1h 1m


    • Diarios personales

first episode (#1) getting the hang of this... never did a podcast before but its hella fun even after the first try... generally not a nervous person but this seems like something i can enjoy doing regularly... i hope you all can enjoy listening as much as i do recording ::::: for those still reading :) i will have many people on these podcasts with me... people that ik through making music, people i’ve met at different jobs, friends, or just anyone who is interesting enough to hold a conversation (you’d be surprised how many people can’t) as for getting to know me for anyone who is listening who doesn’t know me or even what i look like... take this journey w/ me through this Odd Blast Podcast ;)

first episode (#1) getting the hang of this... never did a podcast before but its hella fun even after the first try... generally not a nervous person but this seems like something i can enjoy doing regularly... i hope you all can enjoy listening as much as i do recording ::::: for those still reading :) i will have many people on these podcasts with me... people that ik through making music, people i’ve met at different jobs, friends, or just anyone who is interesting enough to hold a conversation (you’d be surprised how many people can’t) as for getting to know me for anyone who is listening who doesn’t know me or even what i look like... take this journey w/ me through this Odd Blast Podcast ;)

1h 1m