55 min

Holy Together in The Gospel - Who Owns You? | April 7, 2024 Temple Cambridge

    • Christianity

Due to the cost of housing, more and more family members and friends are moving in together to share costs and have a sense of community post-COVID when we are all lonely. Multi-generational homes and joint-ownership is not a new concept. In fact, living by ourselves or with just our immediate family may be a more recent phenomenon that has been predominantly practiced in the West due to affluence and rugged individualism. Certainly the Bible describes multi-generational living arrangements from the time of Abraham moving with his wife and nephew (Genesis 12:5) to when Jesus asked His disciple John to take care of Jesus’ mother after His death (John 19:25-27). Multi-individual and multiple-family dwelling is permitted and may be even modelled in Scripture. We find this surprisingly in all places of God’s Temple - our bodies. Did you realize that, if we are believers, that our bodies do not belong to us? Jesus purchased them with His own blood. He now resides and abides in us through His Spirit - the Holy Spirit. Therefore, our bodies have multiple occupancy by different members of the Trinity. This is what we will learn in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 this Sunday and it emphasizes how important it is to use our bodies in a way that honours God. Furthermore, if we are married, we share joint ownership of our bodies with our spouse as we will discover in 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 a long with other instructions about marriage and remarriage. Please pray for Pastor Jason as he prepares and preaches this important message. We will also be hearing an update from our missionary to the Czech Republic Christina Mayer, so we look forward to having her home. See you then!

Due to the cost of housing, more and more family members and friends are moving in together to share costs and have a sense of community post-COVID when we are all lonely. Multi-generational homes and joint-ownership is not a new concept. In fact, living by ourselves or with just our immediate family may be a more recent phenomenon that has been predominantly practiced in the West due to affluence and rugged individualism. Certainly the Bible describes multi-generational living arrangements from the time of Abraham moving with his wife and nephew (Genesis 12:5) to when Jesus asked His disciple John to take care of Jesus’ mother after His death (John 19:25-27). Multi-individual and multiple-family dwelling is permitted and may be even modelled in Scripture. We find this surprisingly in all places of God’s Temple - our bodies. Did you realize that, if we are believers, that our bodies do not belong to us? Jesus purchased them with His own blood. He now resides and abides in us through His Spirit - the Holy Spirit. Therefore, our bodies have multiple occupancy by different members of the Trinity. This is what we will learn in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 this Sunday and it emphasizes how important it is to use our bodies in a way that honours God. Furthermore, if we are married, we share joint ownership of our bodies with our spouse as we will discover in 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 a long with other instructions about marriage and remarriage. Please pray for Pastor Jason as he prepares and preaches this important message. We will also be hearing an update from our missionary to the Czech Republic Christina Mayer, so we look forward to having her home. See you then!

55 min