55 episodios


Here we revolutionize the way you think about your body. Stay tuned to courageously create the next you and step into your vibrant health evolution.

Ditch being a victim to the health care system and create the body of your dreams. You are in the right place if you want to be in the driver’s seat of your life, create your body with your body and actively design the next phase of your life. With your host Alexandra Epple who is turning badass by practicing martial arts with a yogic attitude

Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda for midlife & menopause Alexandra Epple

    • Salud y forma física


Here we revolutionize the way you think about your body. Stay tuned to courageously create the next you and step into your vibrant health evolution.

Ditch being a victim to the health care system and create the body of your dreams. You are in the right place if you want to be in the driver’s seat of your life, create your body with your body and actively design the next phase of your life. With your host Alexandra Epple who is turning badass by practicing martial arts with a yogic attitude

    Episode #55: The boon of setting boundaries

    Episode #55: The boon of setting boundaries

    Have you ever said Yes to an event you really wanted to say No to and then ended up dragging your feet there? I have.
    Do you tend to take on work although it is not really your job and you don’t get paid extra for it either?…. yep, know that one.
    Do you keep babysitting for your friend although you really wanted a day off? … I learnt not to.
    Many of us struggle setting boundaries. Yet setting boundaries skillfully is an integral part to a healthy and happy life.
    Creating mutually beneficial relationships is based on having explicit ground rules between one another.
    Being able to say No when we mean No, and being able to say Yes when we mean Yes will let another know where they stand and how much they can ask of you.
    Boundaries will protect you from burn out, resentment, anger and frustration.
    So then…I ask..…If setting boundaries is so important why do so many of us struggle to set them? And how can we learn to set them skillfully? Lael Peterson, long time therapist and coach, and I shine some light on the issue.
      What you get from tuning in: What purpose do boundaries serve? The negative impact of NOT setting boundaries Why women have such a hard time with saying No Understanding fear and how we misinterpret it How we get caught on the heroine’s journey 3 exercises and tools to help you set boundaries in your life  
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    • 39 min
    Episode #54: Change your life by changing the way you think

    Episode #54: Change your life by changing the way you think

    Whatever you think and feel has a vibration.
    Whatever vibration you carry is what you attract.
    You are probably familiar with the ‘law of attraction’: a law states that “like attracts like” which means whatever you think you attract.
    This is not wowoo or esoteric. Thoughts are simply energetic patterns that can manifest into reality. In other words our reality is manifested thoughts, our reality is thoughts densified.
    Taking that as our premise Kelly Mishell and I shoot shine light on how to work with thoughts and emotions to create the life you want and desire.
    What you get from tuning in: How to create what you want using your mind Tools to change thoughts and emotions to create a better life The Shri exercise to create beauty and positivity in your life Why simply making a choice is powerful in itself. The trigger and perk up list …and why you want to have one “The Wouldn’t it be  nice if…..”exercise  
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    Watch the free video series 5 secrets to a Better Menopause
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    • 32 min
    Episode #53: Holistic strategies to reverse osteoporosis

    Episode #53: Holistic strategies to reverse osteoporosis

    Bone loss and bone weakening is a major concern for many women especially when getting older. The diagnoses of osteopenia and osteoporosis are dreaded ones not alone because it makes many of us feeling helpless.
    A year ago, Jackie Prete had been diagnosed with osteoporosis (bone loss) after a bike accident. This was on the heels of dealing with osteopenia (reduced bone mass) for a number of years prior to that. The numbers were very high and the doctors pressured her intently to take drugs. She refused.
    Jackie shares with us her approach on how she reversed her diagnosis using diet, lifestyle, exercise, Ayurveda and yoga; and how she dealt with the pressures from the medical community.
    What you get from tuning in: The difference between building quantity vs quality bone Why digestion is crucially important to healthy bones Holistic strategies to navigate and potentially reverse your diagnosis Jackie’s 20 min routine to keep her bones healthy and reverse bone loss The role of the mind in bone loss One crucial mind practice to strengthen the bones The mathematical equation of osteoporosis explained How to be your own best doctor  
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    • 47 min
    Episode #52: Solving the pelvic floor mystery

    Episode #52: Solving the pelvic floor mystery

    As if pregnancy, childbirth and menopause wasn’t enough fun for women, there are a whole set of challenges associated with our female parts.
    1 in 3 women experience some form of pelvic floor disorder. That’s a significant 33%. Think uterine and bladder prolapse, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, yoni flatulence or rectal incontinence.
    In a study from 2007 with close to 9,000 women it was shown that …..
    25% of women experience rectal incontinence 15% stress incontinence of the bladder 29% had multiple surgeries because of pelvic floor disorders 38% farting/flatus out of the yoni 6% pelvic organ prolapse Pelvic floor disorders aren’t discussed much in our society and many women have to suffer in silence. Imagine not being able to have sex due to pain. Or having to wear diapers because of leaking. Or the deep embarrassment that comes with leaking stool.
    Leslie Stager shares her insight and experience as a holistic pelvic floor specialist. Pelvic floor work is not sexual, sensual, clinical or painful. It is a therapeutic approach to bring attention and healing into the private parts of our body.
    What you get from tuning in: Sexy & feminine names for your vagina What is pelvic floor work Conditions pelvic floor work can help you heal Specific dance & movement exercises to free the pelvic floor Kegel exercises: helpful for not? Daily self-care practices to heal your pelvic floor  
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    • 49 min
    Episode #51: The 7 alchemical stages of menopause

    Episode #51: The 7 alchemical stages of menopause

    Menopause is a birthing process that, when embraced consciously, will help us transform into the powerful, authentic wise elders that our society needs so badly. In other words, menopause is an opportunity for women to transform into wise crones.
    Many women dread menopause. They dread the hot flashes, night sweats, gaining weight, mood swings, hormonal changes, getting old and whatever else comes with the menopausal transition. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.
    With the right tools, menopause can be the doorway into wisdom, insight and intuition. Menopause is a metamorphosis and can be a wonderful unfolding process into a beautiful butterfly.
    Cathy Skipper works with the spiritual transformation of midlife using the process outlined by Carl Jung. As an aromatherapist she also works with essential oils to make the journey more graceful and easeful.
      What you get from tuning in: The 7 alchemical stages of menopause Strategies to work with the stages gracefully Making friends with our inner masculine Healing the feminine ancestral line  
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    • 55 min
    Episode #50: Thriving as a childless woman: How to find happiness without babies

    Episode #50: Thriving as a childless woman: How to find happiness without babies

    In the US, 1 in 5 women of childbearing age do not have children. That is a significant 20%.
    Given the historic role as women as mothers and the fact that a woman’s body is designed to create life, it is still tough for many women to swallow being childless.
    Emotions may go wild. Grief takes over. Going to blessing ways becomes an agony.
    Kathleen Woods and I talk our way from what it means to be a childless woman, to how to deal with our emotions, and arrive at plan B.
      What you get from tuning in: Understanding and compassion for being a childless woman how to let go of plan A and live plan B How to navigate emotions that commonly arise when being childless What to do with invitations to friend’s blessing ways How to view the thought “If I don’t have children, I am not a real woman” Ancestral DNA, karma  and the shame of being a childless woman 52 nudges to arrive and live plan B  
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    Watch the free video series 5 secrets to a Better Menopause
    Upgrade your body experience. Apply for Body Joy

    • 38 min

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