47 min

Live In Boca Raton with Lee Hodgkinson (Tadawul Saudi), Isabelle Girolami (LCH Limited), and Mark Beeston (Illuminate Financial‪)‬ The Innovators’ Exchange by Oliver Wyman

    • Entrepreneurship

In this special episode of the Innovators' Exchange podcast, recorded during the Futures Industry Association Conference in Boca Raton, Florida, Hiten interviews three guests: Lee Hodgkinson, Chief Strategy Officer at Tadawul Saudi; Isabelle Girolami, CEO of LCH Limited; and Mark Beeston, Managing Partner of Illuminate Financial Management. The guests discuss various topics related to innovation in the financial industry.

Lee Hodgkinson shares insights on innovation in capital markets, highlighting key innovations such as electronic trading platforms, derivatives, and blockchain. Isabelle emphasizes the importance of innovation for resilience, efficiency, and delivering value to members and the financial community. Mark discusses the need for applied innovation and mentions digital assets, ESG, and private markets as exciting macro themes.

In a Q&A with questions from Innovators’ Exchange guest and CEO of Symphony Brad Levy, as well as Paul Humphrey, CEO of BMLL, the panel discuss the challenges and opportunities of innovation in the financial industry, including competition from mega tech companies and the need for agility and adaptability. They conclude by sharing their personal learnings and advice, including the importance of embracing failure and focusing on outcomes rather than just technology for technology's sake.

Key talking points include innovations in capital markets, challenges and opportunities in different regions, applied innovation, competition from mega tech companies, agility and adaptability, and personal learnings and advice.

In this special episode of the Innovators' Exchange podcast, recorded during the Futures Industry Association Conference in Boca Raton, Florida, Hiten interviews three guests: Lee Hodgkinson, Chief Strategy Officer at Tadawul Saudi; Isabelle Girolami, CEO of LCH Limited; and Mark Beeston, Managing Partner of Illuminate Financial Management. The guests discuss various topics related to innovation in the financial industry.

Lee Hodgkinson shares insights on innovation in capital markets, highlighting key innovations such as electronic trading platforms, derivatives, and blockchain. Isabelle emphasizes the importance of innovation for resilience, efficiency, and delivering value to members and the financial community. Mark discusses the need for applied innovation and mentions digital assets, ESG, and private markets as exciting macro themes.

In a Q&A with questions from Innovators’ Exchange guest and CEO of Symphony Brad Levy, as well as Paul Humphrey, CEO of BMLL, the panel discuss the challenges and opportunities of innovation in the financial industry, including competition from mega tech companies and the need for agility and adaptability. They conclude by sharing their personal learnings and advice, including the importance of embracing failure and focusing on outcomes rather than just technology for technology's sake.

Key talking points include innovations in capital markets, challenges and opportunities in different regions, applied innovation, competition from mega tech companies, agility and adaptability, and personal learnings and advice.

47 min