120 episodios

Welcome to Circle of Women Leaders, the podcast for women Leaders of Impact who are ready to take their lives and careers to the next level. Hosted by Karen Barno, this podcast has weekly interviews with women leaders of inspiration and actionable insights to help you build confidence, unlock your potential, and begin to live your best life ever..

Each week, we'll bring you interviews with successful women leaders from various industries who share their own experiences and offer practical advice on how to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals. We'll also cover topics like communication skills, self-care, work-life balance, career advancement, and more to help you develop the mindset and tools you need to succeed.

Our mission is to empower women professionals to create the lives they want, both personally and professionally. We believe that when women lead confidently, they can achieve anything they set their minds to. So, whether you're just starting out in your career or looking to make a big change, join us on this journey of growth and transformation as we explore what it takes to lead confidently and live your best life.

So, tune in every week to Circle of Women Leaders and let's start unlocking your potential, building your confidence, and leading with purpose!

She Leads Confidently Karen Barno

    • Educación

Welcome to Circle of Women Leaders, the podcast for women Leaders of Impact who are ready to take their lives and careers to the next level. Hosted by Karen Barno, this podcast has weekly interviews with women leaders of inspiration and actionable insights to help you build confidence, unlock your potential, and begin to live your best life ever..

Each week, we'll bring you interviews with successful women leaders from various industries who share their own experiences and offer practical advice on how to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals. We'll also cover topics like communication skills, self-care, work-life balance, career advancement, and more to help you develop the mindset and tools you need to succeed.

Our mission is to empower women professionals to create the lives they want, both personally and professionally. We believe that when women lead confidently, they can achieve anything they set their minds to. So, whether you're just starting out in your career or looking to make a big change, join us on this journey of growth and transformation as we explore what it takes to lead confidently and live your best life.

So, tune in every week to Circle of Women Leaders and let's start unlocking your potential, building your confidence, and leading with purpose!

    #119 Empowering Women: Inspiring Conversation with Lisa Jemus

    #119 Empowering Women: Inspiring Conversation with Lisa Jemus

    Welcome back to "She Leads Confidently," where we dive into the stories of incredible women who are making a difference in the world of leadership. I’m so excited about today’s episode because we have the amazing Lisa Jemus with us. Lisa’s journey is nothing short of inspirational, and I can’t wait for you to hear her story.

    Lisa Jemus is a powerhouse when it comes to leadership and empowerment. Her story is a testament to the strength and resilience it takes to lead with confidence and authenticity. From her early life experiences to the pivotal moments that shaped her career, Lisa opens up about the challenges she faced and the lessons she learned along the way.

    We start by talking about Lisa's early years and the influences that shaped her passion for leadership. It's fascinating to hear how her experiences growing up laid the foundation for her future success. Lisa shares the challenges she faced and how these moments of adversity helped her build resilience and strength.

    One of the most relatable parts of Lisa’s journey is her struggle with self-doubt. We’ve all been there, right? Lisa dives deep into how she overcame these feelings and learned to embrace her unique strengths. Her insights are incredibly valuable for anyone who’s ever doubted their abilities.

    Balancing personal and professional life is a topic close to many of our hearts. Lisa gets real about the complexities of this balance and offers some fantastic advice for women leaders who are trying to juggle it all. Her tips are practical and come from a place of genuine experience.

    Empowering other women is a huge part of Lisa’s mission. She talks about the initiatives and programs she’s been involved in to support women leaders. It’s truly inspiring to see how dedicated she is to lifting others up and creating a community of strong, empowered women.

    Throughout our conversation, Lisa distills the key lessons she has learned in her career. These insights are gold for any woman looking to step into a leadership role or enhance her current skills. Lisa emphasizes the importance of embracing your authentic self, building confidence, and continuously learning and growing.

    We also touch on the importance of having a supportive community. Lisa shares how building a network of like-minded women has been a source of strength and encouragement for her. It's a great reminder that we’re stronger together and that supporting each other can create a powerful ripple effect.

    This episode is packed with actionable advice. From boosting self-confidence and navigating gender bias to effective communication and goal setting, Lisa covers it all. She even shares her framework for setting and achieving goals, which is something I think you’ll find incredibly useful.

    Lisa also talks about the importance of having a clear vision and aligning your actions with that vision. It’s all about staying true to your path and making sure every step you take gets you closer to where you want to be.

    Listening to Lisa’s story is a powerful reminder that with determination, support, and the right mindset, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve extraordinary success. Her journey is filled with ups and downs, but through it all, she has remained steadfast in her mission to empower and lead with confidence.

    I invite you to listen to this episode and soak in all the wisdom and inspiration Lisa has to offer. Whether you’re just starting out in your leadership journey or looking to enhance your current skills, there’s something in this conversation for you.

    So, grab your favorite drink, find a cozy spot, and tune in to this empowering conversation with Lisa Jemus. Let’s continue to support and uplift each other as we lead confidently in every aspect of our lives.

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    Epi #118 Leadership Insights and Personal Growth with Heidi Royter

    Epi #118 Leadership Insights and Personal Growth with Heidi Royter

    She Leads Confidently: Hanging Out with Heidi Royter

    Hey everyone! Welcome back to **She Leads Confidently**. I'm Karen Barno and I'm super excited to share this episode with you because we have a fantastic guest today, Heidi Royter. Heidi's an amazing leader, a total inspiration, and she has so much wisdom to share.

    In this episode, we explore Heidi's journey, her thoughts on leadership, and how she's navigated her career and personal life. We cover a lot of ground, from overcoming challenges to embracing our true selves. Let's jump in!

    Getting Started: Heidi's Journey

    Heidi's story is just incredible. She started her career with a burning desire to make a difference, and that fire has fueled her every step of the way. We talked about her early life, the people who influenced her, and how she found her path to becoming a leader.

    Growing up, Heidi faced challenges, but she never let them hold her back. Instead, she used those experiences to push herself forward. Her journey is a perfect example of resilience and determination.

    Facing Challenges Head-On

    One of the most powerful parts of our chat was when Heidi opened up about her challenges. From personal setbacks to professional hurdles, she's been through it all. But what really stood out was her never-give-up attitude and how she turns obstacles into opportunities.

    Heidi shared some really moving stories about times when she had to dig deep and find the strength to keep going. Her experiences are inspiring and a reminder that we all have the power to overcome whatever life throws at us.

    Being True to Yourself

    We talked a lot about authenticity. Heidi believes being true to yourself is key to being a great leader. She shared her journey of embracing her authentic self and how it changed her leadership style.

    In a world that often pressures us to fit in, staying true to who we are is so important. Heidi's insights on this are relevant not just for leaders but for anyone who wants to live a fulfilling life.

    Heidi's Leadership Style

    Heidi's leadership style really resonated with me. She leads with empathy, compassion, and a deep understanding of others. Her approach isn't about bossing people around but inspiring and empowering them.

    We discussed her strategies for building strong teams, creating a positive work environment, and fostering a culture of trust and collaboration. Heidi's leadership style is refreshing and something we can all learn from.

    Tips for Aspiring Leaders

    This episode is packed with great advice for those who want to step into leadership roles. Heidi shared some practical tips on building confidence, developing key skills, and more.

    She stressed the importance of continuous learning and personal growth. For Heidi, leadership isn't a destination; it's a journey. It's about constantly evolving and adapting to new challenges and opportunities.

    Balancing Work and Life

    Many people struggle with balancing work and personal life, and Heidi is no exception. She shared her experiences and strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It's all about setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and staying connected with loved ones.

    We also talked about the importance of having a strong support system. Heidi's thoughts on this are relatable and offer a new perspective on juggling multiple responsibilities without burning out.

    The Value of Mentorship

    Heidi has a lot to say about mentorship. She talked about the mentors who have guided her and how they've impacted her journey. She also shared her experiences as a mentor and the joy she gets from helping others grow.

    For Heidi,

    Breaking the Cycle: Strategies to Conquer Imposter Syndrome

    Breaking the Cycle: Strategies to Conquer Imposter Syndrome

    Welcome to Episode 117 of the She Leads Confidently. Today, we're diving deep into the topic of imposter syndrome—a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud." Despite evidence of their competence, those experiencing imposter syndrome remain convinced that they do not deserve the success they have achieved. This episode aims to unpack the complexities of imposter syndrome, explore its origins, and provide practical strategies for overcoming it.

    What is Imposter Syndrome?

    Imposter syndrome was first identified in 1978 by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes. It is characterized by chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that overrides any feelings of success or external proof of competence. People with imposter syndrome often attribute their accomplishments to luck or other external factors, rather than to their own abilities.

    The Pervasiveness of Imposter Syndrome

    Imposter syndrome affects individuals across various fields and levels of achievement. It is particularly common among high-achievers and can be found in industries ranging from academia to business, the arts, and beyond. Despite its prevalence, it is rarely discussed openly, leading many to suffer in silence.

    Personal Anecdotes and Experiences

    Many successful individuals have publicly shared their experiences with imposter syndrome. For example, renowned author Maya Angelou once said, “I have written eleven books, but each time I think, ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.’” These personal stories highlight that imposter syndrome does not discriminate and can affect anyone, regardless of their level of success or recognition.

    The Roots of Imposter Syndrome

    The origins of imposter syndrome are multifaceted and can be traced back to various sources:

    **Family Dynamics:** Early family interactions can play a significant role. For instance, parents who place a strong emphasis on achievement or who compare siblings can inadvertently foster feelings of inadequacy.

    **Societal Pressures:** Societal expectations and stereotypes can also contribute. Women and minorities, in particular, may feel additional pressure to prove themselves in environments where they are underrepresented.

    **Personality Traits:** Certain personality traits, such as perfectionism and neuroticism, are closely linked to imposter syndrome. Perfectionists, for example, set excessively high standards for themselves and are prone to feeling like failures when they do not meet those standards.

    Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome

    Recognizing the symptoms of imposter syndrome is the first step toward overcoming it. Common symptoms include:

    - **Self-Doubt:** Constantly doubting your abilities and fearing that you will be exposed as a fraud.

    - **Attributing Success to External Factors:** Believing that luck, timing, or other people’s help are the reasons for your success, rather than your own skills and effort.

    - **Overworking:** Working excessively to prevent others from discovering your supposed incompetence.

    - **Fear of Failure:** Avoiding challenges or opportunities due to a fear of failing and being exposed.

    - **Discounting Praise:** Downplaying or rejecting positive feedback about your performance.

    Psychological Impact

    Imposter syndrome can have significant psychological effects, including anxiety, stress, and depression. It can also lead to burnout, as individuals may overwork themselves in an attempt to compensate for their perceived inadequacies. Additionally, it can hinder personal and professional growth by causing individuals to avoid taking risks or pursuing new opportunities.

    Strategies for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

    Epi #116 Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing Transformation with Marie Minor Nugent

    Epi #116 Overcoming Obstacles and Embracing Transformation with Marie Minor Nugent

    Welcome to another empowering episode of She Leads Confidently, where your host Karen Barno dives deep into the journeys of fearless women leaders. Today's special guest is Marie Minor Nugent, a transformative figure who has turned a near-death experience into a beacon of hope and healing.

    Marie's story begins with a traumatic horseback riding accident that nearly claimed her life but instead set her on a profound path of spiritual and personal growth. A former CFO, Marie's journey through recovery led her to embrace her calling as a holistic healer and an ordained minister, founding the renowned Touch of Healing Massage and Wellness in Mesa, Arizona.

    Throughout this episode, Marie shares her insights on overcoming life's darkest moments, harnessing spirituality for healing, and the power of Hawaiian spiritual teachings intertwined with brain science and biblical principles. She discusses how these experiences have shaped her unique approach to wellness and leadership, helping others navigate their paths to self-discovery and empowerment.

    Listeners will be inspired by Marie’s resilience and her ability to transform adversity into opportunity. Her story emphasizes the importance of spiritual connection and community in personal growth. Whether you're dealing with personal challenges or seeking a deeper understanding of your spiritual path, Marie's story offers valuable lessons in leadership, faith, and the power of healing.

    Join us as we explore the intersections of life, leadership, and spirituality on She Leads Confidently. Ready to be inspired and uplift your spirit? Tune in now to this enlightening conversation.

    Epi.115 Unmasking the Inner Struggles of Women Leaders

    Epi.115 Unmasking the Inner Struggles of Women Leaders

    In this pivotal episode of "She Leads Confidently," titled "The Invisible Armor: Unmasking the Inner Struggles of Women Leaders," we embark on an insightful exploration into the unseen challenges that shadow the journey of women in leadership. This episode peels back the layers of the metaphorical armor that many women leaders wear — an armor composed of resilience, determination, and a seemingly unbreakable facade of success. Yet, beneath this armor lies a vulnerable reality marked by loneliness, doubt, and the perpetual uncertainty of "What's next?"

    Despite achieving remarkable success and holding positions of significant influence, many women leaders grapple with internal adversaries such as imposter syndrome, a relentless pursuit of perfection, and a deep-seated fear of vulnerability. These challenges, though invisible to the external observer, can significantly erode one's sense of confidence and overall well-being, creating a dichotomy between outward accomplishments and inner turmoil.

    Through a series of heartfelt personal narratives shared by women who have navigated these complex waters, combined with insights from seasoned experts in leadership, psychology, and organizational behavior, this episode delves into the essence of these internal conflicts. We aim to shed light on the emotional and psychological landscape of leadership, offering listeners a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics at play.

    This episode is meticulously designed to explore strategies for removing the invisible armor many leaders find themselves trapped within. By fostering genuine connections that transcend professional accomplishments and embracing authenticity in every facet of leadership, we provide a beacon of hope and a comprehensive roadmap for navigating these silent struggles.

    Join us on "She Leads Confidently" as we dissect these complexities, offering a blend of storytelling, expert advice, and practical strategies. Our mission is to empower women leaders to lead with grace, authenticity, and strength, transforming internal challenges into opportunities for growth and connection. Let's embark on this journey together, redefining leadership one story at a time.

    The Best of Yourself

    The Best of Yourself

    In the 'She Leads Confidently' podcast, on our transformative journey, we delve deeper into what this period of introspection and self-discovery truly entailed. This wasn't just a pause from the relentless pace of life; it was a profound exploration into the depths of our being, a sacred time dedicated to understanding the core of our existence and how we can best serve those around us, particularly women leaders who find themselves caught in the throes of stagnation and self-doubt.

    During these months away from the public eye, our journey took us on paths less traveled, through the thickets of our own fears, hopes, and dreams. It was a time of shedding layers of preconceived notions about success and leadership, peeling back the veneer to reveal the raw, unfiltered essence of our true selves. This process was not without its challenges; confronting the shadows, acknowledging the barriers we've erected around our hearts and minds, and facing the vulnerabilities we've long hidden away requires courage and steadfastness.

    Yet, this journey was also marked by moments of sublime clarity and profound realizations. We discovered that to genuinely empower others, we must first anchor ourselves in our own power, embracing our vulnerabilities as much as our strengths. We learned that serving women leaders—helping them break free from the 'invisible chains' of self-limitation, doubt, and societal expectations—begins with a deep, authentic connection to our own inner wisdom and a commitment to living our truth.

    This video is not just a recounting of a personal journey; it is an invitation to each of you to embark on your own voyage of self-discovery. It's a call to explore the vast landscapes within, to question, to listen, and to emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and passion. Our mission is to create a ripple effect, inspiring and empowering women leaders to recognize their potential, reclaim their power, and passionately pursue their true calling.

    As we share this video, we open our hearts and our journey to you, not as an expert, but as a fellow traveler on the path to self-realization and empowerment. Together, we can transform our inner landscapes, and in doing so, reshape the world around us. This marks not just a return, but a rebirth—a reawakening to the possibilities that lie within us and the incredible impact we can make when we step into our power and lead with purpose and passion.

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