200 episodes

Let us return to those days to understand what the people heard, saw, and understood in the books of the Bible written to them in their day and in their culture. The focus will be on the archaeology, history, geography, the customs, culture, and even the language of ancient Israel and the Middle East. As the scholars who put together the "Archaeological Study Bible" from Zondervan Publishers state, "It is foolish, even arrogant, to think we can rightly understand the Biblical writers without knowing anything of their environment."

So, let us go on a journey to return to the days of Moses, David, and Jesus. Let us try and reconnect to the historical context of the text of God's word. Let us walk in God's word like Jews and Christians 1000's of years ago so they can help us deepen our walk with Adonai Yeshua (Jesus' name in Hebrew) and enhance our understanding of the truth of God's word - our Bread of Life.


    • Religion & Spirituality

Let us return to those days to understand what the people heard, saw, and understood in the books of the Bible written to them in their day and in their culture. The focus will be on the archaeology, history, geography, the customs, culture, and even the language of ancient Israel and the Middle East. As the scholars who put together the "Archaeological Study Bible" from Zondervan Publishers state, "It is foolish, even arrogant, to think we can rightly understand the Biblical writers without knowing anything of their environment."

So, let us go on a journey to return to the days of Moses, David, and Jesus. Let us try and reconnect to the historical context of the text of God's word. Let us walk in God's word like Jews and Christians 1000's of years ago so they can help us deepen our walk with Adonai Yeshua (Jesus' name in Hebrew) and enhance our understanding of the truth of God's word - our Bread of Life.

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    THE STORY OF JOSEPH - lesson 20
    Messiah and Judah
    Joseph - the prototype of Jesus
    In Genesis 49 Jacob knows he is about to die.  He gathers his sons together at his bedside.  He then begins predicting the future even unto הימים  באחרית or BayAchahreet HaYahmeem or the End of Days or the End Times.  This is an awesome lesson and we will “see” our Lord Jesus so clear in this chapter.  We will also see that the RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD and the AFTERLIFE is in the Torah. 
    Some say Jacob in this chapter is prophesying.  But prediction is not prophesying or being a prophet.  So many in the church use the word prophet and to prophecy to imply one who tells the future.  This is Biblically wrong.  Let’s get back to the Hebrew and learn from Jewish scholars as Judaism 101.  Here’s the link to learn more - https://www.jewfaq.org/prophets
    In the predictions for the future Jacob address the tribe o Dan.  We did not go deeper into the tribe of Dan and its future but I said I’d give you some links so you can study the tribe of Dan in a little more depth. 
    The first link is an article by the great Bible teacher, historian, and scholar, Lois Tverberg.  She wrote a short article on the tribe of Dan - https://engediresourcecenter.com/2015/07/03/idolatry-of-dan/
    A second link is to the excellent Bible study sire, “Got Questions?”  Here’s an excellent article on the tribe of Dan - https://www.gotquestions.org/tribe-of-Dan.html
    Finally, we come to grips with the phrase in the Torah “he breathed his last, died, was gathered to his people, and was buried.”  This is a phrase that is connected to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, and David.  What does it mean?  What does the phrase “gathered to his people mean?”  You’ll be amazed.  Here are tow links to an article and a video by Dennis Prager.  These resources are awesome.  You will see that since the time of Abraham Israel believed in the resurrection of the dead and the afterlife. 
    Article – https://momentmag.com/afterlife-not-an-afterthought/
    Video (5 minutes) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=covUnyZGVaQ
    Also, check out my research paper on Biblical dating.  This article is a required study piece for yourself.  You'll be amazed at how archaeology and history show the true date of the Exodus and the dating of the saga of Joseph.  It is a critical article to study in depth and with care.  Here's the link - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vnwmvpa19tys8ud2d8i8r/DATING-EDWIN-THIELE-ASSYRIAN-LIST-TO-JOSEPH-IN-EGYPT-...-edited-and-updated.pdf?rlkey=gytmbmhsubmvurppnlrhpcqak&st=7kngcxut&dl=0

    Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? 
    What's his background?  Why should I listen to him?  Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0

    • 1 hr 12 min
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    THE STORY OF JOSEPH - lesson 19
    Joseph is the First Born of the Father
    Joseph - the prototype of Jesus
    We now focus on Genesis 48 and in this lesson Jacob blesses Joseph’s son, Ephraim and Manasseh.  This then gives Joseph a double portion.  In other words it is as if Joseph becomes the first born when in fact Reuben was the first born.  This has so much to do with us as disciples of Yeshua.  We will find that the saga of Joseph is not only for modern day Israelites but for us GOYEEM, non-Jews who are followers of Messiah Jesus.
    I mentioned a lesson I did that deals with the probable meaning of the name of God, El Shaddai or on Hebrew אֵל שַׁדַּי.  Does it mean God Almighty?  Is there proof?  Or can it mean something more extraordinary.  Here’s the lessons that goes into this topic in depth = https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/the-gospel-according-to-moses-genesis-lesson-25-gen-121-3-all-families-will-be-blessed/
    There is another set of 5 minute Bible study videos that will add to your study in this podcast.  They are called Five Small Stones #’s 11-14.  This shows the amazing connections between Joseph, the Savior of the World, and Jesus, the Savior of the World, and the city of Shechem.  Here's the links …
    Five Small Stones #11 – https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/five-small-stones-11-gen-121-geography-and-the-bible-shechem/
    Five Small Stones #12 – https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/five-small-stones-episode-12-abraham-and-jacob-in-shechem-gen-126-3318/
    Five Small Stones #13 – https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/five-small-stones-episode-13-josh-241-geography-and-the-bible-joshua-israel/
    Five Small Stones #14 - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/five-small-stones-episode-14-john-41-6-the-blessing-to-the-nations/
    Also, check out my research paper on Biblical dating.  This article is a must have and a required study piece for yourself.  You'll be amazed at how archaeology and history show the true date of the Exodus and the dating of the saga of Joseph.  It is a critical article to study in depth and with care.  Here's the link - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vnwmvpa19tys8ud2d8i8r/DATING-EDWIN-THIELE-ASSYRIAN-LIST-TO-JOSEPH-IN-EGYPT-...-edited-and-updated.pdf?rlkey=gytmbmhsubmvurppnlrhpcqak&st=7kngcxut&dl=0
    Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? 

    What's his background?  Why should I listen to him?  Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0

    • 1 hr 8 min
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    Exodus - 47 - Exod. 20:12 - Lesson 12 Part 2 - Honor Parents and Preserve a Godly Society

    Exodus - 47 - Exod. 20:12 - Lesson 12 Part 2 - Honor Parents and Preserve a Godly Society

    LESSON 12 PART 2
    Join us in lesson 12 part 2.  Come and continue to delve into a study of a truly unique commandment of the Lord that He decided was critical for all Israel and us, as true disciples of Adonai Yeshua.  Our parents attain a status that no one else in the Bible can attain, ever.  It speaks volumes to us of how a good and just and Godly society itself can survive.  It focuses on mom and dad. 
    It is interesting that the is the only commandment with a “reward.”  Let’s look at it again.
    "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you.
    (Exo 20:12)
    Is this a reward?  Sure seems like it.  But, perhaps it is more than a reward for each us if we obey.  Perhaps it is a reason to obey this commandment?  Perhaps it is the way for preserving a righteous society and a godly nation.  When we put this in its historical context it seems like this is what’s going on.  God in His TORAH, His teaching, is teaching the world how to preserve and maintain a righteous, Godly, and just society.  It seems to make sense.
    I also highly recommend the following articles.  I provide their links and they will add and enhance your study as we try and figure out how to honor our dads and moms and what this has to do with the good world and a Godly society.
    A Lesson from Rome
    Does the Lord Require me to Honor Evil Parents?
    Must One Honor an Abusive Parent?
    Dennis Prager’s Video series on the Ten Commandments
    You Don’t Have to Love Your Parents (Dennis Prager)
    Rev. Ferret - who is this guy?  What's his background?  Why should I listen to him?  Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0

    • 22 min
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    Exodus - 47 Introduction Lesson 3 Part 2 - Exod. 20:1-17 - NEW Covenants

    Exodus - 47 Introduction Lesson 3 Part 2 - Exod. 20:1-17 - NEW Covenants

    This is the final lesson in the introduction to the Ten Commandments.  We will discuss two more topics. 
    Is the Sinai Covenant only for Israel? Are the Ten Commandments meant only for them or everyone? 
    Is God’s religion a significant component of our lives or is it something bigger?
    Our religion that comes from the religion of the Jewish people prior to Jesus’ day encompasses all of life.  There is nothing of life that is not affected by our religion.  This is in direct contrast with the Greek philosophical concept of life components and the balance of life as taught by Aristotle.  His teachings deeply influenced the church after it separated from Israel and centered itself in Rome and abandoned its Jewish roots.
    There is one last topic that forms the conclusion of this lesson.  The topic is both Jews and Gentiles recognized that the Sinai Covenant had a missing piece.  The Ten Commandments, God’s covenant statement was not meant to do it all.  It was incomplete.  It was missing something – it was missing a blood sacrifice to cleanse a sinner from INTENTIONAL sin.  There were blood sacrifices required for UNINTENTIONAL sin, mistakes, lapses in judgment.  One can read about this in Leviticus 4 or Numbers 15:22-31.  If one sins defiantly, if one sins willingly and openly, if one sins with a high hand of rebellion, in other words INTENTIONALLY there is NO blood sacrifice in the Sinai Covenant to cleanse the sinner.  The great Jewish rabbis, Akiva in the early 2nd century A.D., and Maimonides in the late 12th century A.D. both discussed this.  They agree with the writer of Hebrews and Paul himself.  So, what was the solution.  What was the missing piece.  Whose blood is the blood needed by the covenant?  This is a major concept that we end with before we start studying the individual verses in Exodus 20:1-17.
    Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link -

    • 24 min
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    Exodus - 47 Lesson 3 Part 1 - Exod. 20:1-17 - Introduction to the Ten Commandments

    Exodus - 47 Lesson 3 Part 1 - Exod. 20:1-17 - Introduction to the Ten Commandments

    In this lesson we continue the introduction to the Ten Commandments.  This is God's Covenant and He shows us that the life of His people, the life of those He enter the covenant, is a life far different than perhaps what we may have learned.  We may have learned that we need to live a balanced life.  We need to put things in their proper perspective and not anything in our life should become so high a priority that it tilts the balance.  The church of Rome after it disconnected from its Jews roots, seemingly incorporated aspects of Greek philosophy.  Aristotle was the big proponent of a balanced life.  He said if you live such a life you will be happy.  This is not what the Lord wants.  When He gave Israel and us the Ten Commandments, actually  עשׂרת הדברים Aseret HaDevareem, the Ten Statements (words), He was also teaching us that if we are truly a disciple of Jesus we will NOT live a balanced life.  
    So, God gives  עשׂרת הדברים Aseret HaDevareem, His Ten Statements.  Who was the targeted audience?  Just the Hebrews only?  If so why has the church taken them on?  We are taught that Jesus did away with the "old" covenant.  Huh?  That means according to God's word, the very words of God Himself, that the Ten Commandments are null and void.  Why?  God said they were His covenant.  
    So he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread or drink water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments. (Exo 34:28)
    This lesson like the previous lessons take us deeper into our understanding of this significant event in human history.  Join me on this amazing journey into the very words of God and to study His עשׂרת הדברים Aseret HaDevareem - His Ten Statements - and see how this testifies of Yeshua Adonaynoo, Jesus our Lord. 
    Rev. Ferret - who is this guy?  What's his background?  Why should I listen to him?  Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0

    • 32 min
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    Exodus - 47 - Exod. 20:1-17 lesson 2 part 2

    Exodus - 47 - Exod. 20:1-17 lesson 2 part 2

    Our study on עשׂרת הדברים Aseret HaDevareem - the Ten Statements - of the Lord continues.  In this lesson, lesson 2 part 2 of the introduction to the Ten Commandments, we ask how does the Ten Commandments witness of the Messiah, the Christ, Jesus.  Jesus said it in John 5:39 ...
    "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me." (Joh 5:39)
    ... and all they had was the Hebrew Scriptures then, the Old Testament.  How might these verses Exod. 20:1-17 testify of Jesus.  Come on.  Let's go see.
    Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link -https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0

    • 28 min

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