39 sec

Clutters Dada Poetry

    • Performing Arts


All these clutters in my mind,
Blocking the path I'm trying to find.
Like stuck in quicksand with each step,
Truly lost in a life I cannot comprehend.
Trying to let the smiles carry away the pain,
Letting the laughter flush it down the drain.
I'm going to walk tall toward the destination,
And let my heart roam free with imagination.


All these clutters in my mind,
Blocking the path I'm trying to find.
Like stuck in quicksand with each step,
Truly lost in a life I cannot comprehend.
Trying to let the smiles carry away the pain,
Letting the laughter flush it down the drain.
I'm going to walk tall toward the destination,
And let my heart roam free with imagination.

39 sec