1 min

step 1 Recover in Christ

    • Christianity

In these verses in Proverbs we find a comparison between a merry heart and a sorrowful heart. Verse 13 tells us that you can tell the condition of a man's heart by looking at his countenance (his facial appearance). When people are happy, you can tell by the sparkle in their eyes, their smile and their cheerful attitude. When they are older, they will even have what we call "smile wrinkles" instead of the wrinkles caused by frowning. Indeed, facial looks reveal a lot about a person. Even children speak up when they see someone who is unkind. Just by observing the countenance on someone, they might say, "That is a mean man."

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Affordable Podcasting $5.99 a month includes Web Hosting We all have experiences in our lives that cause us to be broken-hearted about an incident. The scripture tells us that if we allow this sorrow of heart to continue, it can break our spirits.

How can we get over heart break over the loss of someone or something? We must give the person or situation to the Lord and ask Him to remove the sorrow and grief from our hearts. We can keep the good memories of a lost loved one, but we must not allow the enemy to torment us with the grief of our loss. God will replace the emptiness we feel from the loss of a mate, a child, a friend or a home, if we ask Him to do this. Jesus died on the cross, not only to give us eternal life, but He also died to take our grief and sorrows. Jesus Christ, on the cross bore all of our iniquities, pain, sickness and sorrow. Since He took them, we do not have to take these things, but rather receive our salvation, healing, deliverance and peace by faith.

In these verses in Proverbs we find a comparison between a merry heart and a sorrowful heart. Verse 13 tells us that you can tell the condition of a man's heart by looking at his countenance (his facial appearance). When people are happy, you can tell by the sparkle in their eyes, their smile and their cheerful attitude. When they are older, they will even have what we call "smile wrinkles" instead of the wrinkles caused by frowning. Indeed, facial looks reveal a lot about a person. Even children speak up when they see someone who is unkind. Just by observing the countenance on someone, they might say, "That is a mean man."

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Visit Recover in Christ Ministries today

Affordable Podcasting $5.99 a month includes Web Hosting We all have experiences in our lives that cause us to be broken-hearted about an incident. The scripture tells us that if we allow this sorrow of heart to continue, it can break our spirits.

How can we get over heart break over the loss of someone or something? We must give the person or situation to the Lord and ask Him to remove the sorrow and grief from our hearts. We can keep the good memories of a lost loved one, but we must not allow the enemy to torment us with the grief of our loss. God will replace the emptiness we feel from the loss of a mate, a child, a friend or a home, if we ask Him to do this. Jesus died on the cross, not only to give us eternal life, but He also died to take our grief and sorrows. Jesus Christ, on the cross bore all of our iniquities, pain, sickness and sorrow. Since He took them, we do not have to take these things, but rather receive our salvation, healing, deliverance and peace by faith.

1 min