8 min

Romans 3-4 Recover in Christ

    • Christianity

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Proverbs Day 49 (KJV):

Proverbs 8:15-17:(KJV): "By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. 16 By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. 17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."

Thoughts for the Day

Our study in the book of Proverbs continues with an emphasis on the value of having God's wisdom. These verses tell us that good rulers in the earth will rule justly, by using the sound wisdom that is recorded in the Bible. Any student of history knows that throughout the ages the most prosperous and blessed earthly kingdoms have been those that had a Christian influence coming from the leadership of those nations.

Historically, when true Christianity came to any region, those who were practicing Christ's commands would began to reach out to help the poor, the oppressed, the sick, and needy. Most of our present day hospitals, charity centers, orphanages and rescue missions were all founded by Christians in keeping with the Biblical commands of Christ to demonstrate His love to a needy world. God has always been interested in helping the weak, the feeble and afflicted. Ungodly societies destroy their weak, helpless and burdensome members.

We are praying that the ungodly practice of abortion will cease in all nations that now legally allow and encourage it. This practice does not show the love of God toward babies or basic respect for human life. Rather, it is an unloving act that is adversely affecting all of society. The more we harden our hearts to the idea of protecting the sanctity of human life, the more susceptible we all become to violent crimes against humanity. Regardless of what those who believe in abortion rights claim, most abortions are not done to protect the mother's life or some other so-called valid reason, but rather to allow the parents to escape their responsibility of caring for the little life they had a part in creating. Most abortions are done out of pure selfishness. The mother and father simply did not want a child to interfere with their plans. The Bible teaches we are to overcome selfishness, not encourage it. We need to reverse the law in our land that allows abortions so freely, as the soul of our nation has accepted a practice that we will all regret. The consequences of murder is "a life for a life" and this will mean the loss of much life in any nation that practices abortion unless the people repent.

Numbers 35:33: "So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it."

In verse 17 of Proverbs 8, the Lord says, that He will love those that love Him. How do we show love for God? We show it by loving one another and keeping His commandments. If we desire to have His favor and love, then we must seek Him "early" or to put it another way, we must seek Him early enough, before His patience and mercy runs out and we are faced with severe judgment on our nations. We must repent and turn back to God and obey His commandments.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Heavenly Father, We do ask you to forgive the sin of murder, due to the abortions in our nation. Lord, this sin of murder began with the sin of lust and selfishness. Deliver Your people from these sins. Help me Lord, to overcome my own selfishness, and be willing to lay down my wants for the sake of the kingdom of God. Help me to think of others and their needs, and not concentrate so much on my own needs. Thank you, that You are taking care of my needs, so that I can help and bless others. Lord, I pray for the leaders of our nation. Give them wisdom, protect them from harm, give them strength and health. Turn our nation back to the Christian principles that it was founded upon. Thank you, Lord for being merc(continued)

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Proverbs Day 49 (KJV):

Proverbs 8:15-17:(KJV): "By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. 16 By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. 17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."

Thoughts for the Day

Our study in the book of Proverbs continues with an emphasis on the value of having God's wisdom. These verses tell us that good rulers in the earth will rule justly, by using the sound wisdom that is recorded in the Bible. Any student of history knows that throughout the ages the most prosperous and blessed earthly kingdoms have been those that had a Christian influence coming from the leadership of those nations.

Historically, when true Christianity came to any region, those who were practicing Christ's commands would began to reach out to help the poor, the oppressed, the sick, and needy. Most of our present day hospitals, charity centers, orphanages and rescue missions were all founded by Christians in keeping with the Biblical commands of Christ to demonstrate His love to a needy world. God has always been interested in helping the weak, the feeble and afflicted. Ungodly societies destroy their weak, helpless and burdensome members.

We are praying that the ungodly practice of abortion will cease in all nations that now legally allow and encourage it. This practice does not show the love of God toward babies or basic respect for human life. Rather, it is an unloving act that is adversely affecting all of society. The more we harden our hearts to the idea of protecting the sanctity of human life, the more susceptible we all become to violent crimes against humanity. Regardless of what those who believe in abortion rights claim, most abortions are not done to protect the mother's life or some other so-called valid reason, but rather to allow the parents to escape their responsibility of caring for the little life they had a part in creating. Most abortions are done out of pure selfishness. The mother and father simply did not want a child to interfere with their plans. The Bible teaches we are to overcome selfishness, not encourage it. We need to reverse the law in our land that allows abortions so freely, as the soul of our nation has accepted a practice that we will all regret. The consequences of murder is "a life for a life" and this will mean the loss of much life in any nation that practices abortion unless the people repent.

Numbers 35:33: "So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it."

In verse 17 of Proverbs 8, the Lord says, that He will love those that love Him. How do we show love for God? We show it by loving one another and keeping His commandments. If we desire to have His favor and love, then we must seek Him "early" or to put it another way, we must seek Him early enough, before His patience and mercy runs out and we are faced with severe judgment on our nations. We must repent and turn back to God and obey His commandments.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Heavenly Father, We do ask you to forgive the sin of murder, due to the abortions in our nation. Lord, this sin of murder began with the sin of lust and selfishness. Deliver Your people from these sins. Help me Lord, to overcome my own selfishness, and be willing to lay down my wants for the sake of the kingdom of God. Help me to think of others and their needs, and not concentrate so much on my own needs. Thank you, that You are taking care of my needs, so that I can help and bless others. Lord, I pray for the leaders of our nation. Give them wisdom, protect them from harm, give them strength and health. Turn our nation back to the Christian principles that it was founded upon. Thank you, Lord for being merc(continued)

8 min