A dramatic twist reveals that five of the six council members, except Gotho, are traitors. Gotho sacrifices himself in a fiery explosion to save the king. Closing: Emotional Resolution: King Geordi narrowly escapes, but the kingdom’s leadership is left in ruins. The episode ends with Geordi vowing to hunt down Mariel, who escapes after betraying him. Reflection: Hosts discuss the intense shift in Geordi’s character from a peaceful king to a ruler hardened by betrayal and war. Call to Action: Encourages listeners to subscribe, share, and comment on the podcast.

    1 h y 17 min
  8. 5 AGO

    This Paladin Hid While His Soldiers Died!

    A Paladin fighting for his god, Garzor, hides while his army is slaughtered. The Paladin surrenders to the enemy forces without a fight and suddenly feels a cold emptiness as Garzor abandons his cowardly soul. But just as he’s about to be captured he’s teleported away! He reappears and meets a scared, teeny tiny tiefling… His new god. Fearsome, the god of cowards. Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe. If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel: Introduction: [00:00:00] Michael: Opens with a humorous dialogue on surviving battles by hiding, introducing a theme of cowardice. Casey explains the show format, emphasizing the improvised nature of the adventures with no prep work or strict rules. Highlights the standalone nature of each episode, welcoming new listeners. Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Casey Player: Michael, playing George McCrumple, a paladin who survives a battle by hiding. Story Summary: Setting: Starts on a battlefield, leading to a mystical cave George McCrumple is transported to a cave by a cowardly deity named Fearsome after hiding during a battle. Challenge: George must come to terms with his cowardice and decide whether to become the squire to the deity of cowardice. Key Scenes: Battlefield and Escape: [00:02:36] - George surrenders during a battle, waving a white flag and finding himself the sole survivor. [00:03:11] - He dives into a hole to hide, surviving the carnage around him. Meeting Fearsome: [00:06:20] - George is transported to a cave where he meets Fearsome, a tiny tiefling deity hiding under a blanket. [00:09:16] - Fearsome offers George a potion to make him small, so the deity feels less afraid. Confrontation and Decision: [00:12:21] - George is shown visions of his cowardice and bravery, forced to confront his actions. [00:18:57] - Presented with a choice: become Fearsome’s squire or face shame from his father. [00:19:34] - George chooses to become the squire to protect his reputation. Life as a Squire: [00:22:03] - George’s duties include cleaning Fearsome’s armor, preparing meals, and writing unsent love letters. [00:25:03] - They experience tremors in the cave, hinting at underlying danger. Flood and Escape: [00:26:21] - Water starts flooding the cave after George accidentally causes a rupture. [00:30:05] - George and Fearsome escape the cave, climbing to safety. Climbing and Revelation: [00:34:16] - George learns about the cave’s connection to Poseidon, the sea god, and Fearsome’s theft of magical water. [00:37:27] - They climb to a precarious ledge, diverting water with Fearsome’s magic. Climax: [00:48:09] - Fearsome decides to confront Poseidon and asks George to tell others what became of him. [00:48:47] - George bravely decides to accompany Fearsome, despite his fear. Closing: Emotional Resolution: George finds courage in standing by Fearsome, realizing his growth from cowardice. Reflection: Hosts reflect on the journey and transformation George undergoes. Call to Action: Encourages listeners to subscribe, share, and comment on the podcast.

    1 h y 4 min
  9. 29 JUL

    His Hand Was in an Orc for Three Hours!

    The Orc Prince Jethreal has been poisoned and is on the brink of death. With his death, war will surely follow. The fate of the realm has fallen onto the enraged hands of Dr. Balrag. He may be the best doctor there is, but his poor bedside manners and unique operating procedures may prove deadly. Will Dr. Balrag rise to the challenge or will his reluctance lead the kingdom into chaos. Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe. If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel: Introduction: [00:00:00] Michael: Begins with an intense scene of a surgery on an orc prince to prevent a war. Casey introduces the show and the concept of an improvised D&D adventure, emphasizing no prep work, character sheets, or strict adherence to D&D rules. Highlights the standalone nature of each episode, making it accessible for new listeners. Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Michael Player: Casey, playing Dr. Balrag, an orc battlefield medic with a mix of cleric and barbarian skills. Story Summary: Setting: A high-stakes hospital environment Dr. Balrag is performing emergency surgery on the Orc Prince Jethreal, who was attacked and poisoned. Challenge: Save the prince to prevent a war between the orcs and the human kingdom. Key Scenes: Emergency Surgery: [00:02:22] - Dr. Balrag's hands are deep inside the chest cavity of Orc Prince Jethreal, assisted by an inexperienced halfling janitor named Camwell. [00:07:08] - Balrag sends his rat familiar, Susie, to find Tretch, the hospital's warlock, for blood magic assistance, but Susie fails. [00:11:53] - Balrag decides to continue without Tretch and improvises with Camwell's help. Discovery of Poison: [00:15:24] - Balrag performs surgery, noticing the prince’s blood is dark purple, indicating poisoning. [00:21:04] - Balrag demands Camwell find Tretch, realizing the poison's severity. Confrontation with Tretch: [00:24:34] - Balrag finds Tretch and demands his help despite their animosity. [00:27:27] - Tretch reluctantly agrees, drawn by the potential for professional gain. Journey to the Vault: [00:33:18] - Balrag and Tretch venture to the hospital's secure vault to find the antidote, navigating through traps. [00:36:56] - Tretch uses a shadow cloud to fly them over dangerous tiles, avoiding traps. [00:37:19] - They encounter a gas trap, which Balrag mitigates by shielding Tretch and holding his breath. Securing the Antidote: [00:40:59] - Balrag and Tretch locate the necessary dagger shroom root and return to the operating room. Administering the Antidote: [00:43:03] - Balrag instructs Camwell to assist with the final stages of the surgery. [00:45:17] - Balrag inserts the antidote through the prince's nasal cavity, effectively purging the poison. Climax: [00:47:50] - Prince Jethreal spews out the poison, and Balrag successfully stabilizes him. Resolution: The prince awakens, and Balrag ensures he will live, preventing a war. Closing: Emotional Resolution: Balrag promotes Camwell to nurse and acknowledges Tretch’s help, albeit begrudgingly. Reflection: Hosts reflect on the intense and unpredictable nature of the adventure. Call to Action: Encourages listeners to subscribe, share, and comment on the podcast.

    53 min
  10. 22 JUL

    I Revived My Parents to Babysit

    Lawrence, a Tiefling Wizard, has spent the last year tracking down any type of magical artifact that could bring his parents back to life. Now, he's tracked down exactly what he's looking for at the haunted Daundreer Estate. Will he be able to conquer swamp creatures and whatever other deformities are lurking in the dark to bring back his parents and alleviate his own guilt?  If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel: Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe. Timestamps: Beware, spoilers below: Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Casey Player: Michael, playing Lawrence, a low-level Tiefling wizard Story Summary: Setting: A decayed castle overrun by swamp creatures Lawrence is on a quest to find the book "Conjuration Magic for Silly People 101" by Lucas Debring to bring his parents back and alleviate his guilt over leaving his younger sister, Sasha, alone. Challenge: Navigating a pitch-black library filled with scattered, unorganized books and evading swamp creatures. Key Scenes: Library Search: [00:03:20] Lawrence casts Comprehend Languages to aid in his search. Struggles with an unconventional library system, rolling low on a perception check. Finds a secret drawer at the library's main desk containing a key to the dungeon. Encounters with Creatures: [00:09:30] Uses stealth to avoid swamp creatures, narrowly evading capture. Grapples with a moss creature and uses magic to escape, demonstrating resourcefulness and quick thinking. Armory Exploration: [00:16:45] Finds rusted knives and attempts to gear up despite a mostly looted armory. Rolls a nat 1 on stealth, leading to an encounter with a moss-riddled dragon. Successfully evades the dragon with a nat 20 on an acrobatics check. Librarian's Room: [00:27:10] Meets the librarian Yorick, who reveals the cursed nature of the castle and the true danger of the book Lawrence seeks. Lawrence learns about Yorick's daughter, Esmereld, trapped and infected by moss in the dungeon. Dungeon Descent: [00:40:45] Lawrence retrieves the sought-after book and discovers Esmereld, realizing the tragic extent of the curse. Decides to face the danger head-on to save Esmereld and bring the book back to Sasha. Climax: [00:52:00] Confrontation with the Dragon: Lawrence uses Thaumaturgy to distract the creatures, allowing a narrow escape. A final encounter with the dragon results in a strategic retreat as Lawrence sends the book to Sasha via a conjured familiar. Episode Closing: [01:02:45] Emotional Resolution: Lawrence decides to return to the castle to save Esmereld, showcasing his bravery and dedication.

    1 h y 10 min
  11. 15 JUL

    I Joined the Pirates that Killed My Family

    Baxley, a swashbuckling wizard pirate captain (He contains multitudes) is forced into taking on a new crewmate when plundering goes wrong. Will this new member of the crew drive a wedge between Baxley and his first mate Gundrick, or will this new trio become the best band of pirates the world has ever seen? If you prefer to watch the adventure, check out our YouTube Channel: Every City of Town adventure is made up on the spot. No character sheets, no prep work, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and infinite amounts of DND. To never miss an adventure, make sure you subscribe. Timestamps: Beware, spoilers below: 00:00 Intro and Rules 03:20 Sky Chase and Capture 25:56 Plundering the Dragon Bus 29:42 Encounter with Coralina 42:27 Nighttime Reflections 53:30 Pond Fishing Plan 56:56 Climax 1:01:00 Closing Adventure Setup: Dungeon Master (DM): Casey Player: Michael, playing Baxley, a swashbuckling wizard pirate captain with his first mate Gundrick. Story Summary: Setting: Soaring through the skies in an enchanted rowboat Baxley and Gundrick are in pursuit of a bounty aboard a flying dragon bus. Challenge: Capture the dragon bus and plunder its wealth. Key Scenes: Sky Chase and Capture: [00:03:20] - Baxley and Gundrick spot the dragon bus and give chase. [00:12:30] - They use creative tactics like Minor Illusion and Gundrick's hook swords to catch the dragon bus. [00:20:51] - Successfully bring down the dragon bus using Indomitable Weight on an anchor. Plundering the Dragon Bus: [00:25:56] - Discover the gory aftermath inside the bus, plundering wealth from the passengers. [00:27:02] - Conversation about installing safety features in their own rowboat. Encounter with Coralina: [00:29:42] - Find a surviving girl, Coralina, who initially resists but eventually joins them as their third crew member. Nighttime Reflections: [00:42:27] - Around a campfire, Gundrick and Baxley reflect on their past, including the death of their former crew member Darby. [00:50:33] - Coralina challenges their worldview, leading to emotional confessions and a newfound resolve to do good. Pond Fishing Plan: [00:53:30] - Plan to catch a magical fish needed to help Coralina's family. Baxley and Gundrick confront their fear of water. [00:54:07] - Emotional resolution where Baxley and Gundrick confess their love for each other. Climax: [00:56:56] - Decide to trade their plunder for a cure for Coralina and her parents, planning to sail to the Wizarding Tower. Closing: Emotional Resolution: The crew resolves to do good, with Coralina officially joining as New Darby.

    1 h y 1 min

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Welcome Travelers, to the Adventure of a lifetime. City of Town is truly unlike any other DND podcast out there. Each episode features a new and entirely improvised DND adventure. No prep work, no character sheets, just infinite amounts of dragon slaying and DND fun! Whether you want to hear about Sea Elves fighting an enchanting bard or an Aarakocra war leader in the throws of battle, each episode brings an entirely new and original story. Making it an exciting and easy journey to pick up and check out at any moment. Like we’ve already said, there’s no prep work. That goes for us and our listeners! So make sure you subscribe and hit the bell icon so that you never miss what crazy journey we’ll go on next!

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