423 episodes

The Successful Bookkeeper Podcast is a weekly show to help increase your confidence, work smarter and build a business you love.

Each week you'll listen to inspiring guests who will share their success secrets, so you can take your bookkeeping enterprise and life to another level.

Some of them include New York Times Best-Selling Author of E-Myth, Michael E. Gerber, Pure Bookkeeping Co-Founder, Debbie Roberts, the host of The Productive Woman podcast, Laura McClellan and the author of *I Know How She Does It*, Laura Vanderkam.

If you're a bookkeeping business owner who is looking for an uplifting, entertaining and informative podcast exclusively for YOU then you have arrived at the right place!

Get ready because your journey towards success begins — now.

Your Host

Michael Palmer is an acclaimed business coach who has helped hundreds of bookkeepers across the world push through their fears and exponentially grow their businesses and achieve the quality of life they've always wanted.

The Successful Bookkeeper Podcast Michael Palmer

    • Business

The Successful Bookkeeper Podcast is a weekly show to help increase your confidence, work smarter and build a business you love.

Each week you'll listen to inspiring guests who will share their success secrets, so you can take your bookkeeping enterprise and life to another level.

Some of them include New York Times Best-Selling Author of E-Myth, Michael E. Gerber, Pure Bookkeeping Co-Founder, Debbie Roberts, the host of The Productive Woman podcast, Laura McClellan and the author of *I Know How She Does It*, Laura Vanderkam.

If you're a bookkeeping business owner who is looking for an uplifting, entertaining and informative podcast exclusively for YOU then you have arrived at the right place!

Get ready because your journey towards success begins — now.

Your Host

Michael Palmer is an acclaimed business coach who has helped hundreds of bookkeepers across the world push through their fears and exponentially grow their businesses and achieve the quality of life they've always wanted.

    EP423: Sam Bennett - The Secret To Getting Things Done RIGHT NOW!

    EP423: Sam Bennett - The Secret To Getting Things Done RIGHT NOW!

    “Spend 15 minutes a day every single day on something that matters to you. I don’t care if it matters to anybody else, but something that matters to you, and preferably do all this before you check your email.”
    -Sam Bennett
    Habit building is hard, especially when we aren’t always sure which way to direct our energy. The more we build a habit, the more momentum we gain, and the less we want to quit whatever it is we are doing. Unfortunately, the same is true of negative habits. If we struggle to even try, that is all that will happen. We’ll give up before we start to see results, and the more we give up, the more we’ll keep giving up.
    We can’t just copy others and hope to find the same success, we aren’t them. It’s scary to realize there is no right way to success, there is only our own way, all we have to do is lean into it, and build it up with good habits. Success is what follows those good habits. 
    Sam Bennett, author of The 15-Minute Method, has spent her career helping overthinkers get things done, 15 minutes at a time. She has created an environment to help people live their best, most fulfilling and productive lives. 
    In this episode, Sam and Michael illustrate the power of the 15-minute method, how to beat procrastination, and how to spend more time in your flow state. If you are an overthinker, constantly worried about making the right choices, then this is the episode that will get you believing you can be who you want to be.
    During this interview, you'll learn...
    The power of the 15-Minute Method How to spend more time in your flow The importance of overcoming procrastination To find out more about Sam, click here.
    To explore the Get it done! Daily Practicum, visit this link.
    Connect with Sam on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram
    Time Stamps

    01:35 - Sam discussses her career journey 
    04:30 - Adjusting to a new reality 
    10:10 - The power of 15 minutes 
    17:43 - Getting to grips with procrastination
    20:58 - Building time in your flow state 
    32:03 - The daily practicum 
    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Forwardly!
    With Forwardly, you can send free instant payments while keeping funds in your bank longer, receive instant payments for 80% less than credit card fees and enjoy same-day ACH—absolutely free!
    The best part?
    You can leap into the future of business payments with Forwardly and possibly earn yourself a FREE iPhone 15 Pro this summer!
    Visit thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com/forwardly for more information! 

    • 40 min
    EP422: Peter Cook - 7 Effective Strategies For Marketing Your Bookkeeping Business

    EP422: Peter Cook - 7 Effective Strategies For Marketing Your Bookkeeping Business

    “The sales conversation isn’t about the details of how we do the bookkeeping, it's about, what are the benefits of that for a business owner.”
    -Peter Cook

    Most of us would say that referrals have been our best avenues to new business. Yet when quizzed about how we get them, many of us have no system or proactive approach in place with which to attract them. 

    It’s a fine line, make too many cold calls/posts and no one will take us seriously, but sitting back and waiting for things to happen to us, doesn’t yield positive results either. This coupled with the issue that most of us are good at bookkeeping, not marketing, can make gaining and retaining clients a real problem.

    Peter Cook, co-author of The E-Myth Bookkeeper and co-founder of Pure Bookkeeping, is this episode’s featured guest. He takes a deeper look at effective systems and strategies for marketing, and how prioritizing meaningful connections can make all the difference.

    If you are unsure how to market yourself, but not really gaining any meaningful leads, then this is the episode to help you move away from telling people what you’re good at, and start actively showing them.

    During this interview, you'll learn...
    The value of letting your skills speak for themselves  How to build meaningful relationships The importance of being proactive in your approach to referrals To find out more about Peter, click here.
    Connect with him on LinkedIn.
    Get your copy of The E-Myth Bookkeeper.
    To learn about Pure Bookkeeping, visit this link.
    Catch-up on the full E-Myth Bookkeeper Peter Cook podcast series with past episodes below!
    Episode 1
    Episode 2 
    Episode 3
    Episode 4
    Time Stamps
    02:09 - Growing your bookkeeping business 
    08:10 - Systems for marketing 
    13:00 - Seven effective marketing strategies for bookkeepers
    16:52 - Building meaningful relationships
    24:22 - Creating referral systems 
    28:30 - Is paid advertising worth it? 

    • 36 min
    EP421: Spotlight - Joe Woodard - Conquering The Pricing & Service Dilemma

    EP421: Spotlight - Joe Woodard - Conquering The Pricing & Service Dilemma

    “We are in a supply/demand economy that favours the suppliers. And it's economics 101, if you have a supply shortage that can’t meet all the demand of the market, then you increase price.”
    -Joe Woodard
    Compliance is one of the biggest realms of challenge for bookkeepers, but it also provides consistent opportunity. The rules and regulations change so frequently that it can be hard to keep up, and if we feel that way, just imagine how non-bookkeeping businesses feel about it.
    Supply and demand rule the market, and there is always going to be a supply of potential clients who would rather just pay someone to take care of the books for them. Despite this, we have to be careful not to fall into the trap of undercharging and over-promising. 
    Having hundreds of clients might feel like a success, but it probably doesn’t to the clients who barely get any of our time and, of course, if you're overworked for long enough, burnout will likely be in your future.
    Joe Woodard, acclaimed speaker and trainer, is this spotlight episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping businesses solve their complex operational needs and scale to new heights. In this episode, Joe and Louie Prosperi explore the importance of pricing, how to value your skills and experience and the role practice, planning and AI have in your business. 
    If you are taking on more and more clients but are starting to fall behind your promises, then this is the episode to get you focused on building connections and pricing based on your unique abilities, not just how many people you can get on board.
    During this interview, you'll learn...
    The value of having a solid plan & sticking to it How to value your skills & experience The importance of knowing your worth when it comes to pricing To find out more about Joe, click here.
    Connect with him on LinkedIn.
    To buy your tickets for the upcoming Scaling New Heights conference, check out this link.
    Time Stamps
    01:30 - Getting to grips with compliance 
    04:35 - Making the best of engagement letters 
    06:55 - Staying on track 
    09:54 - Knowing your price 
    18:25 - Thinking long-term 
    24:40 - Valuation & profitability 
    29:58 - Practice, planning and AI

    • 39 min
    EP420: Lora Lonesberry - Future Thinking: Building A Business Beyond AI

    EP420: Lora Lonesberry - Future Thinking: Building A Business Beyond AI

    “If you want to stay viable in your bookkeeping business, you’re going to have to make that shift, and make your customers understand that they need you, and value you and your thought process that AI can’t do for them.”
    -Lora Lonesberry
    There can be no doubt that AI is changing our world. Yet we are not all as doomed to be replaced by technology as some would have us believe. AI, like all new inventions, offers us the chance to grow, by embracing a technology that can make our lives easier, while giving us more time to focus on the unique insights only we can provide. 
    Without challenges there can be no growth, they keep us on the cutting edge of industry, daring us to keep up, deepening our skill set, experience and knowledge. Experience that clients are in desperate need of. AI can do the numbers faster than us, but it can’t contextualize them for the specific needs of a client. It can’t understand the dreams and hopes tied up in our client’s businesses. 
    Lora Lonesberry, owner of Positive Statements, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her varied career helping people get proactive and creative when facing the challenges of business and personal growth. She speaks to the power of finding your niche and leveraging your unique skills to overcome any challenge and the need for strong community networks. 
    If you are struggling to keep up, and don’t know which tools to use or how to leverage your skills, then this is the episode to get you asking the question; ‘What might your business look like if you implemented strategies to use AI to enhance, not replace, your services?’
    During this interview, you'll learn...
    How to leverage AI to improve the success of your business The value of thinking about the little things The importance of community & networking  To find out more about Lora, click here.
    Connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.
    Time Stamps
    01:47 - Making the most of changes 
    04:18 - Embracing a change in thinking
    07:06 - Getting to grips with AI
    21:08 - Thinking about the little things 
    26:04 - Levelling up on your gaps 
    30:32 - Finding your niche

    • 36 min
    EP419: Peter Cook - Following The Plan: The Bookkeeper’s Journey

    EP419: Peter Cook - Following The Plan: The Bookkeeper’s Journey

    “People do that with their bookkeeping business, they start, they want to get some clients and they want to make some money, but they actually really have no idea what the journey looks like and where they are trying to get to. It’s a very different experience if you don’t know where you’re trying to get to.”
    -Peter Cook
    There is a common misconception among business owners, that we are never truly successful unless we can claim to have done everything ourselves. While there are advantages to stepping out of others’ shadows, it’s also far more likely we'll get burned. 
    There is nothing wrong with taking stock of what other business owners are doing and seeing how we might apply their approach to our own bookkeeping business. Walking the same path as someone else doesn’t mean trying to walk precisely in their footprints. It’s just a chance for us to enjoy a slightly easier path made possible by those who walked it before us. 
    Peter Cook, co-author of The E-Myth Bookkeeper and co-founder of Pure Bookkeeping, is this episode’s featured guest. This fourth episode on The E-Myth Bookkeeper series explores the bookkeeper’s journey, the challenges of transitioning your business, and why sticking to the plan can make all the difference. 
    If you are struggling to let go of old ideas about success, aren’t sure how to move your business to the next phase of prosperity, or just want to get a better idea of what to expect on your journey, then this is the episode to show you it's okay to follow the trail.
    During this interview, you'll learn...
    The value of sticking to the plan How to navigate transitioning your business   The importance of understanding the phases of your business  To find out more about Peter, click here.
    Connect with him on LinkedIn.
    Get your copy of The E-Myth Bookkeeper.
    Catch-up on the full E-Myth Bookkeeper with Peter Cook series with past episodes below!
    Episode 1
    Episode 2 
    Episode 3
    Time Stamps
    02:01 - The bookkeeping business journey 
    07:41 - Helping bookkeepers grow their businesses 
    10:30 - The four stages of a bookkeeping business
    16:26 - The challenges of transitioning your business 
    24:21 - Creating your freedom 

    • 30 min
    EP418: Racheal Cook - Level Up! Freedom From Entrepreneurial Poverty

    EP418: Racheal Cook - Level Up! Freedom From Entrepreneurial Poverty

    “You have to be willing to think a little bit differently about your business. If you follow what everyone else is doing, you’re going to get the same results everybody got.”
    -Racheal Cook
    Building a business is hard. There are so many barriers to success that the last thing we need is to get in our own way, either by supremely undervaluing our skills, or dramatically overestimating the market for them. We all want to follow our passions, but we need to temper that desire with the real-world potential of earning from it. 
    We start our own businesses to gain the flexibility and freedom often not afforded to us elsewhere. But we must be careful not to let our pricing trap us into a situation where we may be our boss but have no time or energy for anything else. 
    Racheal Cook, owner of the CEO Collective and host of the Promote Yourself To CEO podcast, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career helping women create sustainable success on their own terms. She speaks to the power of breaking free of entrepreneurial poverty, how to price your value, and why investing in relationships matters. 
    If you are struggling, unsure why everyone else seems so successful, but you are working more and more hours and only being rewarded with less time and energy, then this is the episode to help level up your thinking into a more proactive and strategic mindset. 
    During this interview, you'll learn...
    The value of investing in relationships How to break free of entrepreneurial poverty The importance of pricing for the value of your skills To find out more about Racheal, click here. 
    Connect with her on LinkedIn and Instagram.
    Listen to Racheal's Promote Yourself To CEO podcast.
    Time Stamps    
    01:37 - Racheal discusses her career journey 
    04:05 - Eliminating entrepreneurial poverty
    08:12 - Finding the value in your offering
    11:05 - Pricing for your business
    13:01 - Underpriced & overworked 
    17:50 - Lifetime client value
    27:35 - Committing to building relationships 
    32:10 - Promote yourself to CEO
    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Sage!
    On May 30th at 5:30pm ET, join their team for an exciting night in Toronto to celebrate the launch of their new product, Sage for Accountants. :)
    Meet fellow colleagues, enjoy free drinks and food, experience amazing entertainment, and best of all, get a chance to win an evening at the all-inclusive Blue Jays Suite! 
    Spots are limited so make sure you secure your tickets TODAY by clicking this link. It's a party you don't want to miss!

    • 34 min

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