23 episodes

This Podcast: Relax with Meditation, will help us to see the world from a different perspective so that we gain more clarity, understanding, health, happiness, spirituality, and success in our life. Https://ask-rudy.com
Many people think success, money, and sex are contradicting spirituality and religion. It is even so that Religion became a business to extract money from the faithful people. Money and sex became evil so that Religion could exploit the people, for instance, the Catholic church is the biggest real estate owner in the world.
I believe Religion is based on trueness and faith in God. Sex and money have actually nothing to do with religion. In previous time we could not afford to focus full-hearted on religion when we had a family with kids… And then the concept was celibacy. Today we know that this concept promotes cancer for the prostrate and breast. We have to live a full life and should not forget God. After the Vedanta the world is desire, and we should live our desires to gain understanding, and after some time we will get peace with ourselves.
I lived 10 years in celibacy, was 12 years in Meditation retreats and had quite a lot of girlfriends. My spirituality went through the roof through a tantric love to a woman, and then I went on meditation retreats.

Relax with Meditation noreply@blogger.com (take pictures)

    • Religion & Spirituality

This Podcast: Relax with Meditation, will help us to see the world from a different perspective so that we gain more clarity, understanding, health, happiness, spirituality, and success in our life. Https://ask-rudy.com
Many people think success, money, and sex are contradicting spirituality and religion. It is even so that Religion became a business to extract money from the faithful people. Money and sex became evil so that Religion could exploit the people, for instance, the Catholic church is the biggest real estate owner in the world.
I believe Religion is based on trueness and faith in God. Sex and money have actually nothing to do with religion. In previous time we could not afford to focus full-hearted on religion when we had a family with kids… And then the concept was celibacy. Today we know that this concept promotes cancer for the prostrate and breast. We have to live a full life and should not forget God. After the Vedanta the world is desire, and we should live our desires to gain understanding, and after some time we will get peace with ourselves.
I lived 10 years in celibacy, was 12 years in Meditation retreats and had quite a lot of girlfriends. My spirituality went through the roof through a tantric love to a woman, and then I went on meditation retreats.

    Why we break our promises?

    Why we break our promises?

     We had decided and then we got a new option, a desire that contradicts our first choice… Never less we should stick to our first choice. Otherwise, we become weak.. we condition us to be weak, we don’t respect ourselves and are becoming a person that runs behind his/her desires and never will get what we want; never will get peace in our mind.  Our mind always creates new desires so that we can’t fulfill all of our desires, maybe only a few. We concentrate after the 20/80 rule (20% of our work brings 80% of the outcome… ) on the greatest desires and the other desires we let go. And then we take steps to fulfill our desires and ignoring our new desires…. Sure there are always some exceptions, where we should change our decision… For the weak person, there is always an exception.  We write down our promises and read them again and again, so that we never forget them, the best time for that is, when we go to bed and when we go out of the bed. When we had kept our promises, we celebrate that every day.  If we break our promises and beat us up for that, then we can go in a vicious circuit with our bad consciousness. Then, again and again, we break our promises… Because our ego loves to suffer!!!!! Many times the catch is that our inner child is playing this game with us… That it hates to keep any promise, to be under pressure, to make things it doesn’t like….The solution is simple, we give our inner child the pleasure and time that it needs and then our inner child will easier corporate to things that it doesn’t like….  The next problem is, to set too big goals/promises that we never can accomplish… We make small steps in the Right Direction, with smaller goals/promises that are easier to keep…. So that we don’t get overwhelmed from our to do list….  A Sufi can keep every rule and break every rule. It means that we don’t get court up in following every rule to every time always… Sound contradicting… God has created the world in 7 days, and the Sunday was a day off. This means, for a particular time we break our own rules consciously… For instance, during your holidays we don’t have to work, or take one day off for your workouts… It should be even better to do so…  Otherwise, we become a slave of our own rules or our own prison guard of our jail out of moralities and standards.  In this case, our Perfectionisms is in the way… I have seen it again and again… How hard the people are suffering, if they don’t make it perfect or follow their rules to 100%…  Enjoy to make not everything perfect, only Allah is perfect… Take a break from your hard regime and Enjoy your life now… My video: Why we break our promises? https://youtu.be/clxvaUc9dqUMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Why-we-break-our-promises.mp3

    Why we fight and argue?

    Why we fight and argue?

     It is evident that people love to argue and to fight…Otherwise, we would live in a peaceful world. Science had proved that during our normal birth, we are going through our worst struggle, fight, trauma in our life. If the birth is an abdominal delivery, the birth trauma is missing, and the personality of this child will never get so strong than through the normal birth.  This means we are born to fight and need to fight at least with our ego, to get the things done. This perfect harmony that the (old) New Age movement or positive thinker are proclaiming will never happen for our species. Which arguing we should avoid?  Arguing of: we don’t want to lose our face.We want to feel a nearness to the other person and like to destroy the distance to the other personality… In arguing with the emotion, we feel much more from us and the other. When we are intimate together for a longer time, then we want distance and start to argue about meaningless things.We want to be right and think that we are right, the problem is that both parties think in the same way and maybe only one party can be right…. We want to be better, stronger, smarter, superior to other people. We want to be the leader… Greed for power.We don’t want to be alone.We want to convince, so that other people believe in the things what we think is right… Because we are not sure what is right for ourselves. We are jealous, and then we find fast the reasons for arguing. We argue out of misunderstanding or misinterpretations. Maybe our parents had argued a lot, so then we follow them up….We have a lot of tension or anger inside of ourselves and release them in arguing…. When should we argue…?I like to give here some examples, the speeches, and fights from Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandala … For sure without them, we would live in a worse world.  If we fight and argue fair for our rights or for a better world, for sure, that will be good.Through the exchange of opinion, we can grow and learn a lot. We can get much stronger through arguing. Avoiding arguing for every price will never pay off. We can find even the best solution for everybody when we claim fair without to hurt the other people.  My video: Why we fight and argue? https://youtu.be/AgU3WZnwzSUMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Why-we-fight-and-argue.mp3

    Don’t become comfortable

    Don’t become comfortable

      IT IS EASY TO LET GO OF OUR LIFE STANDARDS, … Because life is easier. If we are doing every morning our workouts to remain fit and healthy…Still, our workouts hurt us, are uncomfortable and our friends don’t do so…  For what? If we don’t do them, we lose our respect for ourselves and become lazy, fat, unfit, unhealthy…  In the end, we need to do them…  Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, age 75 years old, is going every day to the Gym and he has heart problems… He says, I have to accept my weak heart so I do my exercises slowly. I can’t change my situation, but still I want to be in shape. If we do always the same and expect to become much more successful, …This will not happen. We have to change ourselves and do the things that are necessary to get or become what we want.Again, we have to do a job or a task, that is uncomfortable.  The Hindu scripture Vedanta tells us if we have the choice between doing the comfortable or the good … Choose always to do the good. Because the comfortable are mostly evil.  The Vedanta is over 5000 years old and still correct.  My Video: Don’t become comfortable https://youtu.be/AP-fZqHWDM8 My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Don’t-become-comfortable.mp3 

    When the solution becomes the problem.

    When the solution becomes the problem.

     This means the previous solution must not be the right solution now.  There was a test where a person should find out, which pairs of numbers should match together, for instance, 13 and 87, or 45 and 89… Over hours the person had been questioned with different number pairs and got direct the answer (matched or not matched) if he was right or wrong.  Nobody could find out the system. Still, the people who had voted right to 75% or more could not be convinced that their system was wrong…. And so we are… When we have found out the solution for a problem, then our mind will stick to this solution and can’t adapt to new solutions, like the animals…. Even the answer is wrong.  Our mind is not working correct…. How many times our mind has changed our past memories to get a particular outcome?  Our mind is rather more the best liar. Still, we believe in our mind!!! Because our mind is manipulated from our feelings and subconscious.  If this is so, then we can understand that the older generation (mainly our parents) can’t understand us, because they think that their life is perfect, that they have found the right solution also for our life… I am coming from the generation Baby Boomer who was growing up after World War II. My parents were growing up in an entirely different situation like me.  And they thought they had the right to determine my life….How could be their life solutions the right solution for today?  A similar situation we find today in Asia where the kids want their freedom to want free sex, … and still, the parents are setting their kids under pressure to live their life. What I could understand that my parents never had been happy, always arguing, always unhappy with us,…. How can they determine my life? I want to live a religious, happy life with love and free sex. I don’t want to live a life that is focused on money and success without love and happiness.  It was a nightmare all this fighting, and my solution was simply to leave, or Jesus said: Let the dead buried the dead and come.  Everybody has to learn through experience and only then he gets the full understanding. Never less the world is changing, and so the solution must also change… . Still, in the Chaos, there is also an order. This means many principles will never change… For instance the laws of gravity, polarity, attraction…. Or honesty and love will always be the best.  My video: When the solution becomes the problem https://youtu.be/yoOzDkMMF-AMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/When-the-solution-becomes-the-problem.mp3

    Why our life should not be a journey?

    Why our life should not be a journey?

      A journey always has a beginning and an end… If we concentrate on the destination, instead to enjoy the whole journey, we lose a lot.  Similar did Amma (Mata Amritanada Mai Devi) with us, when we were traveling with Buses through India, then we stopped ca. 5 to 20km in front of our destination and could not get our baggage down and to move inside of our rooms… Sometimes we had even on the journey for over 24 hours in cram-full buses …  My ego was impatient like crazy to get the things done, I had to buy my fruits… It was just like the movie: The Fugitive (with Dr. Richard Kimble)  It is an escape from our lives to the death. We have to do it. Instead of that, we concentrate that we are happy and fulfilled at this moment. Don’t run behind anything (Zen). Even everything looks imperfect and not ready. Still, we should do our tasks in a relaxed way.  If we hear music do we concentrate only on the end, or do we enjoy the whole song…? How is it, that our life becomes a Symphony or a Raga?  When Prof. Graf Dürkheim lived in Japan, he made a test with the Japanese, he drew a circle and didn’t close the circle. Then he put the paper with the circle and the pen on the table when he was sitting with some Japanese… Nothing happened … when he did this with the Europeans, then everybody was attempted to close this circle… Graf Dürkheim understood something... the Here and Now. Everything is perfect right now.  Our world is perfect now, and we can not make our world perfecter… This means we can relax right now and don’t have to do …   All these world improvements don't lead to a better world, mainly it is making everything worse.  If we see these so called wars against dictatorships done from the USA… Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Vietnam,  Cambodia, Laos, Korea… Made everything worse, or we see the Western World is destroying the culture and health of the undeveloped countries to develop the countries… See you tube: TED talk or CN Talk: Bill Gates vaccination program is used to reduce the population (links at the end) …. And he is also engaged in GM food to destroy the health in the undeveloped countries, for instance in India… Look at the health statistic in India…  It is so awful!!!! We don’t need world improver, we need honest and loving people on this planet. If we see our life personally, what improvements had really done well over time and how much time we have wasted on such improvements… Instead to love our spouse, children…. The Chinese proverbs made it simple if the improvement is not 10 times better than letting it… My Video: Why our life should not be a journey?  https://youtu.be/xqtOlzaZQwIMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Why-our-life-should-not-be-a-journey.mp3

    Incomplete actions/stories keep attention

    Incomplete actions/stories keep attention

      Until we have finished it, it will not be over! Unconscious or conscious, we still keep thinking of the tasks that are not complete. If we finish a job or a task we shut a door to open a new door of opportunities. Still, many people don’t complete their jobs and so keep living in a not fortunate place.  They can’t focus fully on any task and inside they are torn into the gaps between their incomplete tasks. They keep themselves in the struggle of the past.  Many times we can’t complete a task because it is not possible.So then we should let go of the task inside of us and accept the situation. Still, it drags us somehow down. Imagine you are in the final separation process from your spouse…You suffer a lot and abuse yourself and/or your spouse for the separation… We have to accept the separation and we look for the beauty of the imperfection…Life is different than we thought.  Still, the world is perfect and will remain perfect, even after the separation…  Until we can’t close the door of separation, we can’t start a new life. Let go of the misshapen and go forward. My Video: Incomplete actions/stories keep attention https://youtu.be/hIjh5cLll3oMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Incomplete-actions-stories-keep-attention.mp3

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