100 episodes




Tierra讲故事 100个睡前英文故‪事‬ 啼啦啦

    • Education




    Napoleon Was Ill (拿破仑病了)

    Napoleon Was Ill (拿破仑病了)

    Napoleon Was Ill  Jack had gone to the university to study history, but at the end of his first year, his history professor failed him in his examinations, and he was told that he would have to leave the university. However, his father decided that he would go to see the professor to urge him to let Jack continue his studies the following year.“He‘s a good boy.” said Jack’s father,“and if you let him pass this time, I‘m sure he’ll improve a lot next year and pass the examinations at the end of it really well.”“No, no, that‘s quite impossible." replied the professor immediately. "Do you know, last month I asked him when Napoleon had died, he didn't know!”“Please, sir, give him another chance,”said Jack’s father. “You see, I‘m afraid we don’t take any newspaper in our house, so none of us even know that Napoleon was ill.”  拿破仑病了  杰克到一所大学去学历史。第一学期结束时,历史课教授没让他及格。学校让他退学。然而,杰克的父亲决定去见教授,强烈要求让杰克继续来年的学业。  “他是个好孩子,”杰克的父亲说:“您要是让他这次及格,我相信他明年会有很大进步,学期结束时,他一定会考好的。”  “不,不,那不可能,”教授马上回答。“你知道吗?上个月我问他拿破仑什么时候死的,他都不知道。”  “先生,请再给他一次机会吧。”杰克的父亲说:“你不知道,恐怕是因为我们家没有订报纸。我们家的人连拿破仑病了都不知道。”

    • 1 min
    The King and His Stories (国王和他的故事)

    The King and His Stories (国王和他的故事)

         Once there was a king. He likes to write stories, but his stories were not good. As people were afraid of him, they all said his stories were good。  从前有一个国王,他喜欢写故事,但是他写的故事很不好。人们怕他,都说他的故事好。  One day the king showed his stories to a famous writer. He waited the writer to praise these stories. But the writer said his stories were so bad that he should throw them into fire. The king got very angry with him and sent him to prison。  有一天国王把他的故事给一名作家看,他想要作家赞扬他的这些故事,而作家说他的故事是如此的差以至于该扔进火里。国王很生气,把他送到监狱。  After some time, the king set him free. Again he showed him some of his new stories and asked what he thought of them。  过了些日子,国王给了作家自由。国王重新将自己的一些新故事给作家看并问他感觉怎么样。  After reading them, the writer at once turned to the soldiers and said: “Take me back to prison, please。”  作家看了之后立刻转身对士兵说着;“请把我送回监狱吧。”

    • 1 min
    Grandpa's Cooking(爷爷的秘方)

    Grandpa's Cooking(爷爷的秘方)

    Ella loves her grandpa(艾拉喜欢她的爷爷。). He comes to visit her about once a month(爷爷每个月都会来看她。). She wishes he came to visit every week( 每个星期艾拉都盼望着爷爷的到来)because he tells great stories and makes her favorite dinner(因为他会讲好听的故事还会给她做她最喜欢的晚餐。). Ella asks her mom to make the barbeque chicken that Grandpa makes(艾拉让妈妈学着做爷爷做的烤鸡。). Ella's mother says, "I will try, but no one makes as well as Grandpa does." (艾拉的妈妈说:“我试一试,但是没有人能跟爷爷做的一样好。)Ella watches her mom prepare the sauces for the chicken.(艾拉看着妈妈准备烤鸡的酱汁。)It looks tasty. (看上去好美味呀。)When the chicken is finished cooking,(当烤鸡做完的时候) Ella's family sits down to eat. (艾拉一家坐下来一起享用。)Her mom was right. (她的妈妈说的对。)No one makes the barbeque chicken as well as Grandpa. (没有人做烤鸡做的跟爷爷一样好吃。)The next time her grandpa comes to visit, (下一次爷爷来看她的时候)Ella tells him the story about her mom trying to make the chicken. (艾拉告诉了爷爷妈妈尝试做烤鸡的事情。)Her grandpa says, "Does a great story?"(她爷爷说:”多棒的故事呀。“)Then he teaches Ella and her mom to make the chicken.(然后他教艾拉和妈妈做烤鸡。) Ella and her mom make the chicken once a week.(艾拉和妈妈每周做一次烤鸡。)But it still tastes not quite as good as Grandpa's.(但是尝起来还是不如爷爷做的好吃。)Ella loves her grandpa.(艾拉爱爷爷。)
    Word list:(词汇列表)
    prepare: to get something ready;(准备)
    tasty: very good, delicious.(好吃)

    • 2 min
    I Want To Be a(我想成为一个…)

    I Want To Be a(我想成为一个…)

    My father is a firefighter.(我爸爸是一个消防员。) My mother works in a supermarket.(我妈妈在超市工作。) My grandfather works at a city hall.(我爷爷在市政厅工作。)And my grandmother works in a daycare centre. (我奶奶在托儿所工作。)My neighbor drives a taxi.(我的邻居开出租车。) I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up.(我不太确定我长大以后要做什么。) I like animals(我喜欢动物), so maybe I work in a zoo or be a vet.(所以可能我会去动物园或者动物诊所工作吧。)I also like food(我也喜欢食物), so maybe I can  be a waitress or a chef. (所以也许我会成为一个服务生或者一个大厨。)Another thing I like is dressing up.(我也喜欢打扮。) So maybe a clothing designer, a photographer or a hair stylist would be good choices.(所以做一个服装设计师,一个摄影师或者一个发型师也说不定。)I could also be a teacher, a doctor or a dancer. (我也可能做一个老师,医生或者舞者。)My grandmother told me that if I study hard(我奶奶告诉我如果我努力学习), I will have more choices about what I want to be when I grow up.(等我长大以后,还有更多的选择去做想做的事情。) She also says that I should learn more things(她还说我应该学习更多的事情), then later I can decide what I like to do and what I am good at. (然后我就能决定我喜欢做什么以及擅长什么了。)I think this is a really good idea. (我觉得这是个好想法。)
    Word list: (词汇列表)
    daycare centre: a place where parents who work can take their children to be taken care of; (日托中心,托儿所)
    chef: a person who cooks in a restaurant; (主厨,大厨)
    hair stylist: a person who cuts and styles hair as a job.(发型师)

    • 2 min
    Hunter The Wonder Dog(亨特,神奇的狗狗)

    Hunter The Wonder Dog(亨特,神奇的狗狗)

    Hunter was a special dog(亨特是个特别的狗狗). One day, Hunter was playing with his friend Toby Green(有一天,亨特正在跟朋友托比格林一起玩。). After a while, Toby began to play on the slide(过了一会,托比开始玩滑梯。). Hunter wanted to play on the slide, too(亨特也想玩滑梯。). He climbed up the ladder(他爬上了梯子), and then slid down the slide!(然后滑下了滑梯。) Toby asked Hunter to do it again(托比让亨特再玩一次), but Hunter didn't want to(但是亨特不想玩了). He did it once, and that was fine for him(他玩过一次,就够了).
    The next day, Mr. Green sent Hunter outside to get the morning newspaper(第二天,格林先生让亨特去外面拿早上的报纸。). After a while, Mr. Green opened the door for Hunter(过了一会,格林先生打开门), but there was no newspaper in Hunter's mouth(但是亨特的嘴里并没有报纸。). Mr. Green told Hunter again to get the newspaper(格林先生再次告诉亨特要拿报纸。). Hunter looked sad(亨特看上去很伤心), but he went out anyway(但他还是出去了). Again he came back with no newspaper(回来的时候还是没有报纸).
    Just then, Mrs. Green came home(就在那个时候,格林夫人回家了。). She asked why Mr. Green was angry(她问格林先生为什么生气。). He told her that Hunter wouldn't get the newspaper for him(他告诉她亨特没有为他拿报纸。). Mrs. Green laughed(格林夫人笑了。). She reminded Mr. Green that it was Sunday(她提醒格林先生那天是周日。) ... and that there was no morning newspaper on Sundays!(周日是没有早上的报纸的!)
    Word list:(词汇列表)
    slide: a large toy which children may go down for fun;(滑梯)
    remind: to help someone remember.(提醒)

    • 2 min
    Rainy Day Fun(下雨天的乐趣)

    Rainy Day Fun(下雨天的乐趣)

    One rainy day afternoon(一个下雨天的下午), my friend Sharon and I decided to play grocery store(我的朋友莎伦和我决定玩杂货铺的游戏). We went to the garage and set up four empty boxes for our shelves. (我们去了车库,搭了四个空箱子做我们的货架。)Mom let us have all the canned food from the pantry to play with.(妈妈允许我们把所有的罐装食物从储藏室里拿出来玩。) We wrote prices on little strips of paper and taped them to the cans.(我们在小纸条上写了价格,t贴在了罐子上。)We put our cash register on the old table in the garage. (我们把收银机放在了车库的旧桌子上。)Then we got some play money out of a game in my closet.(然后我们从壁橱里拿了一些玩具钞票。) Sharon made signs that said, " Green Beans: 3 cans for $1." (莎伦装腔作势地说道:”青豆1块钱3罐。“There were lots of brown paper bags in the kitchen(在厨房有好多棕色的纸袋子), so we took some to put the groceries in.(我们就拿出了一些把杂货放进去。)When our cousins came over(当我们的表兄弟过来玩的时候), we gave them some play money and let them be the customers(我们就给他们一些巢片让他们扮演顾客。). Then we traded places(然后我们再交换角色。). Who cares if it rains when you are having so much fun?(当你这么开心的时候,谁还会在乎下雨天呢?)
    Word list:(词汇列表)
    pantry: a storage area for food in the kitchen;(食品储藏室)
    customers: people who buy thinks in stores.(顾客)

    • 2 min

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