98 episodes

We feature published authors and their stories about writing and the creative process. The Positive on Publishing Podcast covers book development, editing, distribution, and marketing for a complete perspective on the journey to bring a book to life. Each show highlights inspirational messages and positive advice for aspiring authors.
Let the Positive on Publishing Podcast inspire you to transition from aspiring author to published author.

Positive on Publishing Kathryn Kemp Guylay

    • Arts

We feature published authors and their stories about writing and the creative process. The Positive on Publishing Podcast covers book development, editing, distribution, and marketing for a complete perspective on the journey to bring a book to life. Each show highlights inspirational messages and positive advice for aspiring authors.
Let the Positive on Publishing Podcast inspire you to transition from aspiring author to published author.

    Not EVERYthing is Fun!

    Not EVERYthing is Fun!

    I have not not published an episode on either of my podcast for 6 months, missing May through October of 2022. 
    What happened during that time period?  
    YIKES.  I am still not completely sure (the results of a brain MRI will be coming within the next day or two as I write this), but the entire experience was…ineffable.
    Ineffable means, “there are no words to describe”.  I can put some color around the edges, like
    -graduating our youngest child
    -moving to a Caribbean island (and moving 4 times in 3 months in an effort to dodge mold), 
    -remediating a condo (that we bought along with toxic mold), 
    -starting a new business, and finally… a mental and physical breakdown?  
    It doesn’t stop there, because there are another 5-8 moves, depending on how you define “move”, since I started living out of my car.  Yes, I returned to the states and sold our family home, disrupting our family, and hoped to restart
    On today’s solo cast, I talk about my near-death experience and how I’ve come to terms with the idea that you CANNOT make everything fun! However, you can learn from your mistakes and failures. 
    Did you learn to walk in a day?  No! Did you fall on your face many times?  Yes!  Did your family yell at you when you fell down, telling you that you suck?  No!  So don’t tell yourself that you suck when you fall down, fail, or mess up in life.  Pick yourself back up again, dust yourself off, and ask yourself, “What did I learn from that failure!?”. Then proceed to your next attempt at learning how to walk or whatever else you are attempting to do in your life.
    I share with you six (serious) fun nuggets that will hopefully help you feel better when you feel alone. 
    #1: Making everything fun is really f*&%ing card.  However, I still believe that fun is the fuel that can get us through the difficult times.  I am watching funny movies (a la Norman Cousins) and doing what I can to heal from my trespasses.  “As we forgive those, who trespass against us”.
    #2: Use GIST to help you get out of the really difficult parts of life. Specifically Gratitude, Intention, Surrender, and Trust. Credit to Harry Massey, CEO of NES/Energy 4 Life. 
    #3: Know your allergens and how they interact with antibodies. The antigen is the attacking substance; antibodies are what our bodies create to attack that antigen.  
    This interview with Dr. Martinez is also very helpful background on the immune system. Thank you Dr. Mario! 
    #4: Hurt people hurt other people.

    How can you soothe yourself so that you can treat others better?
    #5: Don’t “should” all over yourself. Please.

    #6: Simplify your life. I love the work of my dear friend Laura Carlin and Allison Forbes.  Please check out their work at Inspired Everyday Living.

    • 32 min
    Find Your Tribe with Teresa de Grosbois

    Find Your Tribe with Teresa de Grosbois

    I loved this interview with my dear friend and mentor Teresa de Grosbois.

    Teresa heads the international  Evolutionary Business Council, a membership-based organization that empowers changemakers to create profitable, impactful businesses that have a lasting and transformational impact on the individuals that they serve. 
    We talk about the Evolutionary Business Council, or EBC in detail. We explore elements of her bestselling book, Mass Influence - the Habits of the Highly Influential. Teresa graciously offers every listener a free digital copy of the book along with a fun 30-day challenge that will help you in growing your influence.   
    The EBC has some upcoming calls for interested members, so if you feel called to learn more, please reach out to me on my contact page at MakeEverythingFun so that I can tell you more.
    We uncover a dozen fun nuggets along the way, so don’t miss out on this fun and fantastic interview:
    #1: Limiting beliefs develop at a very young age.
    What limiting beliefs might you have developed?

    #2: Limiting beliefs do not need to be viewed as only negative. We can use them to motivate ourselves to do great things in life.
    #3: Influence is a game, and it is important to play by the rules.
    #4: Authenticity is not necessarily the same thing as honesty.
    #5: Insight alone won't get you there. You need to take action.

    #6: Request action from others when appropriate.

    #7: Play is the path to transformation.
    #8:  The EBC  is organized around the principle of the Tipping Point with the goal of getting our world to be conscious and sustainable.
    #9: The EBC is organized around the 3 pillars of influence, profit, and impact.
    #10: Consciousness is about challenging your limiting beliefs and thought patterns. 
    #11:  Money is energy.
    #10:  You are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with.

    More about Teresa 
    Teresa is the #1 international bestselling author of “Mass Influence - the habits of the highly influential”, which has been on the bestseller lists in 7 countries over the past 4 years. A 4X international bestselling author, Teresa teaches marketing courses around the globe to business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to create massively successful word of mouth campaigns. Teresa heads the international  Evolutionary Business Council, membership-based organization which empowers change-makers create profitable, impactful businesses that have a lasting and transformational impact on the individuals that they serve. 
    What’s fun for Teresa?
    Building relationships with & gaining endorsements from influential people.

    Her profitable hobby:  Conscious Crypto Traders on YouTube.

    • 44 min
    Velcro to Good Feelings with Dr. Jane Tornatore

    Velcro to Good Feelings with Dr. Jane Tornatore

    In this episode, we talk about the brain and how it protects us. However, the way our brains are wired can get in the way of ease and flow.  We dive into some productivity hacks, understand how language affects our feelings, and learn how to make intuitive decisions for the highest good.

    My guest is Dr. Jane Tornatore. Jane is the author of the compact and wonderful book, Everything is Perfect, Just Not ME! A Roadmap for Self-Acceptance. She is a therapist, coach, author, and speaker who loves to help people overcome perfectionism. We uncover ten fun nuggets in our discussion about her work with clients on the path to spiritual enlightenment. Enjoy the fun nuggets:
    #1: The brain develops in stages, starting with Delta waves (ages -2) and moving to Theta waves (ages 2-6). Healing occurs optimally in Delta and Theta brain states.

    Learn more about healing your mind/body system in this previous episode with Dr. Mario Martinez: https://makeeverythingfun.com/podcast/e062-dr-mario-martinez/

    #2: Feelings are meant to be felt.
    Hear Dr. Jane describe her Feelings Model in the interview: repress (stuck), feel (process), or feed (spiral).

    Can you process feelings as quickly as 90 seconds? We explored this idea earlier in this episode with Dr. Chloe Carmichael. https://makeeverythingfun.com/podcast/e084-chloe-carmichael/
    #3: Change your language to change how you feel about everyday tasks.
    #4: Create new habitual thinking to overcome the Velcro and Telfon tendencies in your brain.
    #5: Be curious.
    #6: Breathe like a baby.#7: Learn how to prioritize the “big rocks” over sand and water.
    #8: Listen to the wisdom from the body (not the brain). 80% of the information exchange between the brain and body flows UP from the body to the brain.
    #9: Allow flow with breath, movement, and dance.  Lack of health/life comes from constriction.
    #10: Trust your body to assist you with intuitive decision-making.
    Listen for Dr. Jane’s method of asking for the outcome aligned with the highest good and feeling into the direction/movement of her body.
    More bout Dr. Jane
    Dr. Jane Tornatore has dedicated her career to helping people be kinder to themselves. Her style incorporates compassion, curiosity, deep listening, and heartfelt optimism, along with powerful shots of playfulness. She draws from her extensive professional training and wide-ranging life experiences to help people release old patterns and unnecessary stress. A therapist, coach, author, and speaker based in Seattle, audiences rave about her engaging workshops on perfectionism, self-compassion, brain hacks for changing our thinking, and reducing stress. Dr. Tornatore received a Master’s degree at the University of Illinois and a Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota.   She has authored over 20 articles and published a book—Everything is Perfect, Just Not ME! A Roadmap for Self-Acceptance. 
    What’s fun for Dr. Jane
    Having my body in the ocean, lake, or stream!
    Link to Intuitive Decision Making Method: https://everydaylove.simplero.com/bodytestmethod
    Website: https://www.everydaylove.me
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janetornatore/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everydaylove
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjanetornatore/
    Link to book on Amazon:  https://smile.amazon.com/Everything-PERFECT-Just-not-Self-Acceptance/dp/1798229331/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2FSQ174BI4KTY&keywords=everything+is+perfect+just+not+me&qid=1638469675&sprefix=everything+is+perfect+%2Caps%2C225&sr=8-1

    • 39 min
    Spread Positivity with Kimberley Bouchard

    Spread Positivity with Kimberley Bouchard

    In this episode, we talk with Positively Disney’s Kimberley Bouchard. 
    Kimberly followed her passion and created a life integrating fun, making a difference, and being a successful entrepreneur. She fell in love with Disney as a child dancing to The Wonderful World of Disney in her living room. When her husband encouraged her to spend more time at the Magical Kingdom, she saw the Disney mission of  “representing all that is good in the world” as being something worthy of spreading. Positively Disney was born. In our interview, we talk about how Kimberley overcame those “little inner voices” of doubt and criticism to launch a life full of fun and purpose. 
    Don’t miss out on her secret of how she is able to show up every time in such as way that is magnetic and powerful for her fans.
    We uncover nine fun nuggets in our discussion about her approach to an integrated life:
    #1: Find a way to bring together what you love with what you do professionally.
    #2:  Age is just a number (never let it be an obstacle).
    #3:  Do or do not. There is no try (we quoted Yoda!).
    #4: Be creative about networking tools at your disposal (Kimberly mentions wearing on-brand clothing or having on-brand accessories as a great conversation starter).
    #5:  You never know who you are going to talk to (so always be kind and engaging).
    #6: Books, especially cookbooks, create community.
    #7: Philanthropy creates community.
    #8: Touch people's hearts and make a difference in the world.
    #9:  Ask the (Tinkerbell) question: have I brought joy to God (Goddess/Universe/choose your word) today?
    About Kimberley
    Kimberley Bouchard is the bestselling author of the Positively Disney book series, and host of the Positively Disney podcast. Originally from Canada, she now resides in Seattle with her husband, three children, and various critters.
    What’s fun for Kimberley
    Doing new things such as trying Top Golf for the first time and beating my college son! I especially like creating good surprises such as surprising folks with candy canes (especially to the motorists backed up for miles on a road on Vancouver Island, BC), dropping off Easter baskets at friends' front doors during the pandemic, shipping Christmas in a box anonymously to someone in need. Hanging out with my family anywhere especially at Disney, and dating my husband again since our kids are all adults are at the top of my list!
    Facebook: positivelydisneybook
    Facebook: positivelydisneycookbook
    Instagram: @positivleydisneybook
    Instagram: @positivelydisney.cookbook

    • 43 min
    Live in Joy with Lumari

    Live in Joy with Lumari

    I am thrilled to continue to introduce you to more of my amazing friends from the Evolutionary Business Council.  Today’s guest is Lumari, an Intuitive Coach, Conscious Channel, and Creative Catalyst.
    In this episode, we talk about her channeled book, Streams of Consciousness. 
    We uncover five fun nuggets in our discussion about her work with clients on the path to living their higher soul’s callings.
    She offers a free gift that will allow you to create your own personal sacred space.
    Here are the fun nuggets from the interview:
    #1: Channeling a book is a way to deliver divine messages to the human world. 
    (I first learned about book channeling from Lisa Najjar in EP004 of this podcast).

    #2: Streams (from the twelve streams of consciousness that Lumari writes about) can bring together tribe members who are resonating at a similar frequency.
    #3: The simple act of reading a book can bring about healing.
    #4: The simple act of reading a book can be transformational (make time for reading every day!)
    #5: Inspiration is the feeling when the divine is talking to you.

    About Lumari
    Lumari is a gifted, internationally acclaimed Intuitive Coach, Creative Catalyst, Multi-dimensional Conscious Channel, and Vibrational Activator. For over twenty-five years, she has mentored, coached, and guided thousands of people all over the world to live their Higher Soul’s Callings. She delights in helping her clients, celebrate and expand their soul purpose, fulfill their dreams, to create their highest path of destiny.
    Born with special multi-dimensional psychic, conscious channeling, creative and healing gifts, Lumari serves as a catalyst, guide, and inspiration for personal and planetary transformation, evolution, and awakening. 
    She is an award-winning and bestselling author of numerous breakthrough spiritual, metaphysical, and self-help books. Her books, meditations, and spiritual training bring joyful awakening, profound clarity, spiritual connection, and healing. They reveal secret teachings to raise awareness and Divine connection.
    Her newest book, “Streams of Consciousness, is “A mind-altering, heart-opening, awakening journey into the cosmos, your divine nature, and our world.”
    In a fusion of her many spiritual gifts, Lumari mentors with high vibration, psychic and practical wisdom, guiding her clients to continue to reach new heights of awakening, fulfillment, and success,  align with their higher souls callings, make a positive difference in our world - and have fun doing it. 
    What’s fun for Lumari
    I love to play! Curiosity and exploration are fun! Singing is fun. Shifting people's energies to greater joy is fun! _Ready? I say this all the time! I love to mentor people to align with their higher souls callings, make a positive difference in our world - and have fun doing it. 
    free gift - https://lumari.com/sacredspace/     
    https://lumari.com/bundle-of-joy/ ( a new meditation series)   https://lumari.com/streams-of-consciousness/ 
    on amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/0999325930/.
    Cosmic Coffee Break Podcast https://lumari.com/podcast/

    • 47 min
    Eat and Live from Your Highest Soul Self with Traysiah Spring

    Eat and Live from Your Highest Soul Self with Traysiah Spring

    I welcome a long-time friend Traysiah Spring to the show to discuss her new book and love project, Clean Green Eating, Plant-Based to Feel Great!

    We discuss mutual friends that have been on the show (see references at the end) and how she’s excited to help others eat clean, feel peace, and feel more powerful in your body.
    We uncover eight fun nuggets that will help you find more joy in both preparing and savoring your food:
    #1: Make food fun (mindset).
    This page has numerous resources for making food fun:
    #2: Let Food Be Thy Medicine.
    (For more information please see: https://makeeverythingfun.com/let-food-be-thy-medicine-covid/)
    #3: Food is about gaining lifeforce.
    #4: Eating clean allows you to have clarity and own your power.
    #5: Food is about much more than what is on your plate (it is about your relationships, the media you consume, and what you allow into your energetic sphere).
    #6: A rice cooker can be your best friend.
    #7: A slow cooker can also be your best friend (especially in the colder months).
    #8: Find creative ways to add raw foods to your diet to benefit from the lifeforce, intelligence, and enzymes (“under 105 to be alive”).
    About Traysi
    Traysiah Spring is an international meditation facilitator, Ayurvedic consultant and author, who is passionate about exploring and sharing - how to live a consciousness-based lifestyle, for the purpose of waking up to our highest awareness and potential.
    She trained and worked with Dr. Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, in San Diego, California, for many years, alongside her husband, Tom. They are both certified Ayurveda and Meditation Instructors. Traysi also spent many years going to the Optimum Health Institute, studying how food can profoundly affect our life experiences.
    Tom and Traysiah started a non-profit organization - "Deep Peace Adventures Foundation" - where they host an international online meditation community and offer a variety of weekly classes, that explore living a conscious life. Including, offering regular video demonstrations of cooking tips and recipes from their new book - Clean Green Eating - Plant-based to feel great!
    What’s fun for Traysi:
    Playing with recipes and discovering new plant-based foods that are surprisingly delicious and that I feel good eating.
    Nurture (my nonprofit that we reference during the interview): https://makeeverythingfun.com/nurture/

    • 31 min

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